I, Who am Pampered by the Great Dragon, Shock the Magical World

Chapter 69 Sade’s Attack! The Triangular-Eyed Man’s Conjecture! Human Greed!

Everyone present was shocked as the voice sounded. They had never expected someone else here. The minister's heart sank. If their discussion about treason and stealing a country were to spread, it would be highly disadvantageous to him.

The same goes for the triangular-eyed man. When Sade's voice sounded, he was shocked. After all, this was related to the Third Prince. If this matter were exposed and thoroughly investigated by the Empire Capital, other issues would also be implicated. They had done a lot of disgraceful things over the years. It would be a heavy blow to the Third Prince's reputation if the Empire were to find out.

It would be a light punishment if the triangular-eyed man were implicated. However, if the kingdom he belonged to were involved, he would be a huge sinner. The vicious triangular-eyed man thought so. The same goes for the others around him, especially Wenke Dean, who immediately jumped up in a frenzy and roared in the direction of the voice.

"Who's there? Come out quickly! What kind of ability is it to hide in the corner? Come out and confront us if you have the guts!" Wenke felt very aggrieved.

Ever since what happened in the Elven Village, he had been lectured and reprimanded by everyone from the team the moment he woke up. Even the team leader, the vicious triangular-eyed man, threatened him.

If there was a risk that the mission would fail because of him again, the triangular-eyed man would directly report it to the Third Prince and let the prince makes his call. These words scared Wenke out of his wits, and his arrogant attitude was instantly restrained.

After all, he was the Third Prince of the Magic Empire, and his power was far above all royal authorities. So long as the Third Prince took an aggressive approach, many forces of the Empire would still be willing to tear the Kingdom of Romete into pieces even if he did not make a move. The Kingdom of Romete would not survive and would be directly devoured by the neighboring kingdoms.

It was precisely why Wenke became very well-behaved along the way. At the same time, Wenke felt highly sullen. After all, it was just an ordinary Elven Village. Back then, that elven noble guest looked just like a poor, ordinary mage, while he was the noble Second Prince of the Kingdom of Romete. Yet, these damned elves dared to disobey him for such a person and even attacked him. It was unforgivable. The more Wenke thought about it, the more displeased he became.

Facing the unknown enemy before him at this moment, he immediately took out his magic wand and was prepared to make a move. He would directly make a move and eliminate the enemy if he dared to appear before him.

Everyone present started to glance through the surroundings to find the source of this voice, attempting to leave the opponent behind through force. However, no matter how they searched, they couldn't even see a shadow, not to mention a person.

The sound of footsteps suddenly sounded. Instantly, everyone present turned towards a corner of the hall, where the sound of footsteps came from. There was still nothing before them, but the sound of footsteps continued to sound.

"Hmph! You are deliberately mystifying!" Wenke roared angrily, raising the magic wand in his hand and casting lightning attributed magic in the direction of the sound of footsteps.

"Thunderball!" Wenke immediately unleashed his full power, accompanied by his roar. More than ten thunder balls blasted away from the magic wand and shot forward.

These thunder balls crisscrossed and formed long bolts of lightning in the air. The entire hall was instantly illuminated by lightning, looking extremely powerful.

The minister beside him was also shocked by this scene. Although he knew that the Third Prince's envoys were all mages and princes from various kingdoms, as far as he knew, Wenke should at most be an advanced mage.

However, based on what he saw, the magic that Wenke displayed - the lightning attributed magic talent was highly shocking.

Although the thunder ball was only elementary-level magic, Wenke was able to cast so many thunder balls concurrently at an advanced mage level. This fully proved that this arrogant-looking youth's magic talent was highly astonishing. Even the minister had not seen this before.

More than ten lightning balls burst out and immediately exploded after hitting a particular spot in the air. The hard brick floor directly shattered. The explosion caused dust to fill the air, instantly becoming a misty area. Bolts of lightning flickered through the entire hall.

The triangular-eyed man and the others who were still on alert immediately let their guard down as they saw that all of Wenke's lightning balls had hit.

"Hmph! It's over."

In their opinion, one would surely die being hit by lightning attributed magic with so many lightning balls. After all, this was one of the most damaging magic among all attacking magic.

Although Wenke was only a profligate in their impression, his lightning magic talent was impeccable in the eyes of the crowd. After all, the lightning magic's damage was apparent.

And just when everyone thought that the sly person would die, the sound of footsteps suddenly sounded again.

"Tap, tap."

"How is this possible!" Everyone present was shocked to hear the sound.

It was unbelievable. Who exactly was the opponent? More than a dozen lightning attributed magic had hit just now. Yet, he still had the strength to walk after being attacked by so much lightning magic.

'Could it be that the opponent was also a mage?' The minister's face was full of shock.

The triangular-eyed man had a solemn expression. Even he would not be able to take on more than a dozen lightning attributed magic from Wenke. However, not only did the opponent undertake Wenke's attack head-on, there seemed to be no restrictions on his movement, as if he wasn't affected by the attack at all. This undoubtedly shocked the triangular-eyed man.

The fog gradually dissipated as time passed. Sade appeared before everyone unscathed, wearing a purple mage robe, and holding a gray crystal in his hand.

"It's that stinky brat from Elven Village!"

"So it's this guy?"

"Why are you here!"

"Damn it. You're that bastard from Elven Village!"

"Lord Envoy, do you know him?" The Minister looked at Sade in surprise, as he didn't know Sade at all.

On the contrary, the triangular-eyed man and the others were surprised when they saw Sade suddenly appear in the minister's residence. This was too surprising.

Everyone was behaving very differently. Wenke's face was full of anger, while the others were shocked. The triangular-eyed man looked surprised, as he could not forget what had happened before.

This time, their purpose of coming here was not to find a person with an excellent magic talent for the Third Prince but to find a suitable person with talent. Sade was the surprise that they encountered on their way here.

Sade's talent was incomparably exceptional, the one and only in this world. If the Third Prince obtained Sade's talent, then seizing the throne would be a piece of cake for the Third Prince!

They initially wanted to surround Sade, but Sade left early in the morning, so the triangular-eyed man and the others failed to contain him.

Yet, he was here in the minister's residence now. This was the minister's base. Not only were they here, but there were also thousands of soldiers in the minister's residence and tens of thousands of kingdom soldiers outside.

This is the minister's place. This was an excellent opportunity for the triangular-eyed man now that he had directly appeared here.

"Quick! Catch him!"

"Uh, Lord Envoy?"

"Don't worry about it. Quickly catch him. As long as you can catch him, the Third Prince will satisfy any assistance request you may have!"

"What, is it true? Can you can make this call?" Hearing the triangular-eyed man suddenly speak, the minister could not believe his ears.

Facing the minister's doubts, the triangular-eyed man immediately pointed at Sade and said excitedly, "As long as you can capture him, I can grant you your previous request on behalf of the Third Prince!"

Following the triangular-eyed man's affirmation, the minister was instantly excited, then immediately pointed at Sade and ordered loudly, "Men! Quickly catch that person for me!"

More than a hundred people in uniform rushed into the hall following the minister's order, led by Bob.

Bob revealed a blood-like smile and looked at Sade's delicate face. For a moment, he was even more excited.

"Oh, he's so cute. I can't stand It!"

The men surrounded Sade directly. They were more than 1.8 meters tall compared to Sade's 1.4-meter-tall figure. Sade's figure appeared very short at a glance.

Seeing Sade surrounded by his subordinates, the minister, who was initially nervous, suddenly felt confident.

"Take him down! I'll give whoever catches him 5,000 gold coins!"

"5,000 gold coins!" The minister's subordinates sucked in a breath of cold air and looked at Sade with a bloody gaze called greed.

All the subordinates present moved towards Sade. Meanwhile, the vicious triangular-eyed man and the others quietly blended into the crowd, waiting for an opportunity to attack Sade.

They were not stupid. Sade was not an ordinary person but a mage. Moreover, his potential as a mage was quite astonishing. The hundreds of soldiers who had the strength of an elementary-level warrior were utterly incomparable to Sade.

Nonetheless, Sade did not look old, which meant that his strength might not be that strong. Even so, the vicious triangular-eyed man did not take him lightly.

Sade was still young. If he were a little older, then the triangular-eyed man would at least have to bring all the forces under the Third Prince over. They had just observed the potential of Wenke's magic talent.

How incredible would Sade's strength be, whose talent far surpassed Wenke's? The triangular-eyed man and the others could roughly guess it. It would be far beyond Wenke's level.

Even if Sade looked like a child, they would not take him lightly. They had to capture him alive, as only a living person could guarantee 100% success in the Third Prince's ritual.

And as the triangular-eyed man and the others blended into the hundred soldiers before them, Sade, who everyone surrounded, let out a long sigh. With his spiritual detection ability, he could undoubtedly know the Third Prince's men who had taken advantage of the chaos had sneaked into the subordinates' crowd.

Based on their words earlier, Sade could tell that they seemed to be targeting him. As for the reason, Sade was not very clear. Sade did not have much relationship with them other than the incident at the Elven Village.

In other words, they have found lucrative interest in Sade.

Sade understood the reason behind it. A great man once said to Sade in his previous life that men are interest-seeking and will do anything for it. Men would be tempted when the interest reached 10%. Men would take risks when the interest reached 50%. Men would trample all the laws of the world when the interest reached 100% and would dare to risk being hanged when the interest reached 300%.

These people before him reflected this saying. Sade was just a stranger to them. They didn't know much about Sade's situation, yet they still attacked him directly.

"Hehe, since you attacked me for the sake of your interest, don't blame me for taking your lives directly." Sade revealed an extremely cruel smile.

"Water control!" A strange power shrouded the entire minister's residence along with this voice.

Liquid condensed in the air. Sade successively extracted the moisture in the atmosphere in an instant and turned it into a massive stream of water, appearing out of thin air in the hall.

Everyone present was stunned by the scene. The massive stream of water that appeared out of thin air seemed to have a life of its own. The front end of the stream of water even turned into a giant dragon head and roared towards the sky.

"A giant dragon?" Looking at the giant dragon head that had turned into something before them, everyone present was shocked.

That was a giant dragon. Although it was formed by water flow, its lifelike appearance was like a real thing. The soldiers present were all stunned on the spot for a moment. The minister's face was also deathly pale seeing this. His eyeballs kept rolling as if he was frightened.

Only the triangular-eyed man and the others could tell that this was Sade's trick.

"Is this advanced magic?" The triangular-eyed man took a deep breath, looking at the area shrouded by the current.

Regardless of the magic's level, it was judged by the magic power it released and consumed. For an average adult, if 1 point of spiritual power corresponded to 1 point of magic power, 10 points were the magic power requirement for the most elemental magic.

Usually, magic power between 10 to 100 points was level-zero magic, which would not normally consume magic power. One could use it so long as one had the corresponding spiritual power strength. However, they would be exhausted after using it for a long time.

100 points was the magic power consumption of one bar, considered elemental magic. Magic at this stage already possessed a considerable amount of attack damage. For example, Wenke's thunder ball was elemental magic.

10 bars were equivalent to 1 star, which was advanced magic. It had an extensive range. Its power was so great that it could even destroy the army of an entire kingdom. The giant dragon formed by the current was advanced magic.

How was this possible? Sade didn't look that old. Yet, this involved the archmage level. The triangular-eyed man and the others simply couldn't believe that Sade had reached the archmage level.

Sade must have leveraged some treasure to achieve such a shocking effect. He certainly didn't have the archmage level magic reserve. They would be able to take him down as long as they use up all of Sade's magic power.

That was what the triangular-eyed man was thinking. They immediately attacked the giant water dragon with all sorts of magic.

"Fireball! Wind Blade! Sonic Boom! Dark Impact!"

The giant water dragon exploded along with all sorts of attacks. However, a new water dragon appeared before everyone in the next moment. Meanwhile, Sade looked the same, as if he did not suffer any damage at all.

The triangular-eyed man and the others were in an uproar, "How is this possible?" They immediately smash the giant water dragon concurrently. But soon, the giant water dragon cohered again.

The triangular-eyed man and the others actioned again. The giant water dragon was destroyed 5 times just like that. However, Sade cohered it again. His expression never changed, as if what was attacked wasn't his creation.

Everyone present was highly shocked, looking at the scene, "How is this possible?"

"It is already challenging to extract such a huge amount of water out of nowhere. The magic power consumption must be extremely high to control such a huge amount of water."

"We worked together to smash this giant water dragon, yet how can he create another one so easily? Is his magic power unlimited?"

Wenke and the others felt a deep sense of powerlessness towards Sade for a moment. After all, no matter how they attacked, it was useless. The result was too outrageous.

The hundreds of soldiers who were initially ready to make a move were now deterred looking at such a scene. They wanted to attack him because Sade looked like a child who was not old enough to fight back.

But now, they realized that he was such a powerful Master Mage. Anyone would die if they attacked him. The soldiers did not want to sacrifice their lives for no reason.

The triangular-eyed man and the others who were still fighting with the giant water dragon were also shocked, but at the same time, he also found a critical point.

He did not feel any magic wave around Sade from the beginning, which convinced him that Sade must have leveraged some treasure or magic tool to summon such a shocking giant water dragon.

He immediately shouted, "What are you all doing standing there? Hurry up and attack!"


"This guy doesn't have such powerful strength at all. He was only holding on by leveraging some powerful magic tools."

"What?" Everyone was shocked.

The triangular-eyed man immediately continued, "Didn't you guys notice? There was no magic power on him from the beginning."

With the triangular-eyed man's reminder, everyone immediately realized this point.

"That's right. He never unleashes any magic power from the very beginning!"

"Damn it! This guy tricked us!"

"Hurry up and attack this guy's main body. Whoever can capture him alive, I will give him an additional 5,000 gold coins as a reward!"

The considerable amount of interest instantly washed away the initially timid hearts of all the soldiers present. 5,000 plus 5,000 gold coins. This was 10,000 gold coins in total. They could return home in glory if they obtained it. It was enough for them even to marry ten wives in the countryside.

The greed in the soldiers' hearts burned even more vigorously. They could no longer hold it. One by one, they pounced on Sade excitedly, crazily, especially when they saw Sade standing in the same place as if he was stunned. After all, only the first person who caught Sade could get the 10,000 gold coins.

The triangular-eyed man and the others were still fighting with the giant water dragon, and they immediately smashed it using their strength.

Wenke had contributed the most. His eyes were full of killing intent as he looked at Sade. It was Sade who had brought him shame the last time. He was thrilled now that they were about to take Sade down.

The minister, the triangular-eyed man, and the others also revealed cruel smiles.

"He will surely die this time!" Everyone present thought so.

However, Sade, who had initially been in a daze, suddenly revealed a bloody, cruel smile and looked at the people before him with a mocking gaze.

"As expected, you all deserve to die!"


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