I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated

Chapter 1227: Blockade

Chapter 1227: Blockade

It’s the fifth day since starting restoration work in the pioneer village.

The half-insectkin departed yesterday, once the villagers had mostly settled down.

They probably wanted to head to Raydoss as soon as possible, but they didn’t want to abandon the villagers to their fates.

Peridot paid a visit to the village. While she left many of her subordinates here, she generally stayed in Bulbora.

Well, I suppose the higher ups of the intelligence division have a lot on their plates aside from this village.

But still, the fact that she came meant there was something special to discuss, right? Or maybe she just wanted to give the place an inspection?

We welcomed her along with Sibylla and the others.

「Hello there, Peridot.」

「Did something happen?」

「Yes. I have something to report.」

Something important enough that Peridot had to report it in person? Definitely not good news. Sibylla and the others got a bit tense. They were probably thinking the same thing.

We led her into a makeshift meeting room, and sat around the table.

「Please have everyone else leave the room.」

「Understood. Klikka, don’t let anyone in.」

「Roger that.」

Seems like something really important. Is it okay for Fran to be present? However, Peridot began speaking without paying any mind to Fran.

「The border between Kranzel and Raydoss has been blocked off.」

「Blocked off?」

「What does that mean?」

Raydoss had always practiced isolationism, and refused all diplomatic relations. Given the war, the border was certainly covered in patrols. If that doesn’t already count as “blocked off”, then I don’t know what does.

However, it seems Peridot’s definition of “blocked off” was a bit more physical in nature.

「A barrier has encircled Raydoss’s capital and northern region.」

「What? You’re saying it covers the entire country?」


Peridot took out a map of Raydoss and showed it to us. The map was apparently based on information extracted from Raydoss prisoners, so it should have high accuracy.

The map had a red circle drawn on it. Though the shape was somewhat distorted, its center was slightly to the west of Raydoss’s capital.

The area marked by the red line didn’t only contain the area around the capital known as Central Raydoss. There was also about 20% of the northern and southern regions, 80% of the western side, and even about half of Phyllius’s territory.

Conversely, the eastern side, which took the scorched earth approach, and Kranzel’s territory were not included at all.

「This red circle is the barrier?」

「Yes, and it’s powerful enough to completely prevent all passage. We failed to break through with a large-scale attack.」

It seems Esmeralda’s mass ritual spell was unable to breach the barrier. In that case, destroying it via any conventional methods might be genuinely impossible.

「You say it prevents all passage, so it’s impossible to leave too?」

「Indeed, we’ve lost contact with our forces still within Raydoss.」

「Even Amanda?」

「Yes. The adventurer group has no reason to stay under these abnormal circumstances, so I believe something is preventing their return. Phyllius’s capital is also trapped within the barrier, and we know nothing about their current status.」


Sibylla and the others wore troubled expressions. Bisdra looked the same too.

They had planned to return to Raydoss once the lives of the villagers here stabilized. No clue what terms Kranzel will force on them, but negotiations were in the works.

And now they physically can’t return. This completely changes their future course of plans.

「I am sharing this news with you to ensure you refrain from making any rash moves. Kranzel cannot permit any of you to leave at the moment. Do you understand?」



There’s no way they can allow Raydoss’s Red Knights to move freely, especially in such unsettling circumstances.

「I also came because we are desperate for any information on this phenomenon. Anything you can share will be of great assistance.」

「Anything, huh…」

「Even trivial matters are fine.」


Rather than being hesitant, it seemed like Sibylla genuinely had no idea.

「I must admit I have zero leads on a relic or mage capable of covering an entire country with a large-scale barrier. That said…」

「What is it?」


Sibylla hesitated to speak, debating whether or not she should say what followed. However, she quickly resolved herself.

「The barrier seems to have completely abandoned eastern Raydoss, which means whoever did this knew the East Conquest Duke’s plans. Maybe it’s powered by the immense amount mana generated by sacrificing so many citizens and soldiers.」

In that case, did the East Conquest Duke and Superhuman General make the barrier on their own, and the rest of Raydoss was just dragged into it? Or could the mastermind be the king instead?

「Also, there’s an alchemist named Zelyse working for the East Conquest Duke. He was doing research into magic stones and bestowing skills upon others. I always thought that sounded too good to be true, but maybe he brought in this barrier creating power from somewhere else. Those are the only things that come to mind.」


「I hear the Black Lightning Princess has a history with him.」

「Nn. He’s the enemy!」

Sibylla’s eyebrows seemed to raise slightly when she saw Fran’s anger.

「I know that Zelyse caused trouble in Kranzel… I heard all about him the last time I came to Bulbora, but ignorance isn’t an excuse.」

Of course, we knew Sibylla would never have assisted Zelyse’s schemes. Neither Fran nor Peridot intended to blame her.

Either way, the Red Knights pretty much only traveled around their own country during peacetime, helping as many villages as possible.

Their roles included search and rescue operations, like disaster relief teams or the self-defense force, as well as hunting magical beasts. They had no involvement in politics whatsoever. Any anger at them for not preventing political corruption would be misplaced.

Sibylla herself seemed to be regretting her actions though. She sighed and drooped her soldiers.

「Simply protecting the people isn’t enough…」

It seems Peridot didn’t have any more to say on the subject, so she ended the conversation.

「I’ll come back if the situation changes. Again, I ask you to refrain from any rash actions.」

「Yeah, we know.」

「If you wish to inform anyone else about this, do so at your own discretion. I ask that you try not to cause a panic though.」

Peridot warned Sibylla once again before leaving. It seems she wanted to inspect the village more often, but the mysterious barrier kept things very busy for her.

Sibylla ruffled her red hair and let out a big sigh.

「Now what do we do…?」


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