I’m not a Regressor

Chapter 406

I am not a returner Episode 406:

Convocation Order (6)


A low sigh awakened the silence in the conference room.

Alina Vladimir, a woman with an impression as strong as steel, let out a laugh with an absurd expression.

How can you not laugh?

I met a crazy person right in front of me who called himself a ‘regressor’.

“Did you hurt your head while going to the devil’s eye?”

Although it can be rude if it is rude between people of the same gender.

Alina was now looking at him with a serious expression, as if she was truly worried about a misdiagnosis.

The story that there was something wrong with the mind of the person with the title of ‘Bagunseong’ was a problem that even Alina, who belonged to the same Seven Stars as him, could not ignore.

“No, I’m perfectly fine.”

“That doesn’t mean that what you just said…”

“I know it’s hard to believe.”

He suddenly lists events that will happen in the future as if he were a prophet and calls himself a ‘returner’ from the future. Who would believe that?

Not only Alina but the other Seven Stars also had similar reactions.

An expression that makes you doubt your ears as to whether you heard correctly.

Among them, only Baek Mu-gang said, ‘Wow! He was just expressing pure admiration, saying, ‘This is amazing!’

‘Well, it’s a natural reaction.’

If you were in the same situation, wouldn’t you have reacted similarly?

Nevertheless, there is one reason why he suddenly called himself a ‘regressor’ here.

This is because there are people in this conference hall who actually believe that crazy sound.

And they aren’t just idiots who don’t know where they came from.

There are transcendent beings called ‘constellations’.

“The Holy See knows best that what I say is true.”


Ojin’s gaze turned to the constellations gathered a little distance away from the round table.


I flinch.

Vega’s shoulders trembled.

She nodded repeatedly like a broken machine.

[That’s right! Bo’s child is a regressor…]

[Why are you so embarrassed? You already knew that Pagunseong is a ‘star of the sky’, right?]

Deneb scolded Vega, who was so embarrassed that she couldn’t even speak properly.

[That’s right! Of course, the woman herself knew this! So… the original woman’s child…]


Is it because it was suddenly announced to the world that her child was a regressor?

Deneb stepped forward, leaving Vega in confusion.

[Everything Pagunseong said just now is true.]

“…Are you saying that Mr. Oh Jin is a regressor?”

[That’s right.]

Deneb nodded softly and turned to Ojin.

[That child is the ‘Star of the Reverse Sky’.]

“The Star of the Reverse Heaven…?”

Alina frowned and tilted her head as if it was her first time hearing the word.

“Now wait a minute. Are you saying that Mr. Oh Jin was a star in the sky? “That… appears in Polaris’ prophecy?”

Allen looked at Deneb with a puzzled expression, wondering if he had heard anything about the ‘Star of the Reverse Sky’.

As Deneb nodded softly, Allen’s mouth opened wide.

The colorful changes in facial expressions shown by Mugokseong Allen Oscar, who is famous for being blunt and cool-headed, caused a stir even among Chilseong.

“What on earth is a star in the sky?”

Rebecca frowned slightly and turned her head to Allen, keeping her arms crossed.

Allen swallowed dry saliva and opened his mouth.

“According to Polaris’ prophecy… this world has already experienced destruction once.”

An explanation about the stars in the sky continued.

The world has already been destroyed once, and Polaris’s prophecy states that a star from the reverse sky that travels back in time can change the fate that is heading toward destruction.

The Seven Stars’ expressions gradually became distorted as they heard a story that seemed like something out of a pseudo-religious book.

“You want me to believe that now?”

Rebecca laughed as if it was ridiculous and shook her head as if it was nonsense.

[I understand that it’s hard to believe, but everything Allen said just now is completely true.] I

couldn’t help but be dumbfounded by Deneb’s continued affirmation.

The Holy See comes out and says it’s true, but you can’t tell them to stop talking nonsense to their face.


Alina let out a sigh and touched her forehead as if her head was pounding.

“So you’re saying you’re a returner from a destroyed future?”

“That’s right.”

Oh Jin nodded calmly.

Alina’s sharp eyes looked up and down as if she was looking right through him.

She lived as the commander-in-chief of the Russian-Chinese alliance, meeting and leading countless people.

so that.

I was confident in my ability to see people.

‘I don’t know.’

It feels like looking up at the night sky covered in dark clouds.

Even with my long-honed eyes, I could not confirm his authenticity.

However, that does not mean that we can simply believe the absurd statement that his identity is a returner from the future.

“Then why haven’t you revealed the truth until now?”

Alina narrowed her eyes and asked interrogatively.

“If Mr. Oh Jin is really a regressor, doesn’t that mean he knew about this incident in Italy in advance?”

Then why?

Even though you knew, you couldn’t prevent the disaster?


Oh Jin kept his mouth shut in response to the straight-forward question.

He remained silent with his eyes closed, then quietly opened his mouth.

“…Yes, I knew.”

“Then why didn’t you warn me in advance?”

“If I had warned you, would you have believed me?”

It is said that a city with a population of millions will be attacked by the Black Star Constellation and an army of demonic beasts and destroyed overnight.

Did they really take it seriously?

“So you’re saying you were quietly watching the destruction happen without doing anything?”

“I didn’t do anything.”

A cold mockery leaks out as the lips twist.

“Aren’t you the ones who didn’t do anything?”

“…I beg your pardon?”

Alina’s expression distorted fiercely.

Oh Jin opened his mouth with a calm expression.

“When the Black Star first appeared in the world. Do you know who killed their bailiff?”


“I killed him.”

The person who killed Cheon Do-yoon, the king of owls, was none other than Oh Jin.

“Who killed the King of Seahorses that appeared after that?”

“Isn’t that what the Japanese awakener killed?”

Bianca Bennett, who was quietly listening to the meeting, tilted her head and asked.


The answer came not from misdiagnosis, but from Alina.

In the world, it was believed that Ryo Sakaki, the leader of Kuroshi, killed the King of the Seahorses, but according to a report heard through an intelligence organization under the alliance, the awakened person who actually killed the King of the Seahorses was someone else.

The awakened person who killed the King of Seahorses was…

“…Mr. Ojin killed him.”

“Yes, I killed him.”

Oh Jin nodded quietly and continued speaking.

“Then then. “Who killed the Toad King?”

“…Guardian castle.”

The name of the now disintegrated organization flowed from Alina’s lips.

Did you say that it was an organization created by Tamrangseong himself?

Of course, immediately after the decision, the organization disappeared as casualties occurred in the first operation and Tamrangseong died in the Demon World.

It was true that they killed the king of toads.

And the most important figure in the guardian castle is.

“It was me.”


Alina’s expression hardened.

“Recently, black star constellations have begun to appear.”

“If it’s about Anceladus, I know.”

“Then you probably know who killed him.”



Oh Jin stood up and looked around at each of the Seven Stars sitting around the round table.

“I killed three executioners of the Black Star Society, went to the Demon World to prevent the resurrection of the Heavenly Demon, and even killed the Black Star Constellation.”

Among those sitting here, there was no one who could even follow the countless achievements that Ojin had achieved.

“Then now it’s my turn to ask.”

The burning gaze was directed at Alina.

“What on earth have you been doing all this time?”


Alina’s lips tightened.

It wasn’t like she didn’t have anything to say.

Just because it was another Chilseong, it didn’t mean he was playing around and washing his hands.

He hunted down named demons that were active all over the world and used the power of stigmata to punish evildoers who committed terrible crimes.


Even taking that into account, it was nothing short of shabby compared to Oh Jin’s achievements.

“…there was not enough information.”

It wasn’t that Ojin couldn’t do what he could do because the people gathered here lacked the strength.

Or rather, if we were to consider simple ‘force’, the power of the awakened people gathered here was by no means inferior to Ojin.

The reason they had been unable to punish the Black Star Council’s executioners until now was simply because they did not know where they were hiding.

The same goes for Cheonma.

Although knowledge of his existence was spread through the constellations, the fact that the Heavenly Demon was preparing for resurrection in the Demon World was information they had no way of knowing.


Unless you literally know the ‘future’…


A low elasticity flows from between Alina’s lips.

Oh Jin looked at her exclaiming and twisted the corner of his mouth.

“Do you really think all of this is a coincidence?”



Ohjin’s achievements were not explained to be dismissed as a mere ‘coincidence’.

“But… in the end, you weren’t able to prevent the Italian attack in advance, right?”

If his accomplishments were due to his knowledge of what would happen in the future.

Why couldn’t the disaster in Italy be prevented?

“Alina, what do you think about fate?”

He remembers a question the constellation Ursa Minor once asked him.


“Yes, fate.”

“The future has already been decided… isn’t it something like that?”

“I’m not asking about the definition of fate. “I want to ask about the nature of fate.”

He slowly raised his arm and moved his hand from left to right.

“Fate is not a straight line.”

This time he lowered his hand from top to bottom.

“Fate is like a rushing torrent.”

“…What on earth do you want to say?”

“Would throwing a rock or two into a rushing torrent change the flow?”

“Fate cannot be easily changed. What do you want to say?”


Oh Jin nodded with a bitter expression.

“I tried to stop it. No, I thought I actually blocked it.”

Arrogantly and arrogantly.

I thought I had changed my fate.


“The raid took place in a different way.”

“In the original future, then…”

“Mobius does not appear. “This was done by an awakened person called the ‘Blood Witch.’”

“So what happened to that bloody witch?”

“I used to handle it myself. Before she became a ‘blood witch.’”


Nevertheless, Italy was destroyed.

That’s right.

“Are you saying that even if you change the cause… the result won’t change?”

“It doesn’t mean you can’t change it at all. “Then there would have been no reason for me to struggle to change the future.”

Even if you throw a rock into the rushing torrent, you can’t stop it.

The flow could be changed by stacking several rocks to block it.

“To be honest… it’s hard to believe.”

Alina, who had been thinking with her eyes closed, sighed and shook her head.

No matter how great his achievements so far are.

It was not easy to accept that Oh Jin was a returnee from the future.

To put it bluntly, wouldn’t achieving great achievements be proof that one came from the future?

“Hmm. “If it were anyone else, Alina, you would have to trust me.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Do you have a son?”

“…Why is the story about Alphonse suddenly coming up?”

Alina’s expression distorted fiercely.

“36 days… No, it’s 36 days since the operation failed, so it would be 38 days from now.”

Ojin lightly shrugged his shoulders and sat down.

“On that day, Alphonse Vladimir will die.”


The table shattered with a violent explosion.

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