I Really Didn’t Mean To Be The Saviour Of The World

Chapter 60 - 59: The Hegemon of the Second

Chapter 60: Chapter 59: The Hegemon of the Second

Translator: 549690339


The Magotan drove smoothly on the highway.

Ward Owen, as the young master of the Whale Group, exuded the quality of a nouveau riche in his every action, yet, curiously, his chauffeur drove very steadily.

He neither ran red lights nor pressed on yellow lights, nor did he honk incessantly when being overtaken.

This middle-aged driver appeared as calm and composed as his own shadow.

Today, Harrison Clark had recited six songs in a row and played a round of drums, feeling somewhat fatigued. Combined with the fact that he couldn’t think of any common topics between him and Ward Owen, he simply closed his eyes to rest in the car.

Ward didn’t find this rude in the slightest, and instead thought it was only natural.

In Ward’s understanding, creating was an extremely brain-draining task.

How many brain cells would it burn to write six classics in a day? He simply couldn’t imagine.

Mr. Louie, drive a bit faster while maintaining a smooth ride,” Ward whispered.

He thought that Harrison had fallen asleep.

Mr. Louie, the driver, nodded. Gently pressing the accelerator, he fixed the speed firmly at the city main road’s speed limit of eighty.

“Young master, who are those people following us?” asked Mr. Louie in an even lower yet calm voice.

“Some ruffians sent by Mr. Mitchell, I guess. It’s fine. Once we arrive at our destination, they’ll recognize me and should understand my attitude. They won’t dare to make a move,” he replied.

Actually, that was precisely the reason why Ward insisted on driving Harrison home.

Mr. Louie asked, “Mr. Mitchell is becoming increasingly unruly. Should I report this to the boss to avoid any complications?”

Ward shook his head. “Absolutely not. My dad is annoyed by me right now. If he learns that I’m messing around with the likes of Eric Mitchell, he’ll probably clean up my act first.”

At that moment, accompanied by a huge noise, the body of the Magotan suddenly jolted violently.

Mr. Louie gripped the steering wheel tightly with both hands and shouted, “Young master, hold on tight! This guy’s gone crazy!”

Ward Owen held onto both sides of his seat tightly and reminded Harrison, “Master, stop sleeping! I don’t know where the hell Eric found this madman, but he even dares to hit my car!”

Harrison, who had been pretending to sleep from the beginning, didn’t need any reminders. He had already fastened his seat belt at lightning speed.

As soon as he secured his seatbelt, the Toyota Land Cruiser charged again with the desperation of a fugitive.

This was definitely an old hand.

The angle of the Land Cruiser’s collision was ingenious, cutting in from a diagonally rear side and smashing into the left rear door of the Magotan.

This proved that the Land Cruiser’s driver was extremely experienced.

When cars with high chassis collide with those with low chassis, the outcome is not simply determined by their weight. Off-road vehicles are prone to being flipped by ordinary three-box cars.

The ingenuity of this person’s attack was that it effectively avoided rollovers. Of course, this move had its advantages and disadvantages. The Magotan did not completely lose its balance as a result.

If the Magotan’s driver had been an inexperienced novice, they might have panicked and slammed on the brakes in the face of this sudden crisis, causing the wheels to skid and losing control of the car’s direction, before rolling over.

However, it was obvious that Mr. Louie was highly skilled and remained fearless in the face of danger.

After another violent shake, the Magotan wobbled but still stabilized.

Ward Owen had just taken out his cell phone, preparing to call his father for help, when the sudden shake caused him to drop it.

He cursed, “Damn it!”

Then he stretched his neck and looked anxiously in the direction of the back seat.

He expected Harrison Clark, being an ordinary person, to be quite frightened. However, Harrison remained calm and sternly scolded Ward, “Don’t move! Sit still!”

Ward sulked, sat down obediently, puzzled.

He wondered why his master was so calm. It didn’t seem right.

Little did he know that Harrison had undergone rigorous military training in his past that was quite brutal, and had even performed well during the training.

Such a minor commotion wouldn’t scare him.

“Damn, luckily this guy doesn’t know how to hit us well. If he had hit the rear of our car, we might not have been able to stay steady.”

After another impact, Ward Owen felt more at ease seeing Mr. Louie holding steady and said so.

However, Mr. Louie shouted sharply, “Young master, don’t lose focus! This person is not a pushover!”

As soon as the words fell, the Land Cruiser charged again.

Turned out the Magotan had unknowingly been hit to the rightmost lane.

“Fuck! He’s trying to hit us off the road!”

Even Mr. Louie, who had never cursed before, couldn’t maintain his composure any longer.

Seeing the Land Cruiser charge again, Mr. Louie stomped on the brakes.

The car spun 180 degrees from where it was.

However, the driver of the Land Cruiser was a real expert, stepping on the brakes after firing ahead!

Both cars swerved at the same time!

The Land Cruiser swung its rear from the inside like a dragon’s tail.

The Land Cruiser’s rear hit the Magotan’s rear and squeezed it off the highway.

There was a steep slope about two meters high next to the road.

Mr. Louie couldn’t control the car even if he were possessed by a car god.

The car completely lost its balance, flipped over, rolled down the slope, and landed head-first on the ground.

Fortunately, the car’s structure was good enough that it did not deform completely, crushing the three passengers inside to death.

Despite feeling banged up, Harrison Clark didn’t think his injuries were serious.

“Are you guys alright?”

Harrison Clark supported himself with one hand on the roof of the car and slowly unbuckled his seatbelt with the other, speaking first.

“Young master, are you okay?”

Mr. Louie in the driver’s seat moved his face away from the airbag and asked.

Ward Owen’s excess weight almost broke the seatbelt, and his face was buried in the airbag, making it difficult to breathe.

He waved his hands wildly and said with a thick voice, “I’m fine, I won’t die.

Damn it, Eric Mitchell! I’m gonna fucking kill you! Fuck your grandpa!”

At this moment, he was absolutely furious.

“Let’s get out of the car first, in case there’s a fire or an explosion.”

Harrison Clark and Mr. Louie turned over almost at the same time.

Since the left rear door had been completely deformed and couldn’t be opened,

Harrison Clark had to move to the right side to try and open that door.

At that moment, the driver’s door was actually opened from the outside.

“Yo, you little Didi driver, not bad driving skills. How about it, still got overturned by me, huh? Wanna fight with your grandpa? Get some more practice. Do you know what people on the streets used to call me? The Second Ring Lord. Do you know?”

The voice sounded slick and young.

Harrison Clark turned his head and saw a sinister face grinning at the side of the door.

Under the faint light of a distant streetlamp, the man’s laughter was wild and uninhibited.

He didn’t pay any attention to the expressionless Mr. Louie and instead leaned in and looked towards the back seat.

Noticing that Harrison Clark had already escaped and turned around, he seemed slightly surprised.

“Mr. Clark, you’re quite capable, ain’t ya? You didn’t even get knocked out by this. Impressive, impressive. But, I thought it would be better if you had just passed out, considering I’ll be cutting your tendons later, and that’s going to hurt a lot.”

Harrison Clark hadn’t had a chance to speak yet.

Ward Owen, still hanging upside down in the passenger seat, became furious and started cursing.

“Damn your grandpa, the Second Ring Lord! You better open your fucking dog eyes and see who the fuck I am! How much did Eric Mitchell pay you that you dared to hit my car too!”

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