Ileus: The Dark Prince

Chapter 149 - Travel Back In Time

Chapter 149 - Travel Back In Time

Anastasia had a haunted look in her eyes as Jor'gas tied the medallion around her neck.

"Keep it with you," said Jor'gas with a smile. She took the cloth off her face. "You look so odd. What are you? You don't have wings, your skin is blue but your hair is golden. Are you a changeling?" She brushed her fingers on her arm. "The claw marks that you had here are still healing."

"Am I held captive?" Anastasia asked with a slight doubt in her voice. How could she say that she had slain numerous demons? But why was she still alive?

Jor'gas jerked her head back. "Why would we hold you captive?" She got up and picked up the bowl. "But do you remember where you came from? You have been delirious for a long time now."

"How long have I been unconscious?"

"Almost three days," came the prompt reply. "But who is this Al?"

Three days? She had been unconscious for three days? How come she didn't die after the bane blood touched her body? And how was it possible that her body turned blue, yet this woman didn't recognize that this was because of the bane blood? And if she knew only about the name 'Al', it was fine. "Did I say anything else?" she asked suspiciously.

"'Don't take me!' 'Leave me!' – Those were the words you pretty much said. And of course 'Al'."

Anastasia sighed with relief that she hadn't spoken much. She had a lot of calculations to do. Her mind raced to a thousand different directions, but she couldn't understand as to how did she manage to come here and that too with Ileus' medallion? One thing was sure—she wasn't held captive. So they didn't know who she was? That part was extremely perplexing because Kar'den had sent hundreds of demons to capture her. If she was in the palace, then they should know her identity.

"Stop thinking so much," Jor'gas said with a kindness in her voice. She came back, stirring a bowl of soup. "Have this, girl," she said. She helped her prop up on the pillow and made her drink it. It was mild and smelled of dried herbs.

Anastasia devoured it. "Thank you," she said sweetly, moved by her kindness.

"It is fine," Jor'gas replied as she stroked her hair. "You should rest. If your fever goes, I will take you with me to the celebrations on the outside. Our prince Seraph will be marrying his fiancée tomorrow and so tonight we are all rejoicing."

Anastasia blinked her eyes. Seraph was Kar'den younger brother. If she went in front of them, they would recognize her. Everything was too confusing. She didn't know what to think from here. Where was Ileus?

"Oh! Before I forget, what is your name?"

"A—" She snapped her mouth shut. She couldn't reveal her true identity. Not until she knew what was going on. Maybe she should play along. "Natsya."

"Natsya. That is a lovely name." Jor'gas covered her with a clean sheet and helped her lie down. "Take rest Natsya." She gave her a big smile and then walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.

A million thoughts invaded her mind. Gradually, she drifted off to sleep. This time her sleep was dreamless. When she fluttered open her eyes, she found that she was feeling better. Feeling warm, she removed the blanket and dragged her feet down the bed. Her gaze went to the sand dunes outside the window. Warm gusts of winds blew.

"Are you okay, Natsya?" Jor'gas came hurriedly to her.

"I am," she replied in a low voice.

"Oh good!" said Jor'gas as she helped her stand. "I think you need a bath. There is a small bathroom over there. We don't have a lot of water here, but there's a sap of a plant, which is going to make you feel fresh once you apply it on your body."

"That would be nice," Anastasia said.

Jor'gas helped her walk to the bathroom and then left her at the door. "Do you want me to come inside?"

"No, I will be fine," she replied feeling very grateful.

"Before you go in, I wanted to say that I have taken the liberty to put a dollusk dye on the counter for you. With your golden hair, you won't blend in and that is going to cause a lot of trouble. I suggest that you dye your hair with it…"

"What is a dollusk?" she frowned and why was Jor'gas being so helpful? Shouldn't she just give her to the palace guards?

"It's a boneless animal found under the rocks of Zor'gan. Crushed, its dye forms a solid black color."

Anastasia felt she was going to retch.

Two hours later, Anastasia was sitting near a bonfire, which kindled brightly towards the sky. With black hair and blue skin, she blended with the men and women. Jor'gas had made her wear a robe that wrapped around her body tightly. She introduced her as her cousin from her mother's side. Demons looked at her with wonder, but they didn't pass a second look. Everyone was excited about the new princess.

Anastasia looked at the children who were playing. Men and women had sprawled on the sand dunes. Once again her eyes went to the raised plateau where the royals were supposed to come.

They waited for a long time. The kindling of the fire caved in on itself sending a flurry of embers in the night sky. The image reminded her of a few nights before when she was with Ileus. Her heart craved for him. A whimper escaped her mouth as her lips quivered. Her gaze went to her hands and she turned them. "So blue…" she whispered. "Why am I not dead?"

"The royals will take all their time to show," a woman snickered, pulling her out of her reverie.

Anastasia didn't respond, she didn't have to. Her blank look said it all.

In order to distract the woman, Jor'gas quickly added, "Well, she is getting prepared for the grand show. I came back a few hours after giving her a bath."

The woman seemed jealous. She scoffed, "I heard that she hates the current handmaidens." It was a taunt on Jor'gas.

Jor'gas shrugged. "I wouldn't mind if she removed me from the job. I will go back to the queen. She is a kind-hearted soul."

"That is true…" the woman agreed.

The crowd began to stir up. Men and women got up and walked towards the plateau.

"She is so beautiful!" a woman exclaimed.

"How did Seraph find her? He is a beast!" said a man.

Jor'gas pulled Anastasia's hand and said, "Come, we must secure a place to see them."

Reluctantly, Anastasia got up. She was trying to figure out escape plans.

Jor'gas dragged her to the front of the crowd. She pointed at the royals. "Look!" she said, mesmerized.

Anastasia's eyes slowly went up to the plateau where Seraph was standing, holding his fiancée's hand.

Etaya? Anastasia gasped. Fear skittered down her spine as she gaped at her aunt. She looked so much younger and beautiful in a golden gown that glittered. Her wings were spread in all their glory. She was grinning.

"That is Etaya!" said a woman. "Can you believe she is only twenty?"

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