I woke up as the Villainous Empress

Chapter 179 - 179 Emergency Court Session II

179 Emergency Court Session II

“Minister Yang, are you not aware that emergency royal sessions could only be held in the situation of war or treason? However, you seem to be talking as if we have gathered here to discuss a simple case as we do on other days.”

“I wonder why you are so relaxed about this situation.” Zheng Liang leaned forward and commented sarcastically.

“Yes? Treason?” Yang Luoyang’s face paled at Zheng Liang’s hostile words.

‘What is going on? Treason? Did…did he find out about something?’ He wondered while trying to stay as sane and calm as possible.

‘No. It’s not possible. There is no way he could find out about anything. No one doubted anything at the time of the late Empress’s deteriorating health condition. How can things go wrong this time?’ He took a deep breath and assured himself while trying to figure out what could be the meaning behind his words.

While Yang Luoyang fell deep in thought, the other ministers were shocked and bewildered by Zheng Liang’s response to Yang Luoyang’s question.

Before the meeting, they were expecting that the Crown Prince must have arranged this emergency royal court session to discuss some menial court case and was wondering if he was misusing his powers in the absence of His Majesty.

After His Majesty fell sick, everyone could see the drastic change in Zheng Liang’s behavior and the way he was managing all the matters. It was as if he wanted to take charge of the royal court and political responsibilities sooner than it’s decided.

He is the temporary sovereign of the Empire, however, he was acting as if he got the position of the Emperor already.


However, Zheng Liang’s surprising comment shocked everyone. Treason?

The accusation of attempting Treason is not a small matter. Treason does not only mean betraying the royal powers and challenging the authority of His Majesty and the royal family.

But also, an attempt to take charge of the political and royal powers and this situation could lead the Empire into complete chaos.

There are many Kingdoms that have turned upside down because of successful treasons and it has changed the history of those kingdoms and has sacrificed many innocent lives in the process of it.

After the years-long struggle and uprisings of revolts in various places, The Zheng Empire finally established peace with other nearby kingdoms and with the people as well.

When things were going smoothly and the Empire was coming on its right track, who would dare to attempt treason when His Majesty is not well and disrupt the peace of the Empire?

Weren’t they trying to bring back Prince Zheng Xiang to the palace? Who would start such an uprising in the midst of all of this and try to ruin their plan?


The royal court emerged with restless whispers and was in chaos. The ministers stood up from their seats in panic and went to stand next to Yang Luoyang who was standing in the middle of the royal court.

One of the ministers showed courage and asked Zheng Liang, “Your Highness, are you saying that someone has attempted….has betrayed His Majesty?”

” Have you found out who that person is?” Rather than mentioning the word ‘Treason’, he changed his words and questioned Zheng Liang in a roundabout way.

Zheng Liang glanced at Yang Luoyang whose complexion has gone pale. He was looking shocked and puzzled as if someone had poured ice water on his head.

He straightened his back and placed his hands on the hand rest of the throne. Zheng Liang shifted his attention from Yang Luoyang to the other ministers in the court and said while wearing a cold and indifferent expression, “That is why I have arranged this emergency royal court session.”

“I feel that as the confidants of His Majesty and someone who are an integral part of the royal court, you all have every right to know about this matter. The person in the wrong should be held accountable for their wrong doings and punished accordingly.” Zheng Liang said.

While Zheng Liang was speaking to the ministers, Yang Ning’s gaze was fixated on Yang Luoyang and she was silently observing his wavering gaze and trembling hands.

She was well aware what was the reason behind his actions and reaction.

” As everyone was aware, His Majesty was not in a good condition and was bedridden for the past few weeks. Master Jiang Tai was attending to him and treating him, however, there was no improvement in his condition, rather he was becoming weaker and miserable.” Zheng Liang continued.

“To treat His Majesty better, Master Jiang needed to find the cause of his condition to make the appropriate medicine and plan the treatment for him. When Master Jiang could not find the cause behind his worsening condition, I decided to ban everyone from visiting His Majesty so that Master Jiang could treat him better and find out the cause behind his condition.” He explained his reasoning behind his decision.

“Then…did Master Jiang find out the cause of His Majesty’s worsening condition? Has his health gotten better from before?” One of the ministers asked hesitantly.

Zheng Liang paused for a moment and glanced at Yang Ning who was sitting beside him and took a deep breath before continuing, “It was not because His Majesty had any incurable disease or was sick because of his old age.”

” It was because there was someone who was giving him slow poison for a long time which caused his health to deteriorate to this point where he had to get bedridden.” He revealed.

Everyone was shocked by Zheng Liang’s sudden revelation. This matter was much more grave than they had expected. Who would have thought that someone not only betrayed the royal authorities but also dared to attempt the assassination of His Majesty and kill him?

“Slow poison? I have never heard anything about a thing called slow poison.” One of the ministers murmured in confusion.

Zheng Liang heard him and explained it in detail, “That is right. Such kind of poison cannot be found in our capital or Empire. It has to be brought in from the far away Kingdom.”

After Zheng Liang’s words, the royal court was in chaos once again. The ministers could not believe what they just heard and were busy discussing the matters with each other.

How is it possible for anyone to bring the poison inside the Empire without being held captive by the guards at the borders?

The ministers pursed their lips and were hesitant after listening to Zheng Liang’s words.

They thought that he had stopped them from visiting His Majesty because he was cooking something in secret and wanted to take over the throne before the ministers could bring Prince Zheng Xiang to the palace and join hands with the Empress.

However, who would have thought that he was doing all this to find out the cause of His Majesty’s worsening condition and find out the real reason behind his sudden sickness?

While everyone was busy discussing the matter and was still in a state of shock and disbelief, Yang Luoyang, who was silent all this while raised his head to look at Zheng Liang and asked ” Your Highness, pardon me for my rudeness.”

“The last time when we all showed concern towards His Majesty’s deteriorating health, you assured everyone that there were no traces of poison found in His Majesty’s blood?”

“If I am not wrong, Master Jiang has also stated the same in his records of His Majesty’s treatment. What was the reason that he is suddenly changing his report? How did he manage to find poison traces in His Majesty’s blood when he failed before. Is this report reliable enough?” He asked, raising questions about the report of Master Jiang Tai.

The ministers frowned and found Yang Luoyang’s suspicion relevant. How come he found the poison in His Majesty’s blood only after Zheng Liang banned all the ministers and everyone from visiting His Majesty?

Is he trying to distract the ministers to fulfill his goals and put blame on someone else, like he did the last time?

Last time he tried to put blame for the corruption at the brothel and related the royal court’s famine aid on Yang Luoyang. Is he trying to do the same this time as well? Everyone wondered.

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