I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 278: Trash or Treasure?

Chapter 278: Trash or Treasure?

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After questioning Jarvis, who thankfully wasn't barred from telling him anything, Peter found out exactly what was happening.

Tony was annoyed and jealous that Peter didn't bring him along for a space adventure, so he pretty much kidnapped Gamora in order to navigate for him.

'Forget it.' Peter shook his head as he opened a portal to the mirror dimension with his Genie contracts in hand. 'I'll check on Tony later...'

Thankfully, Peter placed a tracking spell on each of their ships, so he can go and take back Gamora at any moment.

'It's finally time...' Peter thought as he pulled out the lamp. 'I'm sure Tony and Gamora will be fine until I'm done...'


"What's happening!?" Tony yelled as he awoke to what appeared to be a crazy amount of turbulence.

The Kree ship he commandeered was shaking and creaking like crazy, sending him and Pepper tumbling from the bed and onto the cold metal floor.

Through the floor-to-ceiling reinforced glass window, he could see an odd-looking planet below, which seemed to be filled with trash, like some sort of junkyard.

Though that wasn't what worried him.

He could also see a good portion of the ship from this angle, and it wasn't looking good.

The engines were smoking and a good portion of the hull seemed to be missing, and when he looked behind them, Tony spotted the culprit instantly.

A giant wormhole hovered behind the ship and it was still spitting out portions some of the debris, solidifying Tony's fears.

'We flew through a wormhole!' He thought in a mix of excitement and horror.

Though that wasn't all.

This trash planet seemed to be surrounded by countless other wormholes, and each of them was dumping junk out as well.

'Can we even leave this place?' Tony was worried beyond belief.

After all, one wrong move and they could get sucked into the orbit of a wormhole, not that they could try with how damaged the ship is right now.

"Tony!" Pepper called out in fear as she stood on shaky legs.

Pushing his worries aside for now, Tony acted quickly and activated his armor, which covered his body in an instant.

In a matter of seconds, Tony's chest lit up and a thick beam of white energy shot out, impacting the glass window.

Sadly or luckily, depending on the situation, the glass didn't shatter as Tony hoped, so he had to melt it and slowly create an opening.

As the hole was made, strong winds rushed into the room, nearly blowing Pepper off of her feet.

"Go! I'll meet you at the wreckage!" Tony yells over the raging wind as he used his suit to remotely accessed Pepper's arc reactor.

Before she even knew what was happening, Pepper was covered in her blue iron man suit and expertly launched out of the window.

He watched as she landed safely before rushing out of the door, flying through the ship's spacious hallways.

"Rhodey, where are you?" Tony called out over the communications built into each of their suits.

"Looking for you. Are you out of the ship?" His friend's voice appeared in his ear.

"No, I'm looking for Gamora."

"Tony! Are you okay?" Pepper's worried voice filled their ears.

"Yes, follow the ship. I'll see you soon." Tony tried to calm her down.

"I found Gamora!" Rhodes exclaimed over the comms. "She's a little banged up, but she'll be fine."

"Good, let's get out of here before this thing crashes." Tony says as he rushes toward the engine room of the ship.

Since every one of the Avenger's ships is powered by one of his arc reactors, Tony had to be careful with each of them.

After all, the arc reactor is a powerful weapon.

In the wrong hands it could be used for some very nefarious deeds.

"Tony?! Where are you?" Pepper calls out worriedly. "Rhodes and Gamora are already out."

"Just had to make a quick stop. I'm coming now." Tony answered calmly.

Quickly ripping the small reactor from its connectors, Tony broke out of the ship, where he found Pepper, Rhodes, and Gamora waiting for him on a hill of junk.

Thankfully, everyone was safe and in one piece.

The only one that took some damage was Gamora, who only had a few bumps and bruises from the crazy turbulence.

Moments after Tony made his exit, the large Kree ship crashed down into a mountain of trash, sending junk flying everywhere.

Thankfully, the ship didn't explode, as the trash piles absorbed a lot of the impact, but it was definitely damaged beyond repair.

"This is..." Gamora looked up at the sky, which was filled with all sorts of wormholes. "Sakaar?"

"You know this hellhole?" Tony asked incredulously as he landed beside them and retracted his suit.

"Yes, Sakaar is an anomaly. As you can see, it's surrounded by numerous wormholes that deposit space waste on the planet below. It's said that Sakaarans and many other species are stranded here due to the wormholes. Though nobody is dumb enough to even come near here, so it's all just rumors. How did we get here?"

As Gamora explained the small amount of knowledge that she had about Sakaar, everyone took in the sight of the hills of junk, which were only growing larger thanks to the wormholes.

"This place is like a giant junkyard..." Rhodes muttered. "I refuse to believe anyone actually lives here."

"It's disgusting..." Pepper winced as she covered her nose.

"Really? I think it's amazing." Tony smirks as he eyes the piles of trash for anything interesting.

"How could you possibly think that?" Gamora asks in annoyance. 'I should have just waited for Spider-Man to pick me up...'

"One planet's trash is another planet's treasure." Tony says as he bends down and picks up an advanced alien circuit board. "In your point of view, this place is filled with garbage, but to any government or company on earth, this place is a gold mine."

They all watched on as Tony started running around collecting trash with a smile on his face.

"Oh, what's this?"

"Is that a broken Nuclear rubidium collector?!"

"How can someone throw this away!"

"Oh my god! It's a Cerium auto sequencers kit!"

"I can use this quantum drive plate bonder to make an Argon microfilament detonator..."

After a few minutes of scavenging, Tony started talking tech gibberish, which no one understood.

Not even Gamora.

Suddenly, as Tony was having a field day collecting his trash, a small dingy transport ship flew overhead before landing in front of the newly stranded group.

"People actually live here..." Rhodes muttered in shock.

As the doors of the ship opened, a large group of masked and hooded figures came walking out with weapons in hand.

"Umm, Tony!" Pepper called out to her boyfriend, who wasn't paying attention.

"What?" Tony turned around with junk-filled arms.

"Are you fighters? Or are you food?" One of the masked aliens asks as he rested his rifle on his shoulder.

"We're just passing through." Rhodes says as he prepares to activate his armor at any moment.

"They look weak. You guys can handle this." Tony looked the hoard of ragged aliens over before turning back to collect his space junk. "Oh, is that Caesium compactor wire?!"

"It is food!" The leading man yelled as the hoard rushed forward. "On your knees, food!"

"!" Rhodes acted much quicker than Pepper, who stood frozen beside him, as his bulky armor formed over his body in an instant.

The last to form was the giant gun on his shoulder, which immediately opened fire on the oncoming hoard of enemies.





Within seconds, the large wave of enemies was decimated by a never-ending stream of lead.

"For aliens, these guys were pretty weak..." Rhodes mutters in disappointment.

"I told you so." Tony said as he dragged a pile of trash over to the transport ship.

After throwing all of the junk inside, Tony turned back and waved everyone over.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go!"


-Mirror Dimension, Earth-

With the lamp in hand, Peter laced his free hand with some eldritch energy before finally giving it a rub.

Instantly, the lamp began to rapidly devour his eldritch energy.

After a few seconds, Peter felt the lamp vibrate in his hand as it started to glow in a red light.

'This seems familiar...' He thought.

Suddenly, a loud screaming could be heard as a blue and red-hued shimmering smoke shot out of the lamp, filling the open space before morphing into a familiar blue character.

[Insert picture of Genie from Aladdin here]

"Ah! Ten thousand years will give you such a crick on the neck." Genie held his neck in pain. "Hang on a second."

Genie motions for Peter to wait as he lifts his head off of his body and spins it around 360 degrees before putting it back on his shoulders.

"Wow, It feels good to be out of there!" Genie says as a microphone appears in his hand. "Nice to be back, ladies and gentlemen."

Out of nowhere, clapping and cheering could be heard from all around, as if they were being watched by an audience.

Genie looks down at Peter with his mic in hand.

"Hi, where are you from? What's your name?" He asks as he held the mic up to Peter like a cringe late-night talk show host.

"Did you read my mind and copy the Genie from Aladdin?"

A/N: 1592 words :)

🚨Hand in your💎STONES💎and I'll do absolutely nothing...🚨


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