I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 314: Storm Wall

Chapter 314: Storm Wall

[Luna POV]

After our movie night, I had ignited the rest of my partys interest in otherworldly entertainment, so over the next few days we had watched several other movies.  I had also promised to try and, with illusion magic, reproduce some of the video games that Id played and could remember the details of clearly.  While that had been what happened at night, during the day we progressed towards our objective.  While doing this, the number of sky creatures we encountered decreased and the number of monsters increased.  On the third day of traveling, I had hit level 90 and the storm wall could also be seen in the distance if I really tried.

Skadi, should I land the ship in the water now, or wait until were directly in front of the wall? (Luna)

Directly in front.  Also, I want to take over from there.  I trust you would do fine sailing through that, but I want experience over trust this time. (Skadi)

Thats fine, I was going to ask if you wanted to do that anyway. (Luna)

Master, have you felt the hostile gaze any more? (Ophidia)

Only a few times.  Most of them have actually disappeared, now only three actually regularly look at us now with the hostile one sometimes showing up before going away again. (Luna)

It was then that Soleil came up from below deck.

Hey Soleil. (Luna)

Hey big sis. (Soleil)

She looked sleepy, so I assumed she just woke up from a nap.  She walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me, nuzzling her cheek on me.  I patted her head and smiled.

Sleepy. (Soleil)

Fufufu.  This is what you get for staying up so late.  This is one of the reasons I never actually showed this stuff this whole time. (Luna)

But its so interesting. (Soleil)

Shes right, master, it is interesting.  I can hardly get enough of it. (Ophidia)

I know, but I also know that this is all just the phase youre all in when it comes to this stuff.  Once you get used to seeing it, youll lose the power to power through the sleep and stay awake for days on end.  It happens to all of us who grew up in a world where this is normal. (Luna)

Then shouldnt we enjoy it to the fullest while we can then? (Skadi)

You could look at it that way, but you could also interpret that as the more you watch, the faster the time where you get used to it comes. (Luna)

True.  Guess we should restrain ourselves a bit then. (Skadi)

Something in Skadis words must have caught Soleils attention because her ears perked up.

Big sis, are you still using the restrains skill? (Soleil)

I think so, why? (Luna)

Are you sure you still need it?  You should be used to all the strength you have, so cant you hold back without it now? (Soleil)


I forgot that youve always had that skill going.  You really should stop using it else youll get too used to it and wont be able to regulate yourself without it. (Skadi)

Would it be too late for that already?  Ive only ever deactivated the skill a few times since it hit level 10.  I think the last time I did that was one of our fights and that was what, two years ago now? (Luna)

{Actually, you unconsciously deactivate the skill when you are with me on nights of the full moon.  I also think its off when you set up a domain.  Otherwise you wouldnt last when we had our fun times since the skill would hold back even your stamina.}

Good to know.  Guess Ill turn it off permanently. (Luna)

When I willed the skill to stop, what I expected to happen didnt happen.

Well thats boring. (Luna)

What did you expect to happen? (Ophidia)

I dont know, like, a faintly visible aura of power floating off of me and my hair starting to flow slightly even without any wind.  Maybe some lightning crackling every so often for effect. (Luna)

Luna, that doesnt happen in reality. (Skadi)

I know that, but itd still be kind of cool. (Luna)

I got an exasperated head shake from Skadi while Ophidia chuckled, and Soleil fell back asleep.  Like this the days went by slowly.  Once we arrived in front of the storm wall, I made the ship land in the surprisingly calm waters.

Looking at the wall in front of us, I was impressed.  You could physically feel the magic making it up.  When we were further away from it, you could see how high it went, but right next to it made it feel like it was something blocking the edge of the world.  Every so often a streak of purple lightning could be seen streaking across it and branching out in patterns only lightning could.

Skadi, are you ready? (Luna)

Yeah, make sure that no lightning hits us. (Skadi)

Got it.  Everyone, go below deck, I dont want to take any chances of you falling overboard. (Luna)

They nodded and went below while I tied Skadi to the railing with a chain.  I then climbed up to the crows nest, chained myself there, and gave Skadi the signal that I was ready.  The ship started into the storm wall.  At first it there was only the sound of high winds and thunder, but once inside, the howling became fierce and the rain came down in nearly frozen sheets.  I looked towards the sky as I prepared myself for the trial to come.

It didnt take long for the first bolt to strike.  I clad myself in lightning magic and, as the highest point in the area, the lightning came straight for me.  I bat it aside with a hand.  Another strike, another swat.  This continued for a bit before we hit a lull.  This lull didnt last long as more powerful lightning started to come at the ship, and this time it was more than one bolt at a time.  I batted away what I could and when it wasnt enough, I opened small rifts in space to let the lightning pass us by without trouble.  Hours went by as I did this, the bolts from above alternating between powerful and more powerful.  Seeing as I was already somewhat doing it, and this was the perfect moment to try, I started imitating the motions of a character from a show I watched when I was younger in my old world.

I waited and when a bolt struck at me, I raised on hand with two fingers extended.  The lightning struck that hand and, in a flowing, water-like movement, let the electric current pass through me before moving and extending my other arm.  The lightning erupted from the fingers of that hand once I fully extended my arm.  While I was excited that I successfully redirected lightning like that, I had to keep focused on my task.  After a few more hours, I lost track of time as I redirected, blocked, and swatted lightning away from the ship.  It was only when Tamamo spoke to me when I knew we were almost out.

{Luna, how are you doing.}

Fine at the moment.  This is actually quite fun, though I kind of want it to be over now.

{Hold out a little longer, youre past the worst part of it and in another hour or two youll be out and can see the island.}

Tell Skadi that as well please.  Shes doing her best to get us through this just as much as I am.


Just as Tamamo said, another two hours passed before the side of the storm wall came into sight.  We approached it fast and I set up a space barrier just in case this side was more dangerous than the side we entered from.  When the prow of the ship collided with the wall, it seemed like it was cutting into it like a knife.  The ship wanted to turn in the direction the wind was blowing, but with my space barrier and Skadis piloting we made it through safely.

Now on the other side of the storm wall, the seas were calm and instead of winds howling like wolves on the hunt, a gentle breeze flowed past me.  In the distance sat a large island.  The sand on the beach nearest to us was black while the waters were a beautiful translucent cerulean.  I could also see a giant tree with golden leaves growing from the what I assumed to be the center of the island, giving it a mythical feel.  I climbed down from the crows nest and made my way next to Skadi.  I then leaned back on the railing next to her as I undid the chain that kept her tied to the ship.

Good work Skadi. (Luna)

You as well, Luna.  Im happy we made it through that, though I dont feel like doing so a second time.  Some of the waves in there were annoying to deal with, even with my demigod powers. (Skadi)

Dont worry, me and Ophidia will have an easy time getting us in and out of this place.  Perks of holding the Space Authority and being my Apostle. (Luna)

Good.  Now, lets get the ship beached so that you can store it. (Skadi)

I nodded my head and we calmly sailed over to the beach of black sand.  I called the others up top and just before we landed, we jumped off the ship.  Once it stopped and Skadi jumped down next to us, I placed my hand on the ship and it disappeared.  Once that was done, we turned around to start making our way towards the giant tree and hopefully some dragons when I heard some voices.

Hahaha!  See, I told you sisters, the visitors did land their ship here. (???)

We can see that, so stop being so annoying. (???)

Hehe.  Both of you need to calm down and act presentable, were about to welcome our first guests in several hundred years.  And this time, they are all special. (???)

Chaos Realm:

I'm back.

Order: You look exhausted.

I am.  Worlds when they go through their first Fiend Season are always so unstable.  It doesn't help that that one has no god or goddess of death yet, so the goddess of life is working over time.  I even gave her special permission to do something to help keep things in check there until a god of death is either born or ascends.

Order: Then how about I prepare you something to eat, or maybe a bath, or possibly...me?

...*looks around to see if anyone else is here*

Order: Don't worry, nobody is here and In-chan is watching Astraea for a few days.

Then I don't mind all three things at the same time.

Order: Hehehe.  How greedy, but that's just what I wanted to hear.

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