I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 151: Done

Chapter 151: Done

Through that set of rage, the hero continued biting through the enemies. Within the chaos he noticed that each bite would force the masses to cower. By each kill, the enemies were more motivated to avoid battle rather than to indulge in it.

But it was a pale attempt because it only gave the hero more time to be heavily dangerous. Within 5 minutes, he had ripped through every enemy that was in this cavern, not even the holy-tar could help them.

The battle was over but something didn't feel right. In the other couple of tribes he had slaughtered before, there was a leader amongst them or at least one being initiated. Here it didn't seem like there was any leader. Just a bunch of fish who have sacrificed their souls to the holy-tar.

There was a wide tunnel to explore at the bottom walls of the cavern, but the hero was plotting a new idea that would destroy this tribe forever - regardless of how many more sect members could be hiding down here.

Before that plan was put into motion, the system announced. [Through that massacre, you've killed 34 fish of various species. All of which you have discovered before]

[The reap from these kills has given you a total of 95 points]

[Total system points = 548]

"It's all going too well. A few days ago I was struggling to pile up 100 points. This is just amazing." Timothy felt gratitude without a doubt but at the same time was getting worried.

The points he had are without a doubt plentiful but it only inched the boy closer towards another purchase lock. After all there were 8 more tasks to go. If he earns points faster than completing tasks, another lock was just around the corner.

Facts regardless, it wasn't the time to worry about stuff like this. Instead he went ahead to put the plan in motion. These jaws were more than reliable and here it can destroy this god forsaken tribe without having to sync into another killing spree.

Going for the ceiling of this cavern, he took a bite against the dirt and rock, noticing how it melted between those jaws before he even tried to spit it out.

This is just what the little stingray was looking for. So using the opportunity, he began chewing through the ceiling and with just a few bites had managed to carve a hole big enough to fit in.

That was quite handy but the plan had just started. Within a few minutes he had chewed about 10 meters up and then had taken a sharp turn towards the direction of the same tunnel that acted as an exit and entrance for everyone. The only difference was the 10 parallel meters in between them.

It wasn't exactly difficult to understand what purpose this extra tunnel would have. Obviously, it would be used as a way of fleeing this area. But now the rest of the plan could be put into motion.

Through every direction that was available, he began chewing long straight holes through the dirt and made sure to avoid sinking too low towards the cavern.

Although he had chewed like a madman, it took half an hour to complete most of the plan. And now his stamina was feeling tremendously low. But after one more bite, the entire area began shaking.

This was the great hint to just get the hell out of here. He tried swimming at full speed but considering the lack of stamina, the most he could go was 2 mph.

Dirt and rock began shaking even stronger and eventually screeching sounds became common! Just as he had reached half way through towards leaving this mess, the entire ceiling of the cavern began collapsing at a rapid pace.

A heavy chunk of dirt landed on his back. And although it wasn't enough to cause damage, it was enough to pin the boy down, making it impossible to swim away.

Within a second he was dragged along with the collapse, and regardless of the attempt of swimming away - no progress whatsoever could be reached towards that goal.

A large thud was heard as soon as the dirt and rock crashed at the very bottom, enveloping the holy tar through and through along with the entire bottom section of the cavern.

Thankfully the masses of dirt and sand above the hero's head weren't massive, he wasn't crushed. And even managed to burst through the dirt in half a minute, finally shunning away every restriction ~ the dirt melting jaws had helped.

The tunnel he had carved earlier to make a quick escape, now felt like a waste of time. Because there was a large opening across where the ceiling used to be.

Well this could work too. The entire holy-tar tribe had been massacred and ruined, so the only other step would be to swim away.

But he was pooped, stamina was next to 0 so this calmness had to be used to regain energy, even though the dark had already surrounded each corner now.

"I got a lot of points, system. What can I buy again?" It seemed like a perfect time to ask such a question. No species could have survived around here, who would be able to interrupt?

[You can only buy 1 more upgrade before more options unlock]

This felt like a blessing, but he also wanted to assure it. "So the upgrades won't be locked?"

[No they won't be locked,] This felt indeed satisfactory but it was difficult to understand when the option lock would exactly be.

At this point he had completely forgotten what this option could possibly be, a quick demand had to be made. "Okay let's hear the upgrade."

[Option number 1 = upgrade EQ by 10 points]

[Price = 200 system points]

Feeling that such an amount wasn't tremendously expensive now, excitement grew as he yelled. "I can afford that, give me the word upgrade baby!"

[This won't upgrade your vocabulary, you will just be more emotionally intelligent]

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