I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 324: Surprise Power Up

Chapter 324: Surprise Power Up

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😈Insert Villain GIFs here - Most likes wins👿

🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): Monkeyaking!🏆 (A/N: This King used underhanded means to climb to his position by posting two separate Gifs. Truly a villainous monarch. His actions will forever go down in history and he shall hence forth be known for his treachery.)

After settling Jean into an apartment and showing her around the tower, Peter portal'd back to his empty bedroom, feeling drained and exhilarated at the same time.

He had absorbed a lot of Phoenix Force energy, and now he felt a strange, pulsing power coursing through his veins.

'Am I evolving?' Peter wondered as he quickly portal'd into his Avengers penthouse, where Genie was cooking up some food, looking like a blue Gordon Ramsay.

(A/N: It's f*cking RAW!)

"Huh?" Genie grunted in confusion as Peter tumbled out of a portal and fell at his feet. "You alright, Pal?"

"Evolving..." Peter muttered in exhaustion.

Based on how hot he was feeling right now, Peter half-expecting to see flames or some other sign of his evolution. But everything looked normal, except for the fact that his body was beginning to glow in a red hue.

Peter closed his eyes and tried to remain calm. After all, he's been through a couple of evolutions already.

As his eyes closed, he felt a surge of energy, like a thousand suns burning inside him, crisping his body from the inside out.

"I wasn't cooking pork, was I?" Genie wondered as the smell of cooked meat filled the kitchen.

Though he soon notice where it was coming from.

"Don't worry. Genies got you!" Genie exclaimed as he summoned a giant block of ice under his master and about ten floating air conditioners, which all blew chilled air in his direction. "Is that better?"

Peter wasn't able to respond verbally, but the eased look on his face said it all.




Hours later, once the heat in his body died down, Peter sighed in relief as he enjoyed the cold feeling on his reddened skin for a moment.

"You okay, Pal?" Genie asked worriedly.

"Yeah... just give me a minute." Peter said as he melted into the ice.

"Okay, I made some food if you're hungry." Genie offered as he took off his chef's hat and transformed into a waiter.

"Is it hot?" Peter asks as Genie gives him a nod. "Then no thanks. You got any ice cream?"

Snapping his fingers, Genie summoned a giant tub of ice cream alongside a large spoon and handed them over.

Still laying down on the ice, Peter quickly shoveled spoonfuls of deliciously chilled ice cream down his face hole.

"Ohh, that's so good..."


Once he had enough of the cold and finished his ice cream, Peter hopped up to his feet and got right to work.

He had new powers to test after all.

He immediately realized that he could control fire, as that seemed like the easiest thing to test after his heated evolution.

But that wasn't all.

Cosmic Fire Manipulation: Peter tested his fire and found that it wasn't any ordinary flame. The fire that he could produce and control was on a whole other level. It was so strong that it could incinerate anything that it touched.

Flight: Shrouding himself in flames, Peter learned that he could fly at incredible speeds and even travel through space without the need for oxygen.

Telepathy and Telekinesis: Peter can read and control the thoughts of others, as well as move objects with his mind.

Though these powers are incredibly weak at the moment.

After a short amount of practice, Peter was able to control and read the minds of a few animals, and as for his telekinesis, he is only able to lift about a pound.

'I'll have to make a new training plan for these...' Peter thought as he knew these powers were very useful.

Healing and Regeneration: Peter's healing factor increased yet again, allowing him to heal extremely quickly.

Immortality: This one is just a guess, as Peter found that his cells are no longer aging. More testing would be needed to confirm this.

If there were any other powers, then Peter didn't notice them, but he was more than happy with what he got.

Even If he has to train them up to be usable in combat.

For a moment, he was tempted to let himself go, to revel in this new, godlike power.

After all, he just evolved using the Phoenix Forces Energy, a being far above Celestials and other puny god-like beings.

And best of all, Peter wasn't actually a host of the Phoenix, so he didn't have to worry about some overpowered entity in his head, watching his every move or telling him what to do.

"HehehahaHAHA!" Peter laughed madly.


Though before he could go too crazy, Genie snapped his fingers and dropped a cartoon-style anvil on his head.

"Argh!" Peter grunted as it bashed him in the head and toppled to the floor by his feet. "What the hell was that for!?"

"You were going all Jafar on me, so I had to knock some sense into you." Genie says as he summons a mirror in front of him, which showed him dressed as the villain from Aladdin.

"You're really obsessed with that movie, aren't you?" Peter asked as Genie pretended not to hear him.


Peter walked through the quiet corridors of the Avengers Tower, his mind focused and ready.

It's been a week since he saved Jean from becoming a Dark Phoenix and now he planned to meet the Phoenix Force for a second time.

Throughout the week, Peter has been teaching her the basics of energy control that he learned in Kamar-Taj, but no matter how much she tried, Jean found it almost impossible to control even a speck of the Phoenix's flames.

After only a week, Peter didn't expect any huge advancement from her, but he expected advancement nonetheless.

And there was only one reason that he could think of for his new student's lack of progress.

'The Phoenix is interfering...' Peter came to this conclusion yesterday.

Either it wasn't happy with Peter's meddling, or it didn't approve of Jean anymore, as she couldn't produce a single spark of its power.

Reaching her apartment, Peter knocked and waited patiently for her to answer.

And as the door swung open, Jean couldn't keep the smile from forming on her face.

"Hey." She said softly.

After a week of tutelage under Peter, Jean's hero worship deepened even further.

She officially had a crush on Spider-Man...

And Peter was completely oblivious to her infatuation, not that he would reciprocate her feelings either way.

He's a taken man after all.

"Hey, Jean. Can we talk?" Peter stepped inside, his mind focused on the task at hand.

"Of course." She nodded, locking the door shut as they made their way to the living room.

"I'll get straight to the point." Peter took a seat on the sofa and looked at her seriously. "I need to talk to the Phoenix."

Instantly, Jean's happy mood swiftly disappeared.

"O-Okay, but are you sure it's still inside of me?" Jean asks hesitantly. "I've tried communicating with it like you taught me, but it feels like I'm talking to a brick wall."

"I know," Peter said. "But I think it's just playing hard to get. We need to convince it to help you control its powers."

Jean looked at him skeptically.

"But if it's gone, can't we just forget about it and move on?" She asked hopefully.

After all, the Phoenix has brought nothing good to her life whatsoever.

"We don't know that." Peter shook his head. "And we can't risk everyone's safety on a hopeful guess."

Jean looked at him, her hopeful eyes turning somber in an instant.

"Alright, let's do it." Jean begrudgingly agrees.

"Good, now let's see what's going on." Peter stands from his seat and walks up to Jean, placing his hand on her forehead. "Ready?"

"Y-Yeah..." Jean squeaks as her face turns a bright shade of red, matching her hair. 'He's touching me!'

Peter took a deep breath and closed his eyes, reaching out to Jean's mind as he did in the Mirror Dimension.


Suddenly, Peter found himself back in Jean's mind, though this time it was much more normal.

Instead of the former darkness and fire, he was met with a calm and sunny meadow.

'Beautiful...' Peter thought.

He looked around, taking in the surreal landscape of Jean Grey's unconscious mind, trying to figure out where he needed to go to find the Phoenix Force.

And as if on cue, he felt the fiery presence of cosmic energy and walked in its direction.

Soon enough, Peter found the source, an enormous lake of fire, surrounded by swirling flames that danced and crackled around the whole area.

As he arrived, he heard a familiar voice calling out to him, echoing through the flames.

"Spider-Man. I have been expecting you."

Peter turned to see a bird-shaped figure emerging from the fire, striding towards him with a regal air.

"I sense a wisp of my power in you." The Phoenix Force spoke to him, its voice echoing in the surroundings. "First an Infinity Stone and now my own energy. You are quite the anomaly, aren't you?"

A/N: 1511 words :)

🚨Hand over your💎STONES💎or I'll kill your pet!🔪🐈🐶🚨


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