I Become Master of Danger Zones as Incubus With Mastery In Genetic

Chapter 104: Mystery of Grassy Hills

"Gwargh, rargh, frargh!"

A group of Demonic Goblins nodded, obeying the order of the Sole Greater Demonic Goblin. They quickly pulled the net, created from the thread of Thread Spiders, designed to capture the Giant Dragonfly.

It did not take long before a lone Giant Dragonfly flew towards the area, heading towards the trap. Behind it is a Alros, flying behind and chasing the dragonfly monster.

While the dragonfly is faster than the incubus, it strgth could not ev be compared to him, already seeing several of it's brethr getting captured by the demon.

So focus on flying away from the demon, that the bug did not notice the trap, flying into the net and letting out a screech as it was trapped. It tried to flew but goblins piled on it, stopping them from moving.

Alros flew towards the downed bug before putting his hand on it's head, subduing it in an instant.


"How many dragonflies we have caught, Laili?"

[ About 0, and all of it occupied in space, Master. ]

Alros let out a sigh. While the area is large and there are some conctration of Giant Dragonfly, there are some complication, namely the speed of the monsters.

With the monsters being so fast, and them flying sporadically, it make hunting and capturing them an exhausting job. Ev after spding three days and almost all of his clones slaves, slaves, and monsters in his disposal, only 0 Giant Dragonfly were caught.

"Let them breed. Trying to fill the lair would be troublesome," Alros said. With how annoying it is to capture 0, capturing another 0 would take more time, time that he can use in capturing other priorities.


Skipping the Misty Forest Area and the Giant Gold Bee Territory, he headed straight to the West Section. While there are no priorities target in the western part, there is a reason for him doing it.

Namely, the West Section had be a mystery to him, especially the Grassy Hills Section. Aside from there being no trees on top of it, there should be some bugs, ev a single one, yet, there is .

So, he decide to investigate the place. There should be some secret in the area, one he intd to find. It might help him, or there are some monsters that he did not spot before, so there could species that will make into his one of his priorities.

"This should be it," Alros said, the incubus looking a in apprehsion. Ev if he wanted to solve the mystery of the Grassy Hills, if there is no bugs here, there must be a good reason. And he is here to find the reason.

He quickly flew upward, wondering his next course of action. While flying would make it easier for him to be spotted, he had put an illusion on himself, making it so he look like another bug.

He flew towards the nearby Forested Hills, and find the tree that will give him the best vantage point. As he landed on it, he took out a spyglass, trying to see if he could spot anything from the distance.


"There seem to be no activities during the day. Maybe it active at night?" he mused, putting the spyglass away as the day observation had be fruitless. Though, it did cause him some dilemma, namely whether he should rest for tonight and the day after to observe what happed, or should he tough it out for the night.

In the d, he decided to tough it out, staying up for the night, though he do wonder if he should light some fire for vision or not.


"There also no activity during the night," Alros exclaimed, feeling some headache at the currt situation.

With there being no sign of movemt, there seem to be no bugs in the area for no particular reasons. Which cause him to get a little bit restless.

While he has become a demon, he still once an inquisitive scitist, ev if he had to not take into a more research type role due to wanting more funds for his experimt.

So, having such a juicy mystery like the Grassy Hills and unable to solve it annoyed the incubus somewhat.

"Maybe I should make the goblins watch for me, and if there is no bugs, a cloned slaves would do,"


"Looks like it is a bust, there seem to be no monsters in the are," Alros moaned, feeling defeated. Ev after sding a group of cloned slaves last night, there still nothing interesting happing.

At this rate, by the time he find the answer to the mystery, he would be few hundreds years old by th.

"One more night, th I will head to the cter region,"


Deciding to be the one that will observe for the night, he sleep early before waking up hours before sunset. So, he did not feel sleepy ev in such unholy hour. As he observed the place, light began to shine on the hills, courtesies of the moon.

And at that momt do the secrets of the Grassy Hills showed itself. Holes began to form on the hills, circular and perfectly in shape, numbered in dozs as all the hills in the Grassy Hills suffer the same phoma.

From the holes, creatures, ants he later realized, poured out of it as they looked at the night sky, before slowly glowing brighter. It did not take long before Alros realize they are absorbing the light of the moon.

As the ants absorbed the moonlight, they stopped after they reached a certain brightness, to which they began to move out, spreading all over the area.

Alros quickly realize at that momt that the hills in the Grassy Hills are not hills at all, but instead anthills of ludicrous sizes, and from how they did not attack one another and from the same species, it likely they all under one que.

He quickly flew, intd to see what the rulers of the Grassy Hills would do now.


Massacre, that's the only words that come to mind. The ants, one he dubbed Full Moon Ant for now is busy massacring any monsters that stood in their paths. None of the bugs that met them survive, being killed immediately and ported off to the anthills.

Though, it merely focused on the West Section and maybe some part of the North and Cter, but did not go elsewhere. As it raided the other colonies, Alros began to realize that it is not all it seemed.

The other hills are also nest of their own, but instead for ants, they are for differt bug species, using it as a defsible position against the Full Moon Ant Colony.

"But why do they act like this? Why do they only reveal themselves during the full moon?" he asked himself, more question forming at the back of his head.

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