I Became a 6★ Gacha Character

Chapter 222: A Place Full of Stars 2

Chapter 222: A Place Full of Stars 2

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/Week Mon-Fri

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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When I came to my senses, I had received a mansion that could be used by my party members and me.

According to the princess, it was a gift from a noble who romantically admired adventurers...

Well, whether that's true or not isn't important.

It seems that the reward for reaching the 40th floor isn't from the Magic Tower but rather bestowed by the royal family.

Otherwise, the princess's burdensome level of favor wouldn't make sense.

A mansion that players could use as a base, magical tools, a necklace that aids in the recovery of health and mana, a badge from the princess acknowledging us as heroes, and all sorts of intangible benefits from being under the protection of the royal family and the temple.

At this point, even the most generous tree would be ashamed and consider changing its name.

"...Is this the end? I thought there would be more to it than just receiving rewards."

-So scared, couldn't even speak, what a bluff lol

-Recommendations for princess knight stories?

-So, if it's a 6, is there even a 1% chance of recruiting them as a companion?

-If you keep resetting, there might be a timeline where the princess knight runs away

-In a fantasy world where it's common for noble daughters to run away

And so, the encounter with another 6 character went smoothly without any major incidents.

No matter how exceptional the princess, a born 6, might be, I couldn't ask her to join the hero's party, and regardless of my internal doubts, there was no way I could refuse the 40th floor's reward and hold out.

After being treated to an ultra-luxurious meal that seemed straight out of a top Western restaurant and sipping on sweet yet strong wine that suited the mood, we parted ways after receiving the 40th-floor clear reward and royal gifts, respecting the will of the Goddess...

Is this what they call becoming acquainted?

"Princess, she was so beautiful...."

"I see why the nobles rave about her."

"She seems like a blessing from the Goddess to the royal family."

On the way back in the carriage, while Han Se-ah was chatting with her viewers, the party members also discussed the princess.

Naturally, it was all praise, as if they had been charmed according to their tastes.

At this rate, if Roland's charm is his sturdy body, then Bradamante's might well be her art of conversation.

Watching them blush and heap praise on the princess like fans hugged by their lifelong idol or maidens smitten with their first love, it was a credible thought.

Of course, I had received everything I was supposed to, and I was already completely captivated by the special magical tools given by the princess.

Air purification tools, laundry and drying tools, armor and clothing maintenance tools...

Essentially, they were the equivalent of top-grade household appliances from my previous life.

So, are we returning to the city right away?

Hm? Oh, Hanna, you must have missed it during our conversation earlier. We've been invited to stay one more day at the villa, and theyll provide a carriage for us in the morning.

It seems like a consideration for the player's comfort, and Han Se-ah is reaping the benefits.

Those kinds of appliances, after all, are the ones you dont realize you need until you no longer have them.

In fact, Roland's physique was so robust and healthy that he didn't need air conditioners or air purifiers.

But there's a difference in how one feels.

Enjoying web surfing under a thick cotton blanket with the air conditioner on was not about health, but about mood.

Thus, after a dinner where we received much without giving, we returned to the city of adventurers.

After receiving one more lavish treatment from the maids.


Raei Translations


Whether it was to showcase the royal family's impressive efficiency in handling matters, or to demonstrate the princess's influence, was unclear.

"This mansion is ours? Wow, it's as big as our family's villa. The princess is truly remarkable in many ways to give away such a thing."

"My goodness, it's quite large, isn't it?"

Returning to the city in a royal carriage, we found ourselves with a new house in the city of adventurers. A large two-story mansion, like a guild house in RPGs, complete with a gardener and maids; it seemed unmanageable without them.

I thought the carriage would drop us off at a reasonable distance, but was slow to realize the situation when it stopped right in front of the large mansion's iron gates.

Thus, we became the owners of a mansion managed by 2 'Diligent' butler Sebastian with his distinctive Pringles mustache, and 1 'Intelligent' brown-haired maid Emma, including the carriage we arrived in.

Are these two NPCs part of the story, joining the player as a kind of homage?

"Having a personal carriage will make it convenient to travel around for quests."

"Sebastian, the butler managing the mansion, says he'll hire a coachman if we want. It will definitely be more convenient."

Despite the significant improvement in our living standards, the party members had no intention of lazing around.

They each picked a room in the mansion and naturally began preparing for their next venture into the tower.

A necklace, a royal gift added to the tower equipment.

Even just wearing it seemed to enhance the natural recovery of health and mana a treasure intended for high nobility.

Planning to test their physical strength in the mansions garden... they headed to the guild's open ground instead, persuaded by a near-tearful Sebastian.

Naturally, Irene headed to the temple, Grace and Han Se-ah, who needed to use alchemy, went to the market, and Katie and I, curious about the physical recovery aspect, headed to the guild's open ground.

The party members naturally dispersed in different directions.

It seemed Han Se-ah's camera had much to capture in the bustling alchemy workshop, so she took it with her.

"A necklace that aids in physical recovery since it's given by the princess, there should be a meaningful difference, right?"

"A meaningful difference?"

"Sometimes, there are mages who try to deceive naive nobles. They claim something aids in physical recovery, but the efficiency is so low its like having slept an extra 10 minutes, or they say it helps gather mana but actually make it more difficult, providing only a sense of accomplishment."

It seems even in this world, there are those who prey on the ignorant.

Those mages are like swindlers selling signal-blocking stickers and super ion drinks to naive old men in the countryside.

Katie, giggling about how such fraudsters once came to the North only to be chased away into the snowy wilderness after a sound thrashing, draws her sword.

Simultaneously, her aura lowers the temperature of the training ground by several degrees.

It always strikes me how characters with ice attributes seem to easily disrupt the balance.

Then, to check the recovery effect, shall we go all out!

Sure, come at me.

Raising my shield, Katie naturally lunges at me.

Her azure-blue aura flickers, slicing through the cool air.

Of course, the equipment we received as a reward was focused on recovery, so it wasn't significantly more powerful than what we had a few days ago.

I deflect her sharply thrust sword with my aura-filled shield, feeling that the reflective damage passive didn't activate.

Since it's a passive that triggers upon taking hits, thinking about it, it's helpful for practicing deflection with the shield.

Katie, emitting her aura, practices distributing her stamina and mana during extended battles, while I practice deflecting aura with my shield.

Despite the level difference, my experience of relying on physical prowess in combat ensures I always have something to learn.

Phew - unbelievable! How do you deflect all of that?

If you break through too soon, it would make my adventurer career look pathetic.

Her sword, slightly longer than a one-handed sword but too short to be a two-hander, weaves through the air beautifully.

Her beautiful, aura-infused sword bends and then fiercely strikes, aiming for the neck and thighs, embroidering the air with elegance.

Of course, even with an unfamiliar weapon, there was no issue in blocking.

While I may have various stats that make me a capable dealer, Roland's body is, after all, a born 6 pure tanker.

The sharply lunging sword merely slices the air, and the sly, snakelike slashes aimed not at the neck but at the sturdy shield are deftly deflected to the side.

Katie's face flushes red as her flurry of sword strikes, like a relentless assault, are all parried.

Phew, whoa- Definitely, there's, an effect, really-!!

Is it recovering in real-time?

Yes, right! It's, less, exhausting than, usual, whoa!

However, what's astonishing is that the necklace, a reward from the 40th floor, is more effective than expected.

It's not just recovery in a non-combat state, but natural healing even during strenuous swordplay in battle.

Is that why she's wielding her sword so recklessly?

Now, she clenches her lips tightly, swinging her sword in a breathless assault.

As much as I would like to take a hit for her, it's risky in a spar using real swords one could get seriously injured.

Naturally, the one at risk of injury would be Katie, not me.

Trusting her health recovery accessory while swinging her sword so vigorously could be dangerous if my reflective damage kicks in.

Given her level, she wouldn't instantly die like a goblin, but a serious injury was definitely a possibility.

Haaa! Ah, haa....

So, how's the effect?

Phew... It's no joke. The kind used by the knight's order seems like child's play compared to this. I feel like I could fight again after catching my breath.

That's good to hear.

Despite swinging her sword frantically to the point of almost bursting her muscles, and holding her breath, the fact that she could wield her sword again just by regulating her breathing is half exciting, half worrying.

The reward for the 40th floor is better than expected, which leaves my mind a mix of joy and concern.

The 40th-floor boss was a nasty piece with legion-level minion summoning and invincibility gimmicks.

Being a necromancer and researcher who continuously produces soldiers, theres likely a time attack gimmick as well.

This implies that the boss on the yet-unreached 50th floor might have even more wicked or disgusting gimmicks.

Id rather face a simple-minded brute with overwhelming specs.

Such a foe, I could tackle with my body.

Roland? Roland, are you here!?

Oh, whats up?

Lost in thought, I'm startled by Ellis, who comes running breathlessly into the training ground.

Her neatly done blonde hair is disheveled from the rush as she hands me some papers.

It was about changes starting on the 41st floor.

The difficulty is, seriously, something else.

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