I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated

Chapter 1209: Announcer-sans New Feature

Chapter 1209: Announcer-san's New Feature


Fran began to circulate her divine energy, which went remarkably smoothly.

Her divine aura emitted an undeniable presence that no one could ignore. Even if one realized that it was coming from her, they could not help but feel it.

Everyone on the battlefield, be they superhuman soldiers or Red Knights, was looking at Fran. They couldn’t help but watch.

(Master. You go all out too.)

『You want me to use evil energy along with divine energy?』

(Nn. Otherwise, it won’t be enough.)

Fran asserted this with confidence. I can understand how divine energy sharpens her senses, but maybe the effects go beyond my expectations.

She seemed to understand, on an instinctual level, the exact power of her attacks in comparison to her opponents. Perhaps her thought processing speed and such were enhanced as well.


『Got it, we both go all out!』


I’ll do anything if Fran acts me too. Let’s bring out as much evil energy as I can!

This is the first time I’ve really used evil energy since gaining Evil God’s Trust. I had been refraining from doing so until now.

『Evil God Fragment, lend me your power!』

I focused on the Evil God’s Trust skill, and attempted to draw on the power of the Evil God Fragment dormant within me.

『Huh!? W-What the…!?』

Whoa, this is ridiculous! How am I supposed to handle so much evil energy!?

I sensed the Evil God Fragment joyously releasing a torrent of power.

So much power that I couldn’t complain if someone marked us as an extremely powerful Evil God worshiper from my sinister aura. Yet in reality, the evil energy hardly dispersed outside my body.

But why?

〈Confirmed the activation of a new god-given function. Temporary name Announcer-san is now capable of controlling the recoil, fatigue, and other such negatives from evil energy.〉

『W-Whoa! Seriously? So basically, I won’t feel nearly as tired when I use evil energy? And not only that, but it’s also possible to conceal my usage of it?』


The Goddess of Chaos apparently improved the system to make it easier to use evil energy. So I can use it more liberally then?

But does such an incredible power really come without any drawbacks? Would the Goddess of Chaos really make things so easy?

『Announcer-san, are there any drawbacks to this new feature? Like does it hurt you to use it or something?』

〈…Affirmative. A considerable burden is placed upon temporary name Announcer-san.〉

I knew it!

『So how bad is it for this amount of evil energy?』

〈The processing power of temporary name Announcer-san will be reduced by 17%. Recovery will require a certain amount of rest.〉

That’s incredibly worrying! I’m basically pushing all of the burden onto Announcer-san!

I’m fine suffering the consequences of my own actions. But I can’t stand it if Announcer-san is the one suffering while I’m dancing around as if nothing’s wrong.

『You’ve really done it this time, Chaos Goddess…』

〈Negative. This is the power I desired.〉

『W-What do you mean?』

〈Temporary name Announcer-san has felt powerless every time temporary name Master and individual Fran were pushed to their limits in battles against formidable foes.〉

『No way! You’ve helped us a bunch! We would be dead without your help during the Lich incident! Even now, I’m completely relying on you!』

〈Negative. Temporary name Announcer-san lacks the ability to handle temporary name Master’s newly obtained power. A great deal of this power becomes wasted due to my negligence. However, this ability allows me to continue being of assistance to you.〉

Announcer-san voiced the words with a mechanical tone devoid of emotion, which only emphasized the seriousness.

To me, Announcer-san has always been a dependable presence, someone with me since the beginning. Not only with the announce feature, but also in helping me control my powers.

However, it seems Announcer-san was not content with the current situation. Though I feel a bit apologetic, I can’t help but get a little glad.

This was a power desired for the sake of others. Growth inspired because of someone important.

In other words, exactly the feeling I have for Fran, and the one she has for me. The same goes for Urushi as well.

Announcer-san wanted to help me, Fran, and Urushi regardless of the costs. That’s how important we were.

Those drawbacks were purposely omitted earlier, huh?

I can understand why because I feel the same way. No one wants to burden their comrades with complaints, to avoid worrying them.

In that case, I shouldn’t reply with words of worry.

『I understand. Please lend me your power.』


I don’t want apologies or worries from my companions either, just trust.

『However, keep in mind that Fran and I will be truly heartbroken if you disappear. Please don’t push yourself too much. That’s the only thing I ask of you.』


The response of someone who was definitely trying to push themselves too far!

『Fran and Urushi aren’t my only companions. You, Fenrir-san, and even Avenger recently. Heck, I guess even the Evil God Fragment is inside me.』

〈Understood. I will not push myself too hard.〉

『Thanks. Now, that being said, I might as well use the evil energy we’ve already drawn out. Let’s show them how it’s done!』


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