I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 234: Finishing Up

Chapter 234: Finishing Up

[Luna POV]

After resting for a few hours, we decided to get started with the cleaning up of trash.

Mom, you ready to head out? (Luna)

Yes.  Lets get this over with. (Amagi)

I grabbed moms arm and teleported us to the port town.  We then left the town and walked beside the coast.

Where are we going? (Amagi)

A cove several miles in this direction.  Its tucked away between two cliffs that hides it well. (Luna)

Wouldnt the locals know about this place? (Amagi)

They probably do. (Luna)

I would think these slavers would choose to hide somewhere else then. (Amagi)

Who said they were hiding?  Ships are common in this area and the dock at that town are busy all the time, so I would assume that docking a ship in any decent place is acceptable.  So, they are essentially hiding in plane sight. (Luna)

I see. (Amagi)

We started walking up a steep incline.  At the end of it was a sheer drop into the sea.  In-between the land we were standing on and the other side was the cove in question.  I crouched down and mom followed suit.  In the water down below us was a ship made of nearly pitch black wood.  The flag it was flying had a symbol or crest Ive never seen and from what I could see, there were several people walking around on deck.  The other things I saw made me scowl.

Filthy mongrels, the lot of them. (Luna)

What can you make out Luna? (Amagi)

They have several people chained up in heavy irons spread across the deck, probably more inside.  Its mostly women, some men, no kids from what I can see.  A few of them have what might be whip marks on their backs. (Luna)

I was about to say more when I saw something that made me go speechless.  When I saw that, I felt a rage so intense that it started to burn.

Luna, whats wrong?  Why are you releasing so much intimidation and killing intent? (Amagi)


Y-yes? (Amagi)

{As your Goddess, I beseech you to eradicate all of them.  Leave no survivors.}

Naturally, but what happened? (Amagi)

Some of those filthy mongrels just cut off a kitsunes ears and tail. (Luna)

Luna, lets go.  Get us down there right now. (Amagi)

Yeah, let me set something up so they cant get away first.  Itll help us as well. (Luna)

I stood up and snapped my fingers.  A domain covered the entire cove and was almost instantly covered in a thick mist.  I grabbed mom and teleported us to the ship.

Mom, Ill free the captured people, feel free to go wild. (Luna)

I started to move around to the captured people and moved them somewhere safe.

[Amagi POV]

After Lunas telepathy and I was sure she wasnt near me, I got ready to go all out.  I listened around me for the voices of these mongrels.

OI!  Whats with the sudden fog!?

I dont know, is it a normal thing here?

How would I knaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh!


Using the voices of the slavers, I started using my ice magic.  The one that just died had all of the blood inside its body frozen solid.  The next one to die had gone to check its newly deceased comrade only to find that it was frozen to the deck of the ship.  Before it could break free of the bindings, it started to show signs of fatal frostbite.  Several others died to one of these two methods before I moved on to a different area of the ship.

What the hell is going on!?

I-I dont know.  I-I think were under attack.

Finding the location of two more slavers, I caused ice spikes to form inside one before they shot out of its body into the second one.  I then turned around when I heard the sound of someone running towards me.

Got you!

Dont be so loud when you try to sneak up on someone, it defeats the point. (Amagi)

Before the slaver that tried to sneak attack me got close, its feet froze to the deck.  It kept its momentum from its charge so the sudden stop forced it to fall forward.  This, in turn, caused its legs to shatter to frozen pieces.


Shut up, youre too loud. (Amagi)

I made an ice spike and dropped it through the back of the slavers neck before moving on.

Mom, Ive taken care of the belowdecks.  All thats left is the captains cabin.  Ill meet you there. (Luna)

[Luna POV]

After securing the safety of the people that were chained up, I made my way below deck.  Since my mist is a skill, it had even made its way inside the ship.  I activated my stealth skill and started assassinating all the slavers I found.  I wanted to take all of my anger out on them, but if I did, I would probably end up making several large holes in the ship which would cause it to sink.

{Luna, shall I come and join you?}

No.  While I understand why you want to, I feel like of you did, it would break some kind of divine law that even my domains cant get around.

{Fine, but make these mongrels suffer a little.  They dont harm one of my people like that in my sight and get off easy.}

Of course, that was the plan after all.

I snuck up behind two slavers that had their backs turned to me.  I stood straight up between them, pulled two knives out and stabbed them both in the throat at the same time.  I then spun around and threw one of the knives at another slaver that was behind me.  All three bodies slumped to the floor at the same time.  I then heard the sound of chains rattling and saw several scared people hanging by their wrists with their feet barely touching the floor.  Since they couldnt see, they were looking around in a panic.  I quietly made my way over to them and started whispering.

Im here to help.  Ill cut the chains, but please stay put until the mist clears.

They were surprised, but after hearing my words, a few nodded their heads.  I cut the chains with my short sword.  As the chains were cut, the people fell to their knees and they started rubbing their wrists.  After I was done with that, I moved on to the other rooms below deck.  Several minutes and dead slavers later, I finished my sweep of interior of the ship.  I then spoke to mom through telepathy and made my way up top.  I thinned the mist enough to allow mom to see better and we both made out way to the captains cabin.

Luna, lets finish this. (Amagi)

No need to tell me twice. (Luna)

I positioned myself in front of the door and kicked it in.  It flew off its hinges and nearly through the back of the ship if it didnt explode into splinters.  The current tenant of the room was apparently asleep and the sudden loud noise woke it up.  The thing was a fat, slimy looking thing that would make orcs look like the equivalent of the worlds best models.

W-what!?  Who is there!?  Do you know who I am!?

Mom and I both raised a hand and pointed them at the slaver.  Two spears of ice formed and shot into it.


That was the last sound the thing made as the two ice spears impaled it, one through the heart and one through the face.

Now, lets get to the rest of the cleanup. (Luna)

I snapped my fingers and the mist started to clear.  Since I didnt want to scare the captured people, I left some mist around to cover up the bodies.  Once that was done, I ran to where I moved the captured people on deck.  The first person I went to was the kitsune that had his ears and tail cut off.  One woman was keeling next to him and sobbing.

Move aside, if hes alive, I can heal him. (Luna)

The woman looked up when I spoke and moved over.  I crouched down next to the man and checked to see if he was still alive.  He was but either the pain or the shock had knocked him out.  I grimaced as a new wave of rage filled me, but I pushed that rage aside as I picked up the mans tail and brought it to his lower back.  I then started to use healing magic.  After a few seconds, his tail was reattached and I moved on to his ears.  Once that was done, the woman pushed me aside and lifted and hugged the man with more tears running down her face.

I stood up and moved on to healing other injured people.  Most of the men that were captured had whip marks on their backs while the women were relatively untouched aside from a few cuts and bruises on their arm, wrists, and faces.  After making sure I didnt miss anyone, I went below deck where mom went.  I found her freezing and breaking the chains and shackles of the captured people.

Im done up above.  Anyone that needs healing, raise your hand. (Luna)

Several people raised their hand and I started making my way to them.  After an hour all the people below deck were freed and healed and we all moved up top.  Several people ran over and hugged while others fell to their knees as they looked up at the sky like they hadnt seen it in a long time.

{This is one thing I hate about being a god.  Im not allowed to directly help these people like I want to.  Just like Im not allowed to completely abandon my duty on the other continent.  People that stoop to doing things like this dont deserve my benevolence.}

I get it.  I really do.

Mom then came up to me.

Luna, teleport me to the port town.  Ill go to the guild and get them to send a ship here to pick these people up.  After that, we can destroy this one. (Luna)

Alright.  Ill teleport you directly into the guild building. (Luna)

Mom nodded her head and I teleported her away.  I explained how a ship would soon be on its way to pick us all up and about an hour later, it arrived.  The people were moved to the other ship with the help of the crew and some adventurers that came with it.  Once I was on board and the ship was far enough away, I caused a massive bolt of lightning to strike the slave ship until it was reduced to ashes on the wind.  Some time later, we arrived back at the port town.  People slowly got off the ship with me and mom as the last ones to get off.

Mom, what do we do now? (Luna)

The guild will take over from here.  As much as I want to help, Im actually not that knowledgeable when it comes to helping psychological trauma.  The most I can do is listen to their worries and offer comforting words. (Amagi)

Shall we go and calm down then? (Luna)

Thats for the best.  Lets go and tell that person from the guild first and then well leave. (Amagi)

Right. (Luna)

We went to the guild where people were running around.  The receptionist that we spoke to earlier was giving people instructions when she noticed us come in.

Youre both back.  Do we need to send people with healing potions and magic?

No, but you do need to send people that are good with psychological trauma. (Amagi)

Yes, were getting all of the people with any training in that field here as we speak and we also sent out a message for support from Onigashima.  They should be sending several people here with teleportation soon.

Then is there anything else you need from us? (Luna)

What of the mongrels?

All dead and the ship is nothing but ashes. (Luna)

Then your job is done.  Though I assume many of these people will want to thank you once they calm down and recover some.

If they do, tell them to write letters and ask Ibuki to send them to me.  Shell know how. (Luna)

Very well.  Thank you both for all the hard work.

We both nodded and left the guild.  I grabbed moms arm and teleported us back home.  We appeared in my room and I immediately fell onto my bed and let out a long, heavy sigh.

Well, today started out great and turned pretty crappy. (Luna)

I agree. (Amagi)

A few minutes of silence passed when mom spoke again.

Luna.  You did good today.  Sleep now and well talk more about this in the morning. (Amagi)

Yeah.  Same to you, mom. (Luna)

Mom left my room.  As soon as the door shut, I made a domain and Tamamo appeared.  She was sitting next to me and the first thing she did was hug me.  I hugged her back and started patting her head.

Tamamo, I know youre frustrated, so let it out.

I started feeling wet drops land on my back and tails.

{Luna.  Its hard having all the power I do but not be allowed to use it.}

I understand.

{I wanted to help the both of you, but even if its in one of your domains, I wouldnt be able to do much.  It-its so frustrating when I see something like that.}

I hugged Tamamo tighter.  Feeling this, she started to let all of the pent up rage and frustration out.  A little while later, Tamamo fell asleep.  I laid her down before standing up, changing, and laying next to her.  I moved a strand of hair from her face before hugging her head to my chest and running my hand through her hair.  I kissed her forehead before closing my eyes and going to sleep.

Chaos Realm:


Order: Payto.

Order, I feel horrible.

Order: I understand.

I mean, I'm the one that made the divine rules.  They are there for good reason, but seeing this...it makes me...*sigh*

*Order hugs my head to her chest and starts patting my head*

Order: Payto, I know you don't need me to say this, but you did the right thing in making those rules.  If they weren't there, this world would tear itself apart with gods doing stupid things.  I understand that it is frustrating for both the ones that have to follow them as well as you when your rules seem to cause your friends pain, but it IS necessary.  Tamamo understands this as well.

Thank you, Order.

Order: Mm.

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