I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 928 You're Not Alone

Meanwhile, the giant sheep, after witnessing the fate of its lizard buddy, was quaking in its hooves. You could practically see the fear oozing from its massive frame. But Amara wasn't about to let this woolly monster off the hook.

The giant sheep was seriously pissed off by the sorry state of its lizard buddy. Seeing its companion with just one arm left made the sheep's eyes glow red with fury. Without wasting a moment, it charged at Amara, causing the ground to quake under its colossal weight. Each step left deep impressions on the ground, like it was stomping out its anger.

Amara, caught off guard by the wild charge, felt a pang of nervousness shoot through her. I mean, who wouldn't be nervous when facing a giant sheep with a vendetta? She quickly formed an ice spear and hurled it at the beast, hoping to give it a taste of her icy power. But guess what? The sheep's fur was like freakin' armor! The spear bounced off it like it was nothing. Amara's face twisted in disbelief as she realized her attack was about as effective as throwing snowballs at a tank. "No this won't work!"

In a desperate bid to escape the sheep's wrath, Amara took to the sky, her body propelled by some crazy wing-like eyes that sprouted from her back. But this sheep wasn't backing down. Nope, not even close. It lunged forward with a determination that would put an Olympic sprinter to shame. 


The impact was brutal. Amara let out a cry of pain, blood spewing from her mouth like a gruesome fountain. It was like being hit by a freight train.

But Amara wasn't one to stay down for long. Despite the agony coursing through her, she fought to regain control. Her face contorted in pain, her eyes locked on the giant sheep.

The giant sheep, standing there all proud and puffed up, relished in its victory. It had managed to deliver a devastating blow, proving that size does matter. "Puny human... This is the different between us."

Amara, battered and bruised, struggled to her feet. Blood stained her face. "Don't be so sure of yourself yet."

As the dust settled from the intense clash between Amara and the giant sheep, the humanoid lizard monster, who had witnessed the sheep's vengeance, couldn't help but let out a sinister chuckle. The corners of its snout curled into a wicked smirk as it directed its attention toward Amara. In a mocking tone, it ridiculed her, taunting her for daring to freeze its companion's arm.

The lizard's voice, filled with a mix of arrogance and malice, echoed through the battlefield. It growled at Amara, its eyes narrowing with a predatory gaze. "How dare you think a little ice could stop me?" it sneered, venom dripping from its words. Amara felt a shiver run down her spine as the lizard's words resonated in her ears, filling her with a sense of dread.

But then, something truly unsettling happened. In an instant, the humanoid lizard's missing arm regrew before Amara's eyes. It was like witnessing a grotesque magic trick as flesh and sinew twisted and reshaped, seamlessly restoring what had been lost. The lizard's regeneration ability was nothing short of terrifying, and Amara couldn't help but feel a wave of unease wash over her.

The surrounding crowd, comprised of both humans and monsters, began to murmur amongst themselves. Whispers of concern and doubt filled the air as they observed the disadvantageous position Amara found herself in. Two formidable opponents now stood against her—a towering sheep with brute strength and a lizard monster with swift regeneration. It seemed like an insurmountable challenge.

Some voiced their worries, pointing out the odds stacked against Amara. They exchanged comments about the sheer power of the duo she faced. "Two against one? Poor girl doesn't stand a chance," one person murmured, shaking their head in pity. Another added, "That lizard's regeneration is no joke. She's in deep trouble."

Amara herself, though feeling the weight of the odds against her, refused to let fear consume her. 

As the tension in the battlefield reached its peak, just as the humanoid lizard monster was about to resume its attack on Amara, a sudden figure bathed in a radiant blue light materialized beside the lizard. It was none other than Ren, the formidable warrior who had previously dispatched the centaur and orc with ease. With an air of authority, he grabbed hold of the lizard, effortlessly overpowering its struggling form, and threw it to the ground like a discarded rag.

Amara's eyes widened in surprise and relief as she witnessed Ren's timely intervention. She turned to face him, a mixture of gratitude and determination etched on her features. "Ren," she uttered, her voice laced with gratitude. "I forgot you're here. Thank you."

Ren's gaze met Amara's, his expression resolute. He pointed to himself, emphasizing his presence and solidarity. "Idiot, you're not alone," he stated with a deep voice.

With Ren by her side, Amara's confidence soared. She turned her attention to the towering sheep that still loomed before her, its massive size and formidable strength serving as a stark reminder of the challenge that lay ahead. The sheep, its eyes filled with a mixture of arrogance and amusement, addressed Amara in a sarcastic tone. "Oh, do you really think you can penetrate my furry defense?" it taunted, its voice laced with scorn.

Amara's face hardened, her determination burning bright. She locked eyes with the sheep, her voice steady and resolute. "I may not have the advantage of size and strength, but I have something you don't," she retorted, her words dripping with conviction. "I have strategy, skill, and the unwavering will to overcome any obstacle."

The sheep's laughter boomed through the air, its echoes reverberating across the battlefield. It arrogantly dismissed Amara's words, confident in its own invincibility. "Strategy, skill, and willpower?" it mocked. "We'll see just how far those will take you. In the face of absolute strength, all trickeries are useless!"

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