I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 81 Crimson Eagle Sword Style!

81  Crimson Eagle Sword Style!

On top of the mountain, a young man was wearing a black suit with a red tie with a pair of red gloves in his hand. His black hair had slightly covered the glasses in his eyes. Yeah, this Fein currently meditating as he waits for Sofia.

Fein looked at the gradually rising red moon in the sky. He finds it strange why the moon became red this time. The Monster World doesn't have sun, but the inexplicable rainbow lights that provided the secret realm of light replaced it. And the lights which have a different color contain a rich amount of degu. Fein guess that this was the reason why the monsters and plants here have an exaggerated size.

Seeing that Sofia wasn't coming anytime soon. He decided to practice his newly inspired sword art. "Crimson Eagle Sword Style" was an upgraded version of the "Eagle Sword Style". If "Eagle Sword Style" focuses on sword energy slashes, then this upgrade version focuses on fast attacks, exploiting the speed and accuracy the state "Chess Perception" gave him.

Fein stood up in his place and first retrieve his Abyssal Death Blade and a matching scabbard. His new sword was entirely different from the other one. But they use the same essence. They both had the characteristics of eagles. Dominating and lethal.

Looking at the Abyss Death Blade in his hand, he put it into the scabbard. After making sure that everything is ready. Fein entered "Chess Perception". The surroundings became slower in his eyes, as if he was watching a 50x slower movie. His visual acuity was clearer than before.

 The smallest details and things that he won't notice normally are now amplified to a very precise degree. His perception became sensitive to the wind changes, temperature, and motions in the surrounding environment. Every time he enters this state he felt that he was in control. Fein can describe this state in one sentence. "He was blind, but now he can see."

Although he has 100% control over the body, now he has a feeling that he can manipulate his facial muscle in a limited manner to disguise his face when he wants. Fein realizes that his control of the body still has room for improvement and to reach a higher state.

He held the handle of the blade, and as he close his eyes to enter total concentration. He felt the surroundings become quiet.

'This is it, I felt it.' The feeling of lightness came from his arm. "Crimson Eagle Sword Art" was a combination of eagle style and the principles of his assassination techniques. This art prioritizes speed and only speed. He incorporates the principle of a flashing scabbard to his sword to reduce its resistance to friction, wind resistance, and gravity. Making it terrifyingly light. The Abyssal Blade, in itself, is already nearly weightless.

The combination of these principles and factors made the "Crimson Sword Eagle Style" a Supreme technique that focuses on speed and precision. Fein took a deep breath as his heartbeat slowed down significantly and gripped the blade hard.

Fein made a slashing motion in the blink of an eye. In 0.1 seconds, the blade made a terrifying white light that swept the river and huge trees in the distance. The most noticeable thing was that Fein's blade was already in the scabbard. His act of sheathing and unsheathing was so fast, as if it didn't even move in the first place.

He opened his eyes, and two seconds later, the trees that looked intact collapsed simultaneously. A neat dividing line emerged from the bodies of the tree. Even the river had stopped flowing for at least 2 seconds before it produces a vortex, producing a strong pulling force on the water signifying that something must have happened on the river bed.

'It's a success,' Fein smiled. He felt a sense of pride after successfully making a sword art by himself.

Fein liked this fighting style more. Killing an enemy instantly that they won't even have the chance to blink their eyes. For him, speed is supreme, speed is power, and as long as you're fast enough, a wood could even become sharper in your hands. A stick could even penetrate steel. Well, that was if your speed has reached the speed of light though. Reaching the speed of light, in theory, is almost impossible.

Now, his fighting style is a combination of both "Crimson Eagle Sword Art" and "Chess Perception" which gave him a terrifying speed, accuracy, and lethality. He was confident that he would beat his previous self with ease with his current fighting style.

Practicing this technique was easy because he was the one who created it. With A-level sword talent and sword practice every day. His foundation was fairly stable, making it easy for him to master and learn techniques. Fein couldn't lament how far had his talent reached.

He couldn't imagine what would happen if someday he reached the limit of the talent upgrade. Could he finally create a technique that would boost his speed to half the speed of light at that time or even reach it? A desire was silently ignited in his heart, unknown to him.

Dreaming isn't wrong. Because what would be the difference between a living person and a corpse if you don't even have a dream? Don't you just want to live like a salted fish? If it was the previous Fein, he would likely agree. But now, his perspective has changed. As he doesn't want to feel powerless like a normal person.

Living peacefully can only be achieved when you are strong enough. Everything requires strength. That's why even if he can't achieve his goal. He would die trying. This path has a high failure rate, but he was determined to gamble. He knew that he could fail at any time. But we would die anyway. Why not die trying to pursue your dreams? Time is long for those people who are content with the status quo, but time is shorter for those who are really trying.

Fein is the type of person that isn't afraid of failure. What he's afraid of was for him to fail without even trying. And that is more pathetic, in his opinion. Countless people sought to have the opportunity to change their lives, yet they didn't even have the chance to.

Now that he has this chance, he won't stop just because he fears death. He would strive to control his fate and live a life devoid of regrets! And this is only possible if he becomes strong enough.


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