I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 284: Vs Electro

Chapter 284: Vs Electro

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{Hey! What's happening? Get me out of here!} Andrew(Other Peter) screamed in his mind.

He tried everything but for some reason, he was trapped in his own body, while another man took control.

{Get your hands off of her!} He yelled as Peter continued to hold Gwen closely.

'Would you rather I let go and let a strong wind blow her off of the bridge?' Peter asks as their current position wasn't exactly safe.

"Peter, are you okay?" Gwen asks as she noticed the odd look on her boyfriend's face.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about how to deal with Max." Peter says as he looks off toward to power plant, where Electro was shining brightly compared to the dark city.

{I am not okay! We are not okay! Get out of my body right now!} Andrew continued his angry yelling.

'Look dumb a*s. I'm here to fix things so you don't lose Gwen, so shut up. I need to think properly. I'm stuck in your weak body and about to face a pretty overpowered guy, so some peace and quiet would really be appreciated.' Peter lost it as he couldn't take the constant screaming.

{Weak? Wait, what about Gwen?} He asks but Peter ignores him for now.

Well, technically all Spider-Men are pretty strong, but Peter had the privilege of having a plethora of other powers at his disposal, including an Infinity Stone.

"Are you sure?" Gwen asks worriedly.

"Yeah, let's get you out of here." Peter says as his hold tightens around her.

"Wait-" Gwen tried to speak as Peter leaped into the air and swung off.

As they swung across the city, in the opposite direction of the the villain at the power plant, Gwen tried to protest and even struggled against Peter's hold, though she was far too weak to get away.

{Hey! Don't hold her like that! And what did you mean earlier? How can I lose Gwen?} Andrew continued to pester Peter.

'What about be quiet don't you understand?' Peter asks as he continues swinging Gwen as far away from danger as possible. 'You're giving me a headache.'

{Well, It's my body you're using. So, If I want to give myself a headache, then I will!} Andrew shouted just to annoy Peter at this point.

'Look, I'll answer your questions, but just stop yelling.' Peter sighed in annoyance.

{Fine, who are you, what's happening, and why are you in my body?} Andrew asks in a much lower tone.

'I'm Peter Parker and I'm here to complete a mission. Think of it like a quest in a game.' Peter reveals a bit of what's going on.

Though he made sure not to mention anything about the Genie.

{You're me? Seriously that's all you could come up with?} Andrew didn't believe a word of it.

'It's true, though I went for MJ in my universe. I guess we have different tastes in women.' Peter shrugs uncaringly.

{Who?} Andrew asks as Peter continued to swing across the darkened city with an Emma Stone lookalike in his arms. {Where are you taking her?}

'Far away from danger.' Peter answered.

His goal was simple.

Take Gwen so far from the villains that she wouldn't be able to follow him to her tragic death.

After all, that's how she died in the movie.

{Okay, at least we agree on that... What do you mean by your Universe? Is this like a weird Multiverse thing?} Andrew asked as Peter landed at the top of a tall skyscraper and set Gwen down.

'Hang on, let me deal with this.' Peter says as Gwen glares at him.

{Good luck with that...}

"You are not leaving me here! You can't even beat Max without me! I can help." Gwen set herself on tagging along.

{...} Andrew kept quiet compared to before.

"No, you're going to stay here and keep safe." Peter says as he turns to leave but Gwen grabs his arm.

"You said that every time you get close to him, he fries your web shooters. How are you going to combat that?" Gwen asks pointedly.

"I'll magnetize them." Peter answers swiftly.

{Huh? I didn't think of that...}

Magnetic fields can change the direction of electricity, repelling all of Electro's attacks.

At least, on the web shooters.

"..." Gwen frowned as she was just about to suggest that. "I can still help reboot the power grid. I saw the blueprints at Oscorp."

"No." Peter instantly denied as he pulled away from her grasp. "Bye."

After shooting her with a few webs, which locked her legs to the rooftop, Peter gave her a quick wave before swinging off toward the power grid.

"Peter!" Gwen yelled angrily as he left.

{Okay, you just earned some of my trust. Thanks for not hurting Gwen.} Andrew was very grateful. {So, what's this quest of yours about?}

'...' As Peter explained his trial to the voice in his head, he broke open a nearby car and stole some jumper cables and copper wire.

{Just like 8th-grade science class...} Andrew muttered as Peter used those materials alongside the car's battery to magnetize his web shooters. {Wait, did you say Green Goblin? Who the hell is that?}

'This would be easier if you had organic web shooters like me, but not all Spider-Mans can be as great and awesome as me.' Peter gloats as hell tossed the wires aside and rushed off to Electro. 'And yes, you'll see soon enough.'

Peter knew that explaining Harry's situation would both waste time and sadden his counterpart.

After all, his friend has probably already turned into a monster.

{Yeah, we're not all narcissistic either.} Andrew mutters though Peter ignores him completely. {There he is.}

Arriving at the Power plant, Peter could see Electro hovering between some destroyer electrical towers.

"You're too late, Spider-Man!" Elector's gaze turns to Peter. "I designed this power grid, and now I'm going to take back what's rightfully mine. I will control everything. I'll be like a god to them!"

{What? A god that sparkles?}

"Meh, I've seen gods and you don't measure up." Peter says as he leaps toward the enemy.

Charging up his powers, Electro shot a bolt of energy at Peter.

{Watch out!}

Shooting a web at one of the many powerless electrical towers, Peter pulled himself out of the way as he kicked off of the tower, and punched Electro square in the jaw.

"What's the matter?" Peter asks as Electro fell from the sky and impacted the ground. "I thought you were a god?"

"I am!" Electro shouts as he picks himself up off the floor.

"Then how are you losing to a mortal like me?" Peter asks as he sidesteps a barrage of lightning. 'It's a lot harder to maneuver when it's not my own body...'

{Sorry? I guess...}

'You should be.' Peter thought as Electro turned into a shining wisp of electricity and started rapidly bouncing between the many electrical towers.

Zigzagging across the power plant, Electro moved too fast for Peter to follow as he went on the offensive once again.

"Ugh!" Peter grunted as was struck over and over again, unable to block or dodge.

{Hey! Fight back! I need to live in this body when you leave.}

"Shut up..." Peter muttered as he started shooting webs like crazy, whilst still taking damage.

As some of the electricity made contact with the webs and climbed up to the web shooters on Peter's wrists, the magnetic field was able to repel it, keeping the web shooters from breaking.

Soon enough, the webs formed into a large sparking electric net, which Electro dived right into on his own accord.

"You should really watch where you're going." Peter quips as he pulls on multiple lines of web, tightening the net around his opponent.

'Okay, time to delay.' Peter thought as he started adding extra web to the net, thickening it while also making sure to connect it to every single tower in the power plant.

"Ahhhh!" Electro screamed as he struggled to escape, shooting more and more electricity into the webs.

"Be right back." Peter waved at the trapped villain and rushed off to a nearby building.

{Huh? Why are you leaving him there? What's the plan?} Andrew asks as Peter entered the building.

'What happens when you overcharge a battery?' Peter asks as he runs through the building, looking for the grids control room.

{It explodes. You want to use his power against him...} Andrew sounded impressed as he realized Peters plan.

'Yup, so hopefully I can get it rebooted before he frees himself...' Peter thought as he found the control room.

Taking a minute to familiarize himself with everything, Peter started playing around with the system, trying to understand it as quickly as possible.

{Gwen would know how to do this...} Andrew muttered.

'Yeah, and Gwen would die if she was here, so let's figure it out on our own.' Peter replies as he started to understand the controls.

Outside the building, Electro slowly began ripping his way out of the electrified net. Concentrating his power on his fingers, he was able to increase the heat of his electricity to burn the web net open.

"This... and here... there... connect this... flip these..." Peter muttered as he worked quickly on the controls.

{Don't forget that lever!} Andrew reminded him.

"I know." Peter rolled his eyes as he flipped the lever and held his hand over a large button.

"Spider-Man!" Electro's scream carried all way to the control room, as he managed to free 1/3 of his body from the net.

{What are you waiting for? Hit the button!}

"Hopefully this works..." Peter muttered as he pressed the button.

Instantly, the power plant lit up as the grid was reactivated.

And enough electricity to power a large city filled the many towers in the plant, which soon coursed through the webs which Peter placed earlier.

Each web led to the same place, the net which still trapped Electro's lower body.

Though that was more than enough to get the job done.

"Aaaahhh!" Electro screamed as the energy coursed through the net and entered his body.

At first, he welcomed the additional power, but that didn't last for long.

Electro quickly reached the limit as golden cracks began to form all over his body.

"AAAAHHH!" His scream only got louder and louder before the inevitable happened.


Electro exploded, sending a shock wave across the power plant without leaving shred of him behind, as if he never existed.

Peter walked out of the building, arriving just in time to watch the explosion take place.

"One down." Peter muttered as he heard the faint sound of something soaring through the air.

"Hahahaha!" A familiar manic laughter filled the night air.

"One more to go."

A/N: 1807 words

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