I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 253: Divine Spa Day

Chapter 253: Divine Spa Day

[Tamamo POV]

Once I made it back home after accidentally teasing Luna to a fair degree, I waited for Atmos to arrive.  While waiting, I watched as Luna took Soleil to the Celestia Kingdom for the day.  They were currently walking down the street while stopping at almost every food stall.

{Ufufufu.  As hungry as always.}

As I watched the two enjoy their time together, I felt Atmos arrive and walk up next to me.

Luna and Soleil spending a day together, eh?

{Yeah.  By the way, why did you suddenly invite me out to do something?  While I wont say Im unhappy about it, it isnt really like you to do something like this after doing something similar recently.}

Im actually going to be meeting Greys parents soon, and this is supposed to help me relax.  Believe it or not, Im panicking quite a lot.

{Well, you can always vent to me.  Ill listen to everything if it helps you calm down.}

Atmos hugged me tightly.

Thanks, Tamamo.  What did I do to deserve a sister like you?

{I dont know, you were the one that decided I was your sister after all.}

Oh yeah.  Anyway, lets go.

{Lead the way.}

Atmos opened a portal and we both went through it.  After walking through the portal, I was greeted by a large building made of beautifully carved white and blue stone.

{The goddesses of beauty really dont skimp on the things they run, huh.}


Just before we walked through the door, we heard someone else arrive.

Oh my.  Thats a face I havent seen in a while.  How have you been, Tamamo? (Norn)

{Hello Norn.  It has been quite a while.  Ive been good, just watching and spending time with my wife.}

Hehe.  How nice.  I would very much like to meet her. (Norn)

{Come over any time you feel like it.  You may not be able to meet face to face at that time, but youll at least be able to talk to her.  And if you are over when she makes a domain, Ill ask her if shed be ok to invite you for a meeting face to face.}

Thank you.  Id love to hear about how the two of you met and her feelings about you at that time. (Norn)

There you go again, trying to get as much gossip out of Tamamo as you can. (Atmos)

Oh, dont be like that, Atmos.  Also, what have you been up to recently?  You dont come around and prank people as often.  I miss hearing stories of who and how someone got pranked. (Norn)

Ive actually been doing my job more as well as spending more time with Grey.  Ever since Luna appeared and seeing Tamamo all lovestruck has made me focus on my own relationship with Grey more. (Atmos)

Hehehe.  I see, I see. (Norn)

Hey Norn, want to join us?  That way we can all catch up and relax at the same time. (Atmos)

While I appreciate the offer, wont I be in the way of the two of you bonding? (Norn)

{Not at all.  As Luna sometimes says, the more, the merrier.}

Then Ill accept. (Norn)

With that decided, the three of us walked into the building.  We walked up to the reception desk where the same goddess of beauty that we met at the shop was sitting.

Welcome.  Its nice to see you all.  Especially you Lady Tamamo, I have some things that you should know.  The day after you visi-

As she was speaking, the door we just walked through slammed open and four faces I had hoped to both see and not see walked in.

Oi!  Were here to try this place out!  If you do good enough, well help spread the name of the place so you can get even more business, so dont ask us to pay or anything. (KG1)

Yeah! (KG2)

We want your best service, and we wont settle for anything less! (KG3)

Hey, look who it decided to show her face again.  Its the old hag, the older hag, and thewho is the third one? (KG4)

Oh, thats Lady Norn, Goddess of Charity.  Shes a good person, so dont cause too much trouble for her. (KG2)

Hold up.  Something isnt right about this. (KG1)

The first of the four squinted her eyes as she looked me over.  Her gaze felt disgusting.



I got fed up with their act already.  I was about to just start ignoring them when I got a better idea.  I walked toward them while emphasizing all 10 of my tails with each step.

{Ufufufu.  Now, now, is that any way to act in front of someone else?  I mean, I do realize that the four of you are mediocre at best, and even less so in the fluff department, but thats no reason to insult me to my face.}

Once I was directly in front of them, I looked down at them.  I briefly glanced into each of their eyes and saw the rage, hate, and envy in them before turning my attention to their tails.

{Aw, how unfortunate.  You could have such beautiful tails.  Too bad none of you actually take the time to care for them.  I mean really, I can see the split ends and patchy spots from here.}

I moved one of my tails in front of me and ran my hand along it.

{You should really take more care of them, you only have four, so it shouldnt take too long.}

YouI take hours every morning just for a single tail!  If mine isnt perfect, then what is!? (KG3)

{Ufufufu.  If you think THAT is perfect, then you dont even qualify to have a single tail, much less four.  Even I am far from perfect with my tails.  But I do at least have a standard set for myself.}

I focused a glare at the third ones tails and judged her unworthy.  Nothing much happened but I did feel my mana being used.  She then shrunk away from me while cradling one of her poorly maintained tails.

You hag, leave her alone!  You have no right to criticize our tails! (KG4)

{I dont you say?  Ufufufufufufu.  How wrong you are.  Be happy, Ill allow you to feel what a decently taken care of tail feels like.}

I moved another one of my tails and grazed the fourth ones hand with it.

Wha?  H-how is it that soft? (KG4)

{See?  Much better than that coarse excuse you have.}

Again, I stared at her tail and judged it.  This time however, instead of backing away, she glared at me even harder.

Just you wait, Ill be the one standing and looking down on you when you start shedding.  And then Ill laugh as you walk around with patchy bald spots on your tails. (KG4)

Those words caused everyone in the room to look at her with pity.  In all my many years of life, my tails have never shed and from the gazes of the others with tails in the room, I could assume they havent either.

Why are you all looking at me like that? (KG4)

I decided to ease my judgement on her a small bit.

Right.  Hag, tell us how you got a tenth tail and how you get them so fluffy!  If you dont wellwellWhat will we do? (KG2)

Well make it so that you can never show your face in public again. (KG1)

{Oh, and how exactly will you do that?  As far as Im aware, Im liked by nearly every god and goddess, am one of the highest ranking gods in this world, and hold Authorities more powerful than all four of you combined.}

Tch. (KG2)

Heh.  I heard the reason youve been so secluded in recent years is because you have a wife now.  I also heard that shes well on her way to becoming a goddess.  What do you think would happen if, say, she made a small mistake that got her sealed by the gods of justice for several millennia?  How would your reputation hold up after something like that? (KG1)

The room fell silent.

{Fu.  Ufufu.  Ufufufufufufufufu.  Did you just threaten my wife?}

I took a step closer to the leader of their group.

{I dont care if you threaten me, youve been doing so for thousands of years.  But now you decide to threaten my wife over some small jealousy.}

I took another step closer.

{I am a very patient person.  I am a very tolerant person.}

Another step.

{Threaten me with small things like ruining my reputation, shaving my tails, calling me old.  Do it, I couldnt care less, but threatening Luna is a step too far.}

I was now so close to her that I could count every flea nesting in her hair and tails.

{You will be judged to the highest degree.  You and your friends here have no idea what you just brought upon yourselves.  By my blessing of the Abyss, I judge you unworthy.  May you and your friends never again feel the joy of fluff.}

I turned while slapping all four of them in the face with my tails and walked back to Atmos and Norn.  The four excuses for goddesses stood there dumbstruck.

Tamamo, while I understand you are angry, I am too, but can you stop with the gravity?  Its kind of hard to stand and those four are literally about to be crushed. (Atmos)


I flicked a tail and the pressure in the room vanished.  As soon as it was gone, the four embarrassments ran away.

{Sorry for the commotion.}

Think nothing of it, they have whatever it will be coming to them.  Now, I assume you three are here for a day of relaxation, correct?

Yes.  And at this point, I believe Tamamo will need the best you can give. (Atmos)

Alright, please follow me.

The goddess of beauty led us behind the counter into a small room with towels hung up in several places.

Please put these on and go through those doors.  After that, enjoy all the amenities at our establishment.  And, if you want a recommendation on where to start, I recommend the massages.

The goddess of beauty left us then and the three of us looked at each other.  Atmos and Norn started undressing while I simple dispelled my clothes.

I forgot you only ever wear illusions.  It must be nice being able to choose what to wear each day with only a snap of the fingers. (Norn)

Yeah.  Maybe I should start doing the same.  I got illusion magic when I got the Authority of Mischief, but Ive hardly used it. (Atmos)

{It is nice.  Im also trying to get Luna used to it, but so far all she does is make sleepwear with it.  Not that Im complaining about that.}

I wont lie about this, but Im also jealous of your chest. (Norn)

{Dont be.  These things are useless to me.  The only real good thing that comes from them being this big is that Luna enjoys them.}

Tamamo, I know thats not true.  Youve told me that you like how Luna has some just as big as yours. (Atmos)

{When did I say that?}

One time when you were still half-asleep. (Atmos)

{Curse my lack of inhibition when Im like that.}

Hehehe.  Anyway, shall we move on?  We have all day to talk about things like this after all. (Norn)

Atmos and I nodded, and we left the changing room.  We came into a hallway with several doors with signs above them.

{Shall we go to the recommended room first?  I could use something like a massage right now.}

Lets. (Atmos)

The three of us went to a room on the farthest left of the hallway and went inside.  There were three tables lined up in the center and three more goddesses of beauty standing next to the tables.  The one in the middle stepped forward.

Please lay on these and we will get started.  We have already been informed of what happened in the main lobby, so we will give you the best service we possibly can.

The three of us chose a table and laid down on our stomachs.  After I got comfortable, the goddess that was next to me picked up a bottle and started to lather something on my exposed back.  It was cold, but felt nice.  She then started to massage my back with skill that surprised me.

{I didnt think the goddesses of beauty would be good at doing something like this.}

Lady Tamamo, our Authority over beauty doesnt apply to only us, it also applies when we use methods to do or make others beautiful.  Something like this is a beautifying process, so we would naturally be good at it.

I was about to say something else when she hit a spot and my whole body shuddered.

Lady Tamamo, this is for you to relax, so please stay quiet.  If you arent nearly falling asleep, then Im not doing good enough.

I shut my mouth and the massage continued.  I did actually almost fall asleep by the time it was over.  After we got up from the tables we were pointed in the direction of one of the large baths they had here.  We listened to their advice and when we got to that room, we found a bath that took up the entire room.  There was a thick steam wafting about in the room and you could hardly see the water.

{Smells like a hot spring.}

It probably is one. (Norn)

We all took our towels off and folded them before stepping into the bath and sinking down to our chins.  I immediately felt my body relaxing.

Some light healing magic is in the water.  I wonder how they did that. (Atmos)

{Doesnt matter, it feels nice.  Its like I can feel whatever stress accumulated from when we got here leaving me.}

I agree.  Its been so long since I felt this relaxed. (Norn)

So, how have you been, Norn?  Busy? (Atmos)

Somewhat.  Greed reports that most things are going well.  Orphanages are well taken care of, people that can help out with those that have no homes are helped, money is donated to places that need it desperately. (Norn)

{And the other continent?}

Hehehe.  Silly Tamamo, everyone knows there is only one continent.  Did you start falling asleep or something? (Norn)

I glanced at Atmos and saw she was doing the same to me.  In that instant we decided to not mention THAT place again when Norn is present.

Now, care to tell me more about your wife, Tamamo? (Norn)

{What would you like to know?  Ill share as much as I can as long as its not about our alone time.  That will stay between us and only us.}

Aww.  That was going to be the first thing I asked, but I guess its good to know that the two of you are intimate.  Anyway, does she know her Authorities yet? (Norn)

{Space, Fluff, and Stars.}

So, the space spirits will finally catch a break.  Fluff is, in my opinion strange, and what are stars? (Norn)

{Youll see when she ascends.  I dont want to ruin the surprise.}

I love surprises, so Ill accept that answer. (Norn)

Why is fluff strange?  I think its on the same level of obscure as adventure, but still reasonably straightforward. (Atmos)

Sure, but what will it do?  Make all people that have things like tails more fluffy?  More than that?  What? (Norn)

{As far as Ive seen, it mostly affects Luna and it increases how soft her hair and tails are.  We believe that more effects and powers will manifest once she fully ascends.}

Makes sense.  When we talk about it, I get the feeling that it will allow her to join the big two if she didnt already have the space Authority. (Norn)

{Its actually the big three since I was promoted to that level recently.}

What!?  Why hasnt that news been spread?  Thats really important! (Norn)

Uuummm.  Thats my bad.  I was in charge of spreading that information but I kind of got sidetracked. (Atmos)

{*Sigh*  Atmos, what have I told you about handling all of your important jobs before doing things you want to do?}

To do them first and always prioritize them. (Atmos)

{And why havent you followed that advice?}

Because Ive been busy playing around with my new Authorities to really do that.  But in my defense, pranking mortals with chests is too much fun.  Especially when some of them catch on to which chests are pranks and they trick their friends into opening them. (Atmos)

Hehehe.  That does seem like fun.  Youll have to let me see that at some point, Atmos. (Norn)

See, even Norn likes the idea.  That means I wasnt wrong. (Atmos)

I let out a long sigh and sunk a little lower into the water.  We spent a while soaking before we decided to move on.  We left the room and made our way to the room called sauna.  It was a small room with a large bowl in the middle that had extremely hot stones inside.  A bucked to water was places on the floor next to it with a ladle to scoop water onto the rocks.  We all sat on the bench and Atmos started making the room fill with steam.

{So what exactly is the benefit of this?}

No idea, but it seems fun.  Want to see who can last the longest? (Atmos)

Atmos, we both know that Tamamo will win this. (Norn)

I know, but its the competition, not the result thats the fun part. (Atmos)

True.  Then what are you waiting for?  More steam! (Norn)

Atmos complied with Norns words and pored basically the whole bucket on the rocks.  It didnt take long before the two of them had to get up and leave.

{Ufufu.  What am I ever going to do with the two of them?}

I got up and left the room to cool off and then we moved on.  The rest of the day we went around the rest of the spa and got pampered in all sorts of ways.  They even had a room dedicated to tail hygiene which I took full advantage of.  By the time we were back in the changing room, Atmos and Norn looked like they just had the most relaxing day of their lives.

Tamamo, you should really take Luna here at some point. (Atmos)

{I planned on it.}

Yes, I need to tell others about this place.  Ill even sponsor it personally.  This needs to be spread to more people. (Norn)

{Sounds like itll start to get really busy then.}

Yeah. (Atmos)

Once the two of them were dressed, we left the changing room, paid, and went our separate ways.  I had promised Norn to invite her over soon and me and Atmos went back to my place.  The first thing I did was check on Luna and saw she was back in her room at my shrine.  She was busily scribbling away on some paper.

Oh, shes making more talismans. (Atmos)

{Looks like it.}

Anyway, I had fun today.  Lets go there again, preferably with Luna and all of our Apostles in tow. (Atmos)

{Sounds good to me.  And Atmos, when you meet Greys parents, be yourself, dont overthink it.}

Thats the same advice HE gave me. (Atmos)

{Well, its true.  When I first met Amagi and Deacon in person, I just acted like normal and everything went perfectly.}

Then Ill do my best to be my usual self.  Now, dont keep her waiting.  Ill see you later. (Atmos)

Atmos disappeared and I turned my attention back to Luna.  I was just about to say something to her when she made a domain and I descended into it.

I figured it was about time.

When Luna looked at me, I saw the flames of desire burning in her eyes, but it disappeared just as quickly.

Tamamo, tell me about you day.  Id love to hear about every little detail.  Especially when it comes to those who have been judged.

{You can tell?}

Oh yes.  And I must say, when I finally lay my eyes on them, their fluff will be gone, never to return.

{Ufufufu.  Then let me tell you all about it.}

I sat down on her bed and she sat next to me as I started to explain how my day went.

Chaos Realm?:

Order: I really do love this place.  It's so colorful and refreshing.

Want me to see if I can make a small place like this back home?

Order: Will you?

Anything for you, my precious Order.  All you need do is ask and I'll do my utmost to give you everything you could ever want.

Order: No fair.  If you do that, then what can I do for you?

Be yourself.  All I need to be happy is you after all.

Order: *clings closer to me* I'm so happy to have met you.

*Hugs Order tighter* I feel the exact same.

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