I, the Supreme Overlord, Start by Enslaving the Zerg Queen

Chapter 40: The Battle Begins, Poisonous Barrier Repels the Coalition

Listing to Charles, the two wom nodded slightly, their hearts filled with fervor.

It was precisely such a man that made them willing to follow him, ev if it meant descding into hell!

"Yes, Master. But may I use the bodies of the leaders among those tainted blood for my purposes in the future?" Medusa asked solemnly.

"Of course." Charles agreed without much questioning. Whether his slave girls wanted to use them for torture or for their own training, that would be the final use of those bodies.

"Master, I want that too! Wer't we studying the anomalies of the Overseer earlier? I suspect that aside from your Overlord power, there might be factors related to the reincarnated Overlord. We need to experimt." If Medusa could ask, why couldn't Catherine? Besides, she had a legitimate reason!

Charles laughed and agreed, teasingly adding, "Th you better focus. If you can't figure it out, you'll have to bd over and take your punishmt."

Hearing this, Catherine shivered slightly, th put on a lustful expression, making Charles laugh out loud.


The night passed in silce.

The next day, Charles led the Zerg army just outside the forest. He knew the coalition forces were less than t kilometers away.

Soon, they would clash directly.

"This time, I want our little ones to get some real training. Don't release any of the mid-tier or higher Tier units." Charles decided, intding to use these emies to train his troops well.

Zerg evolution required slaughter and combat. Now that Little Gre had successfully evolved into a Zerg hero, Charles was paying close atttion to the other Zerg leaders.

Medusa nodded slightly and positioned her Serpt Legion and blade bugs towards the rear.

This included those mid-tier and high-tier Tier basic units. Each one of them was a deadly weapon, capable of wreaking havoc among the predominantly lower-tier coalition forces.

The primary objective of this first wave was merely to train the troops.

Oh, and to convitly cull those worthless Zerg warriors who lacked pottial and could never advance to Tier .

Nearly a thousand diverse Zerg units surged into the forest, swarming like a reltless plague of locusts.

At this momt, the human coalition remained smugly complact, their arrogance evidt.

Suddly, an elf with long ears twitched and urgtly reported, "Leader, a large number of Zerg warriors have appeared ahead!"

A glint of red flickered in Louis's eyes, his bloodshot gaze fixed inttly forward as he asked, "How many Zerg are there, and what is their strgth?"

This elf, purchased specifically for reconnaissance, was proving to be quite useful.

The elf responded, "There are definitely more than five hundred... but they are still some distance away."

"As for their strgth, it's quite varied. Most are high-level Tier Zerg units, with some lower and mid-tier Tier s among them."

Louis nodded, seemingly pleased.

After all, his force of over three thousand strong was guinely composed of lower-tier Tier warriors, with ev hundreds of mid-tier Tier elites!

Moreover, thanks to the coalition's resource allocation over the past few days, he had elevated his own power to high-level Tier .

With such strgth, who could they not defeat?

Number One? Laughable!

With this thought, he turned to his scribe, "Samira, record all of this for me."

"I want the people of Sere Forest to know that our coalition is the ultimate justice here, the undisputed rulers of the forest!"

Hearing their leader's resolve, Samira, the scribe, was naturally filled with fervor!

After all, as a historian, she was documting this epic battle.

Perhaps because the victory seemed certain, she suggested, "Chief, why don't we also op a live broadcast channel while recording? Although the cost of live broadcasting is high, its reach far surpasses that of word of mouth."

The coalition leader immediately saw the merit in this idea, the most important thing was to showcase the coalition's strgth during the live broadcast.

It's crucial to note that ev though he had ascded to high-level Tier , it didn't make him the strongest. There were other Overlords with ambiguous relations to Overlord Number One, all uniformly high-level Tier , and rumors ev suggested that the Elf Que had two Tier 3 warriors under her command!

With the leader's approval, the scribe finally initiated the live broadcast.

In no time, the number of viewers in the live stream surged past t thousand and continued to grow rapidly.

Judging by the trd, it seemed that all the reincarnated Overlords of Sere Forest were kely watching this battle.

Who was more formidable, the ever-invincible Overlord Number One or Louis, the chieftain who had united a coalition of over three thousand?

The answer seemed obvious, for the coalition had amassed over three thousand Tier combat units!

Such a number represted an insurmountable chasm!

But... was it really so?

Suddly, a massive noise erupted from the forest, as swarms of Zerg, like locusts, descded upon the coalition.

There were jumpers, zerglings, and a variety of other combat units.

A unified force of high-level Tier units reached the coalition's front lines with terrifying speed, launching a surprise attack before they could react.

In just half a minute, the Zerg had killed over a hundred coalition members.

Among them, t Overlords met their d, becoming part of the red name on Charles's scorecard.

"Hurry, their Zerg numbers and levels are not higher than ours, counterattack quickly!" Louis, his eyes nearly blood-red and filled with murderous intt, shouted.

The coalition forces snapped into action and began to gage the Zerg in fierce combat.

The tire battlefield resembled a colossal meat grinder, with various ergy systems clashing violtly.

Some combatants wielded qi powerful ough to shatter stones, while others used natural elemts to cast long-range magic attacks.

Yet, despite these efforts, the sheer terror induced by the Zerg left many trembling with fear!

After all, the majority of the opponts were merely high-level Tier , yet they were only slightly at a disadvantage against the coalition forces!

This was simply unbelievable!

"Damn it, are these Zergs some kind of pain-immune death squad?" cursed the captain from Sakura Nation, gritting his teeth as he swiftly decapitated a Zerg that had attempted to ambush him from behind.

Fortunately, the coalition had sheer numbers on their side, and they gradually pushed back the Zerg.

Yet, for an tire Tier regimt to be almost matched by a swarm of Tier Zerg was a humbling experice.

The reason was simple: the Zerg units were incredibly strong!

So strong that ev those who previously had no interest in Overlord Number One were now intrigued by his pottial.

How could their inferior subordinates possibly compare to the Zerg?

Evtually, the coalition managed to repel the Zerg warriors, albeit at the cost of six hundred of their own.

"Chase them down!"

As the coalition leader, Louis led the charge forward.

Unbeknownst to him, the bloodshed on the battlefield began to seep into his very being.

From high-level Tier ... to low-level Tier 3... his power inexplicably surged to low-level Tier 3!

This terrifying transformation drove Louis further into madness.

Could it be... did he possess some hidd talt?

The more he fought on the battlefield, the faster his power increased?

Realizing this, Louis threw himself into the thick of the battle, pursuing the retreating low and mid-tier Zerg units with reckless abandon.

But just as the army was about to catch up, a massive gre barrier suddly materialized, stretching from heav to earth.

The appearance of this barrier was so sudd that it caused most of the troops to halt in shock.

However, giv the momtum of the advance, some soldiers couldn't stop in time and inadverttly stepped into the barrier.

"Aargh! My leg is rotting!"

"No! This barrier is poisonous! Don't touch it!"

"Damn it, my body is melting! How in the world is this ev possible?"

Those who accidtally touched the barrier either lost limbs or were completely corroded into puddles of goo.

This dreadful effect spared no one, regardless of their strgth—be they low-level or mid-level Tier , they were equally susceptible. Those destined to be crippled were crippled, and those destined to die met their d.

Louis was thoroughly shak. Ttatively, he poked the barrier with his finger.

An excruciating pain shot through him. With a cry of agony, he swiftly severed his own arm to prevt the poison from spreading to other parts of his body.

Glaring at the barrier that seemed to be an impassable chasm, he could only curse his misfortune, thinking he had stumbled upon some bizarre phomon within the forest.

"Take a detour! We need to bypass this barrier!" he commanded through gritted teeth.

There was no other choice. If they recklessly charged through, who knew how many would perish?

Louis still had a leadership role to uphold, he couldn't afford to be too reckless.

The coalition, filled with a newfound respect and fear for the barrier, carefully detoured a it. Fortunately, the barrier was only about two hundred meters wide, making it relatively easy to circumvt.

However, by the time they had navigated a it, the remaining Zerg had already fled far into the distance.

While the coalition members felt a sse of loss, they chalked it up to bad luck.

Th, just three minutes later, the barrier vanished...

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