I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 296: Velvet's Home Visit

Chapter 296: Velvet's Home Visit

[Velvet POV]

Soleil and I arrived in my room in Savanna.

Hehe. (Velvet)

Whats up, Velvet? (Soleil)

Its just been a while since I was last here.  I guess Ive just gotten used to sleeping in inns, on the floating island, or camping out that at this point, this room feels both familiar and foreign at the same time. (Velvet)

I get what you mean.  I get that feeling too when I sleep in my room back at the shrine village.  Anyway, what did you want to talk to your mother about? (Soleil)

Whatever.  I mean, I also want to see if my father has actually stuck around or if he ran off to somewhere again, but other than that I just felt like visiting really. (Velvet)

Understandable.  We dont really come here all that often. (Soleil)

Well, lets go and say hello. (Velvet)

We left my room and walked down the hallway.  As we did this, we passed a few of the subordinates of the organization.  They all greeted us like we didnt just randomly show up before going back to whatever they were doing.  When we made it to the office, the door was wide open.  Inside my mother was sitting at the desk while my father was sitting at a smaller desk that was set up next to it.

Sonia, can I please have a larger desk?  I feel like Im being treated like a child by having to use this one. (Rayon)

Well, when you learn not to wander off for years at a time, then I wont treat you like a child that will run off at the first thing that catches their interest.  Youve held up well enough so far, but your track record isnt exactly the best. (Sonia)

I get that, but what if Velvet ever decides to come and visit and sees this?  My image will be ruined. (Rayon)

I dont think its possible to do that any more than you already have.  Well, actually no, it is, but youve managed to not cross that line.  If I were you, Id be content that she doesnt outright hate you. (Sonia)

I am grateful for that.  I already have too many regrets when it comes to my relationship with Velvet, I dont even want to know what I would do if she hated me. (Rayon)

Youd probably just add it onto the pile of regrets you already have. (Velvet)

Yes, that is what would happen, what I meant was, what would I actually do about it.  Would I just try and drown my sorrows with alcohol and blood, or would I try to remedy the situation?  Would I even be able to come back here and face all of you? (Rayon)

If it was that last one, Id send people out to bring you back.  While I do like to take jabs at you and your ways, Im also at fault for not attempting to stop you. (Sonia)

Wait?  Velvet!?  When did you get here? (Rayon)

Oh, hello to you to, Soleil.  Has my daughter been good to you? (Sonia)

Very. (Soleil)

Good. (Sonia)

We just got here a few minutes ago.  Thank Luna for space magic. (Velvet)

Hahahaha.  I see what you did there, Velvet. (Rayon)

Good for you, but you didnt have to point it out.  It kind of ruins the joke. (Velvet)

I see you two are getting along a lot better than I thought. (Sonia)

I rolled my eyes at my mothers comment and Soleil and I sat down in the chairs near the desks.

So, to what do we owe the pleasure of this unexpected visit? (Sonia)

Am I not allowed to want to come and visit home?  Do I need to have some reason for wanting to talk to you? (Velvet)

No and no.  In fact, this is a welcome turn of events. (Sonia)

How so? (Soleil)

Because now I can actually help plan your wedding. (Sonia)

But thats still a while off, mom.  And even then, were not even getting married in this country. (Velvet)

Oh, and where exactly are you going to get married? (Sonia)

At big siss main temple when its finished being built and after she ascends. (Soleil)

Hmmm.  Yeah, that works.  As for it not being any time soon, thats all a matter of perspective.  Whats a few weeks, months, or years to someone who lives forever? (Sonia)

Shes right.  I never thought of it that way. (Soleil)

Stop, Soleil, shes just getting into your head so that youll take her side.  If you do that, then well end up somehow getting married tomorrow. (Velvet)

Tch.  Whyd you have to say that, Velvet.  Now shell never trust my words. (Sonia)

Im just gonna sit this one out. (Rayon)

I said it because its true.  Dont you remember that you did the same thing to me?  Last time you did that, I ended up running the entire organization. (Velvet)

And?  Look how that turned out for you. (Sonia)

I know, but this and that are different. (Velvet)

Once I finished speaking, my mother and I stared each other down before bursting into laughter.

Hahahahahahahahaha.  (Velvet)

Hehehehehehehehehe.  Its been too long since we had such a fun conversation, Velvet. (Sonia)

I know.  I kind of missed it. (Velvet)

Im so confused. (Soleil)

Same, little fox, same. (Rayon)

Dont mind it. (Velvet)

Anyway, let me know when the time draws near and Ill head over to the shrine village to speak with Soleils parents about it.  I want my only daughters wedding to be one of the most spectacular events in recent times. (Sonia)

It doesnt need to be that grand.  Not to mention that we probably wont be able to beat Luna and Tamamos wedding. (Velvet)

True.  Though I dont really think well be able to compare ours to the wedding between two goddesses. (Soleil)

Maybe so, but we can still try. (Sonia)

And Im saying it doesnt need to be that grand.  All I really want is a small ceremony with close friends and family. (Velvet)

Im the same, Velvet, but you also have to remember that a lot of people we call friends are kind of important to several countries. (Soleil)

Oh yeah. (Velvet)

Wed also have to invite the leaders of the Vampire Clans. (Sonia)

Ugh.  Why? (Velvet)

Its the way we vampires are.  Its a tradition from before even I was born.  But you shouldnt really have a problem with that, right?  I mean, I remember you were on good terms with the others unless something happened that I dont know about. (Sonia)

Its not that.  I just dont want to have to deal with the jealousy of some of them.  Especially Elizabeth. (Velvet)

Im with Velvet on this one.  I dont want to see old Vortigern again. (Rayon)

Ray, hes been dead for years. (Sonia)

Eh!? (Rayon)

Yeah, that mongrel Beryl killed him and took over.  May he suffer eternal torment. (Velvet)

I dont know.  While I know he was bad and deserved what happened to him, I think eternal torment would still be preferable to what big sis made him go through. (Soleil)

Can someone explain to me this stuff?  Im lost. (Rayon)

To make a long story short, Vortigern was killed by Beryl, Beryl made stupid decisions and became delusional, Luna killed him for those delusions, and now the le Fay clan is back in charge of the Demon Empires organization. (Velvet)

I see.  So, it was Morgan that took over? (Rayon)

No, Mordred, her daughter. (Sonia)

Ah.  Well, at least we dont have to see either of those old creeps now. (Rayon)

True.  Anyway, where were we? (Sonia)

This conversation lasted long into the night before any of us noticed.

Chaos Realm:

Astraea: Papa, how are we watching all of these things that happened at the same time?


Astraea: Hmph.  But that doesn't explain it at all!

What can I say?  That's the best explanation I can give you for now.  If I actually explained all the small details, then I'd bore you so much you'd fall asleep.

Astraea: Then when am I able to learn?

Hmmm.  Me and your mother can start teaching you this stuff properly in about a thousand years.  At that time you should be able to control your Authorities well enough not to cause any trouble for any world.

Astraea: You promise?


Astraea: YAY!

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