I Got Isekai’d, Well Shyt!

Vol.3 Ch.221 He’s Getting His Second Chance.

Vol.3 Ch.221 He’s Getting His Second Chance.

The morning sun cast a golden glow over the Royal Estate as the staff diligently carried out their customary tasks, setting the stage for another day of regal elegance.

"Good Morning, Mr. Tiberius," one of the maids said.

"Good morning," he said as he was getting dressed.

"I heard from the cook that the King came into Lomar last night... But I haven't seen him yet," she said.

"Yes, he seemed tired from his trip. His Majesty visited the Queen's chambers," he said as he finished getting ready and walked out of the room.

"You think Her Majesty kicked him out again?" the maid asked.

"Who knows... Rumors would have spread at some point if it did, but I haven't heard anything yet," Tiberius said as he went downstairs.

As Tiberius got closer to the foyer. He spotted the carriage with the Royal Council insignia on it. Tiberius saw that the first footman was already there to greet their guests.

Tiberius then saw that the door to the carriage opened, and a tall and slender middle-aged man stepped out. He wore an expensive dark green coat with gold trim, black trousers, and a black cravat. It was the King's Head of Council, Lord Brice, and he was followed by four others who were his aides.

"Welcome to The Seat of the Queen, Lord Brice," the first footman said as the other servants bowed.

"Thank you," Lord Brice greeted the footman before he glanced around the foyer, "Where are his and her Majesty?"

Tiberius dashed out of the grand estate doors to welcome the esteemed Head of Fiafyr.

"Lord Brice, the King and Queen are not prepared for your arrival yet," Tiberius informed with a respectful bow, "So they have not been notified."

"Well... Coming here without any notice was definitely a mistake on my part," he admitted to the Underbutler.

"That is quite alright, Lord Brice. It is always a pleasure to have you here. If you wish, I can take you to the dining room so you can wait for the King and Queen. I'll see to it that Mr. Campbell will bring you some tea while informing Mr. Rogers, the Steward of The Seat of the Queen's estate, that you're here," Tiberius said.

"Thank you, that would be wonderful," Lord Brice said.

"This way, My Lord," Tiberius said to his staff, leading Lord Brice and his aides to the dining room.


Rianna and Cyndre were wrapped in each other's arms, nestled in the opulent Queen's chambers. The room was disheveled, and the weariness of their night's passionate endeavors was evident on both of their faces.

A contented smile graced her lips as Rianna rested her head on her husband's chest. The gentle, golden sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm, dreamy glow over the peaceful scene.

"Hmmm," Rianna murmured as she was half awake. She didn't know if what happened last night was real or a dream. But it was the best night she's ever had in a long time.

"Dammit... Ever since that Dark Elf healed my body, my mind has been in a fog. It's like I'm dreaming, but everything feels so real. I can't believe I fantasized about Cyndre again and forgave him so easily. What's wrong with me?" she thought.

Cyndre's chest rose and fell as he took a deep breath, lifting his wife's head up and down. Rianna's eyes snapped open, and she gazed up slowly, the realization dawning on her that what she was experiencing was not just a figment of her imagination.

'Oh Goddess! It was real!? I had sex with Cyndre, and I said all those things to him about wanting another baby!?... T-This is embarrassing! I can't let anyone know about this! What would the Kingdom think if their Queen acted like a... like a... whore!?' she thought.

The Queen's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she dwelled on the events of the previous night. Her thoughts raced until she felt the comforting sensation of her husband's fingers gently running through her hair.

"Did you have a restful sleep, my queen?" he asked in a gentle, soothing voice.

Rianna's cheeks flushed a deeper shade of crimson as she struggled to find the right words to respond to him.

"Ah, I... I actually slept really well," she mumbled, still feeling the lingering embarrassment from the events of last night.

"That's good, my queen... Thank you... I know I haven't finished my goals yet to regain your trust... But I promise to do my best to fulfill your request... I want you to know that I love you... And I won't disappoint you," he assured her.

Rianna's heart pounded as she heard him say those words. How is she supposed to send him back to the dog house after he has shown his devotion and love for her?

"Cyn... I..." she started, but his gentle touch on her neck's soft, delicate skin cut off her words.

Rianna was unable to resist as she leaned into his embrace. She let out a soft sigh, her body melting into his strong, muscular form.

"I'll try and do better... If I can make you happy, I will," he said as his fingers went down her neck and to her collarbone.

His gentle touch sent shivers down Rianna's spine. The Queen's breath quickened as her excitement grew.

'N-Not again!... Nagh! F-Forgiving him is one thing... But falling victim to his charms a second time is another!... I can't allow him to do whatever he wants with my body!... B-But, it feels so good—I need to get away from him before it's too late,' she thought.

"I... I need to take a bath," she stammered, feeling overwhelmed by her emotions and desperate to get away from his presence before her body betrayed her once more.

"Very well," he said with a soft chuckle as his fingers went through her hair and rested on her shoulder, giving her goosebumps. He noticed that her cheeks were flushed, and she looked embarrassed.

"I-I will call for the maid," she said as she crawled over her husband toward the rope by the nightstand that rang the bell for her servants.

Before Rianna could pull the rope, her husband gently grabbed her wrist, stopping her. She looked at him with a startled expression, her heart pounding.

"There is no need, my queen," he said, as his other arm wrapped around her naked waist and pulled her towards him.

"Cyndre?" she said, as her heart was pounding faster and her breathing was growing shallow.

He then rolled her over onto her back and got on top of her.

"Don't worry, my queen. I'll call for them... Once I take care of something first," he said, as his arms were on both sides of her.

She could feel the warmth of his skin, and her heart was beating fast. Her mind was blank, and her emotions were going crazy.

"Cyndre?... What... What are you doing?" she asked, as her heart skipped a beat when she locked eyes with him.

"I'm just giving you what you desire, my queen," he said.

"I-I can't do this now. We have too much to do," she retorted.

"That can wait. You are my priority, and it's my fault that you are in this state... I need to fix it by satisfying my queen before we begin the day," he said as he brought his lips to hers.

Her mind was screaming that this was wrong and she had to stop, but her heart and body were saying otherwise. Her body wanted him, and her heart needed him.

As he kissed her passionately, her mind was clouded with lust. His strong hands roamed over her body, exploring every inch of her. She felt his hands reach her hips, and his thumbs traced her curves. She could feel his warm breath on her neck as his mouth trailed down to her shoulder. She shivered from his touch.

'This is wrong. I shouldn't be doing this... But... It feels so good... Why does he have to make me feel this way?... Goddess! What is wrong with me!? I-I'm acting like a virgin all over again!' she thought as his hands squeezed her soft, supple flesh.

She couldn't believe that she was letting him touch her like this. His fingers kneaded her skin and massaged her muscles. It felt so nice to be pampered by her husband.

'Damn him!... Why is he doing this to me?' she thought, as her nipples were stiff and erect.

She could feel the heat of his body against hers as his hands moved over her and her legs subconsciously spread for him.

'This is wrong. We shouldn't be doing this! Not here! Someone might hear us,' she thought as her face flushed and her body burned up.

"Cyn-Cyndre... Stop," she moaned, as her mind was screaming no.

"It's ok, my queen," he said as he brought his face close to hers and kissed her gently on the lips. Her willpower was fading, and she knew she couldn't fight back anymore. Cyndre positioned himself between her legs, and he pressed his hardened member against her lower lips.

She felt his warm, firm hands caressing her sensitive areas as his fingers rubbed against her inner walls.

"AHHH!" Rianna quickly covered her mouth with her hand as his fingers found her clit.

'Fuck! That feels so good! He's playing me like a fiddle!... N-No... NO! I won't let him control me anymore,' she thought as she tried to push him away, but that just caused her to get even more turned on.

His fingers were now moving slowly and deliberately rubbed her clit. Her breathing quickened as she could feel the pressure building up within her when his cock was pushing into her pussy.

"UHHH!" she moaned as she closed her eyes and bit her lip. She couldn't believe how good it felt when he thrust inside of her.

"Oh, Goddess... This isn't fair," she whimpered.

"Shhh. You're okay, my queen. Just relax," he whispered in her ear.

'Damn him!... Damn him and his amazing cock!' she thought while her hips started to buck.

His hard cock rubbed against her inner walls as his hands gripped her hips and held her down. His thumb found her clit, and he pressed down hard on it.

"Mmmm..." she moaned, as she could feel her insides contracting around his shaft.

'Shit! This feels so good... I-I'm gonna come,' she thought, as his fingers rubbed her swollen nub while thrusting at the same time.

"Uhhhh!" Rianna screamed as she came hard on his dick.

Her body shuddered and trembled as she climaxed. She could feel her muscles tightening and releasing over and over again.

"Ahhhh!" she cried out as another orgasm washed over her body.

"Good girl," he whispered in her ear as her legs shook uncontrollably.

'No, NO, NO! Not again! Please... Goddess! Make it stop!' she thought.

"Ohhhh... Ahhhh... I-I can't... AHHHHH!" Rianna screamed as she orgasmed for the third time.

Cyndre grimaced when Rianna's pussy squeezed down on his cock like a vise, which made him halt his thrusting for a moment. He pulled his fingers away from her clit, and he moved his hands down to her hips. He lifted her up and started pumping her pussy, while holding her firmly by the hips.

"Ahhhh! Ohhhh!... Ahhh!" Rianna cried as she could feel herself getting close again.

"Yes, my queen. Come for me. Come for your king," he said as he thrust harder into her.

'No! Not again. I don't want to cum. If I do, he'll win and think that he's forgiven! I don't want to... OH Goddess, it's happening again!' she thought as she gritted her teeth.

"Ohhhh! AHHHHH! NOOO!" she screamed as she climaxed once more.

Cyndre kept fucking her through her orgasm, and her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

"Ahhhh! Noo!" Rianna screamed as he continued thrusting into her.

"Come on, my queen. Just a little bit more. Let me give you another orgasm," he said as he pumped his dick in and out of her cunt.

"Ohhhhhh... AHHHHH! YES! OHHHHH! AHHHHH!" Rianna shouted as she came a fifth time, clamping down on his cock and making him cum with her.

"UGHHH!" Cyndre grunted as his balls emptied into her pussy. The warmth of his seed filling her womb was what her body needed to stop orgasming.

"AHHHHHHH! MMMMMMH!" she moaned loudly as she came for the last time and finally collapsed onto the bed.

Cyndre slowly pulled out of her, and she whimpered from the sudden loss of contact.

'Damn him!... He's won again! A-And why is it so hard to get mad at him?' she pondered while she descended from cloud nine.

She took a moment to catch her breath before opening her eyes. When she looked at Cyndre, he had a happy smile on his face.

'What? Why is he smiling at me like that? Does he think he's won something?' she wondered as she stared back at him.

"Are you satisfied, my queen? Or do you wish for me to continue?" he asked.

She felt a strong desire to say yes, but her rational mind cautioned her against it, warning that it would be unwise.

'I can't believe I'm actually considering it,' she thought.

"Y-You're not getting off so easy. That was a lucky shot. A-And this doesn't mean we are even!" she yelled, trying to sound angry, but the truth was, her anger was melting away.

"As you wish," he said with a nod and got off her.

The sensation of her husband's reassuring warmth, which was now absent, left her yearning for his return so that he could envelop her in a comforting embrace.

'NO! No, you don't. He's an idiot! I-It's a trick to make you go crawling back to him! I'm not going to let him make a fool out of me!' she cursed herself while fighting her urges to hug him.

Rianna was on the verge of speaking when a sudden knock at her door caught her off guard and interrupted her.

"Your Highness, I heard you scream. Is everything alright?" a female voice asked through the closed door.

"I-I'm fine, Miss Edith... Um... Th-There was just a rat that tried to attack me. B-But the King took care of it," she said.

Cyndre glanced at Rianna and raised his eyebrow in surprise. He was pleasantly taken aback that she wasn't attempting to berate him to her servants.

"A-A giant rat," she added as she glared at Cyndre, who was smiling.

'You bastard! Stop smiling!' she thought, her heart fluttering in response to his adorable smile.

"Oh, that is terrible. Should I tell Mr. Tiberius to hire some exterminators? Or do you need me to clean the room for you, Your Majesty?" Miss Edith asked with a bit of worry.

"No, I-I don't think that's necessary. Cyn—The King can handle it... B-But thank you, Miss Edith. Also, once the King leaves for his duties, I would like a bath drawn for me," she replied to her maid standing on the other side of the door.

"Of course, Your Majesty," Edith replied before walking away from the Royal Chambers.

After the echoing footsteps finally faded into the distance, Rianna let out a long sigh of relief and collapsed back onto her mattress, causing her breasts to bounce.

'I can't believe that almost happened! What would Miss Edith have thought if she saw me naked and my husband was standing next to me!? How would I explain that he's still in trouble?' she thought.

"That was close," she muttered under her breath.

Cyndre observed his wife with intense focus, captivated by her stunning beauty. He wished to continue teasing her but recognized the importance of not overstepping any boundaries. She let him back into the same bed as her. And they made love. That was more than enough to satisfy him, and he wasn't going to take any chances and ruin the moment.

"Well, I better let you have your bath, my queen. I'll grab a few things and be on my way," he said, standing up and picking up his pants, shirt, and cape from the floor.

Rianna quickly sat up in her bed and looked at him with worry, but then she shook her head and tried to glare at him.

"Hmph!... Just so you know, this doesn't change anything. You're still an idiot, and this was a strange fluke," she huffed while her heart pounded.

"I understand, my queen," he said with a smile and a wink, which made her frown falter.

"And don't think that because you're getting some, I'm going to give in and let you do whatever you want. You're still in trouble!" she scolded him.

"But of course... I still need to deal with my brother, and I promise you that he will be dealt with," he replied with a serious tone that made her spine tingle. He looked so sexy when he was determined and protective.

'Damn him!... Goddess, how does he make it so difficult to stay mad at him!? He's just such an idiot,' she thought, her heart pounding in her chest.

"W-Well... That's good... And you're still in the dog house... But... Good luck. I know you'll get him," she replied with a smile.

"Thank you, my queen. I will do my best," he replied.

Seeing Cyndre leave would have been enough for Rianna, but a lump in her chest prevented her from letting him go. It was the same feeling that compelled her to call out his name the night before and prevented her from walking away the day after their wedding.

'What the hell is wrong with me? It was a one-time thing... But... But...'

"B-By the way, there's one more thing," she said.

"Yes?" he inquired, pausing with his shirt half-on.

"You... You have my permission to use the royal bedchambers again, but ONLY because you've proven to help me sleep better... And it's not an invitation to jump me every chance you get. So, if you try, and I'm not in the mood, then it's off limits," she said.

"Very well," he replied with a grin, making her blush and look away from him like she was a young maiden again.

Cyndre found himself unable to stifle a chuckle at the sight of his wife's behavior. She appeared incredibly endearing when she adopted a playful, mischievous demeanor, a side of her that he hadn't seen in years. He recognized her comment about forgiving him for being a "bad wife" as a spontaneous and far from truthful remark. Luckily for him, this night filled him with hope that he could win her heart back.

He was determined to outwit his older brother without plunging the kingdom into full-scale conflict. He had ignored his brother's behavior for too long, and now it felt like his brother's influence had become deeply entrenched, like a stubborn tick that refused to let go.

"You better not be thinking about doing anything stupid!" she pouted again while crossing her arms over her chest.

"I can't promise that I won't make a mistake, but I will promise you this. I'll try to avoid doing anything that would put our people or the kingdom at risk," he replied and walked out of the room.

"Hmph, that's not good enough, you big idiot," she mumbled to herself. She couldn't shake the feeling of being unusually moody. And to top it off, she was absolutely ravenous—more so than usual.

Rianna had always been skilled at keeping her emotions in check, no matter what Alaric did to her son and husband. She never allowed her true feelings to surface, embodying the qualities of a strong and composed queen rather than a pampered princess like those in other kingdoms. It seemed as though her emotions weren't entirely under her control, almost as if her hormones were out of whack.

'What is wrong with me?' she thought as her stomach growled. 'Maybe it's just because I haven't eaten since yesterday. Yes, that has to be it. I need to eat, then I'll be back to my usual self,' she told herself while rubbing her lower abdomen, which felt slightly bloated thanks to Cyndre's essence.

After Cyndre exited the room, Rianna summoned her attendant, the same person who had previously knocked on the door.

"Yes, Your Majesty," Miss Edith asked as she returned to the door.

"Is there any meals ready yet? I'm famished," Rianna asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty. We have the breakfast prepared for You and the King. Do you wish to dine in your room? Or will you be dining in the royal dining hall?" she asked.

"I think I will take it here. I'm feeling a bit off, and I don't want to be around too many people until I'm feeling better," Rianna answered as she sat up.

"Yes, my queen. Should I send one of the servants to bring the food up?" Miss Edith inquired.

"If you wouldn't mind. It would be much appreciated," Rianna said.

"Certainly, my Queen," Miss Edith responded and left the room.

Rianna let out a heavy sigh as her gaze swept across the room. Her eyes came to rest on the torn nightgown lying on the floor. It had been Cyndre who had ripped it off her earlier, and now its presence served as a stark reminder of the events of the previous night.

"Tsk... That damn idiot. I swear he's going to drive me insane. I can't go two seconds without thinking about him," she said aloud, and her face turned bright red.

'I really am acting like a love-sick maiden. Ugh... I hate this... I'm a grown woman... Sure, it was one of the most memorable nights of my life. But that doesn't erase everything that has happened over the years,' she thought.

Rianna heard a gentle but persistent knock at her door. Without bothering to check who it was, she quickly grabbed her robe and wrapped it around herself before answering the door.

"Enter," she beckoned.

Shortly after, a youthful male servant entered the room, pushing a cart laden with an assortment of delectable food.

"My Queen, here is your breakfast," he said and put the food down on her table.

"Thank you. You may leave," she told him.

"Yes, my Queen," the servant said and bowed before leaving her room.

She walked over to her table and took a seat. As she looked at the food, her stomach growled once again.

"Oh, this smells amazing," she said as she grabbed the bowl of soup. She dipped her spoon into the broth and brought it up to her mouth. The savory flavor was exquisite, and she enjoyed every sip.

After finishing the soup, she moved on to the eggs and bacon. They were perfectly cooked, and the yolk was runny, just how she liked it. The bread was also delicious, and the jam was sweet and flavorful. She couldn't remember the last time she had such a good meal.

Once she was done eating, she sat back in her chair and rubbed her belly.

"Mr. Brown has outdone himself. I have never had such a delicious breakfast before. Maybe I should invite him to the palace so he can teach the kitchen staff how I like my breakfasts," she mused aloud and then shook her head.

'No, what am I saying? We don't need two head chiefs in one palace. It would only cause a stir among the staff,' she thought.

After satisfying her hunger, another knock echoed through the room, signaling a visitor at the door.

"Enter," she beckoned again.

"Pardon my intrusion, my Queen. But the bath is ready for you," Miss Edith informed her.

"Thank you. I will be there shortly," Rianna replied.

"Yes, Your Majesty... Oh! And his Lordship wanted to inform you that Lord Brice is here... It seems something of importance has come up. King Cyndre wanted to know if you wished to join him," Miss Edith informed the Queen.

'What is the Head of Fiafyr doing here? Has something happened back at the palace?' Rianna wondered as she looked at her.

"Please tell my husband that I will be down momentarily after my bath. And have the Head Chef make a tea for me. I don't have the taste for coffee," Rianna answered.

"Right away, my Queen," Miss Edith replied and left her room.

Rianna untied the silk robe, letting it slide off her shoulders, and gracefully walked towards the bathing chamber, her steps echoing softly on the polished marble floor.

As she entered the room, her eyes were drawn to a magnificent porcelain bathtub elegantly filled with hot, steaming water. The air was infused with the soothing scents of lavender and jasmine, creating a tranquil and relaxing atmosphere.

She eased herself into the comforting embrace of the bathtub, feeling the warmth of the water enveloping her body. As she settled in, she felt the tender release of all the aches and pains that had been weighing her down, both physically and emotionally, as they were gently washed away by the soothing water. She closed her eyes and let the soothing scent surround her.

After spending some time relaxing in the bath, Rianna eventually decided to step out and make her way to her room. There, she knew that Miss Edith would be waiting to assist her in getting dressed.

"How was your bath, Your Majesty?" Miss Edith asked as she dried Rianna's hair.

"It was nice. Thank you for asking," Rianna answered and closed her eyes as Miss Edith ran the brush through her hair.

"I hope his lordship didn't bother you too much," Miss Edith inquired as she placed a light perfume on her.

"Not at all. He was a perfect gentleman," Rianna replied with a smile.

Rianna's response caught Miss Edith completely off guard.

"So he was able to win you back?" Miss Edith inquired and finished the last touch-ups to the queen's appearance.

"Let's just say that I'm willing to give him a second chance," Rianna replied, looking over her reflection.

"I can't imagine how difficult this has been for you. Sharing a bed with a man you no longer love," Miss Edith commented.

Rianna's thoughts came to a halt as she found herself picturing Cyndre's warm smile in her mind. In the world of nobility, women often aren't free to choose their own partners. Marriages are typically arranged, and they must learn to accept it. However, Rianna's situation was different. She had fallen deeply in love with the King, and he had reciprocated her feelings. This love had brought her an unprecedented sense of joy and renewal that most people never experience.

"It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. And it seems I needed a male's touch last night... And there's nothing better than a man who knows how to read a woman's body," Rianna responded and giggled.

'I don't know what came over me last night. I don't regret sleeping with him. I might lift my ban on his visitation privileges. Of course, I won't tell him... Maybe I could tease him and see how long it takes for him to break. He thinks he's in the dog house, so he'll hold back... It will be his punishment until he realizes that I need him... Yes... And he's not quick enough to catch onto those hints. I'm going to have fun with this,' Rianna thought and giggled at the idea.

Miss Edith noticed a sudden shift in her mood as if she were embodying the persona of a young maiden experiencing love for the very first time.

'Yes. Yes! That's it! I'll tease him and make him work for it. I want to see how far he'll go to earn my affection. Goddess, I feel like a teenager again. How long has it been since I last felt this excited?' Rianna smiled at the idea of teasing her husband. Staying mad at him was too much work, and she didn't have the energy to do it anymore. Not when she needs her energy for her extracurricular activities.

"My Queen, is everything okay? You look a bit flushed," Miss Edith pointed out.

"Everything is perfect. Please escort me to the room where my husband is," Rianna commanded.

"As you wish, my Queen," Miss Edith said and curtsied.

Rianna rose from her seat and gracefully trailed behind Miss Edith as they strolled through the sprawling estate, finally arriving at the grand dining room. Upon entering, Rianna's eyes fell upon the imposing figure of the King engaged in deep conversation with Lord Brice.

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