I'm the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire!

Book 7: Epilogue

Book 7: Epilogue

The Kingdom of Aarl underwent a massive change after Liam departed.


Queen Enora was wearing a costume that closely resembled Amagis maid outfit, and there was a statue of Amagi in front of her.

The people next to her were wearing maid uniforms as well, regardless of whether they were male or female. They were all praying to the aforementioned statue.

The reason behind their behavior was simple.

Even the almighty Liam could not go against Amagi, so they concluded that she was a transcendental being.

As such, they prepared a statue of her and ordered for her outfit to be made.

From their perspective, Amagis maid outfit was the clothing of God.

With that in mind, they decided to have the priests wear maid outfits while worshiping Amagi.

Enora offered her fervent prayers.

We have signed a peace treaty with the beastmen and agreed not to interfere with each other. Was this the right course of action?

The reason why Amagi left supplies behind for Enora was because of Liams actions.

He had declared the beastmen his private property. Which meant they had to provide for them, however little that may be.

If they had left without doing anything, a war wouldve surely erupted over resources such as food.

To prevent this from happening, Amagi left some resources behind for the inhabitants.

Enora treated her gesture as a blessing.

Goddess Amagi, thank you for saving us.

Men and women of all ages prayed to the statue of Amagi while wearing their maid uniforms.

Glauss, the chief of the wolf-tribe-turned-dog-tribe, had built a wooden statue of Liam at the center of the village.

My daughter has married Lord Liam! Our dog tribe is now a part of Gods family!

Taking advantage of the fact that Chino had become Liams pet, he was trying to increase his tribes presence and authority among the beastmen.

To this end, he had erected a wooden statue of what was meantto be Liam and decorated it.

Unfortunately, his fellow tribesmen didnt share his enthusiasm.

Dogs? Thats going a bit too far.

Were wolves, you know?

Does that bastard Glauss have no pride?

From the other beastmen tribes perspective, the dog tribe had managed to marry off one of their daughters to Liam. Thus, elevating their status to something that cannot be ignored.

However, the response within the tribe wasnt so good.

Glauss furiously rebuked his tribesmen, as if he was ready to kick their ass and send them flying.

None of you were able to do anything in that situation either. So, I dont want to hear any complaints! If we hadnt given up our pride, we wouldve been wiped out. Would you be fine with that?

They wouldve gladly laid down their lives if they could die fighting like warriors, but going against Liam couldnt be considered fighting.

Liam would trample them unilaterally.

None of their warriors could possibly challenge him.

Liam was already considered a War God among the members of the dog tribe.

Glauss son raised his hand to speak.

Father, will Chino ever come back?

That child has become the cornerstone of our tribes rise. See

(t/ls note: In the first place, they said something about the universe and whatnotbut I understood none of it.

Editors note: Its okay, Glauss didnt understand either.)

Glauss came up with some reasonable explanation for his tribesmen, but in reality, he had no idea what he was talking about.

Intergalactic nations, universes, and planets he didnt have the knowledge to understand what these terms meant, and he had no clue how Chino was being treated either.

(She should be safe and healthy. That said she might be going through some difficult times. Chino its thanks to you that were all alive. Ill make sure that your tale lives on.)

As a chief, he didnt regret offering his daughter to appease Liam. But as a father, he felt sorry for her.

Lets also worship Chino. Its thanks to her that were all here.

Another wooden statue was added to the village, a statue that was meantto resemble Chino.

Inside the Banfield Familys mansion, newly assigned maids were standing before Serena the head maid.

Im Christina!

Im Marie!

The girls were in their maid uniforms and trying to strike a cute pose; the smiles on their faces looked awfully unnatural.

They knew that this didnt fit their image at all. But they had received orders from Liam, and Liams orders were absolute.

Hence, the girls treated this as a matter of life and death, which was also why they were desperately striking cute poses in their maid uniforms.

Serena sighed.

Your smiles are too awkward. Try again.

Hearing Serenas instruction to start over, Tia and Marie protested furiously.

Im clearly not the one at fault here! Its the fossil woman over there that cant do things properly!

Whatd you just say? Huh? Minced meat! Your terrible pose is whats dragging us down right now!

Serena stared at them coldly as they swore at one another.

Lord Liams given this old woman a troublesome task. Why cant you both learn from the newcomer over there?

She no longer bothered speaking formally and directed the bickering girls gaze to the third newly appointed maid.

Chino, who had triangular dog ears and a fluffy tail, was also dressed in maid uniform.

Im Chino, a proud member of the wolf tribe! I was told to become a maid, and so I shall! Now, whos my enemy!

It was clear as day that she had no clue what being a maid entailed.

Serena felt dizzy just thinking about it, but it was fine to leave Chino alone as Liam had allowed it.

Tia looked at Chino and snorted.

Serena-dono, you want us to learn from this little pup? I may not look the part, but Im top-notch even as a maid. Theres nothing for me to learn from this beastman.

Seeing how triumphant Tia was behaving, Serena pointed out the facts.

You two arent even worth comparing in the first place.

Marie was delighted to hear that and pointed her finger at Tia while laughing.

Heard that, minced woman? Youre worth even less than a primitive beast like her!

Hearing Marie bad mouthing the others, Serena opened her mouth once again.

You should do something about the way you speak. Without that faade of yours that you normally trot around with, people would think that yourethe one whos less than a beast.

Say what!?

Marie flinched at her words.

Tia, in the meantime, brought her face close to Chinos.

I refuse to believe that Im worse than this mutt. Im more cultured than her, know more about etiquette, and Im stronger as well. Im better than her in all regards.

Intimidated by Tias words, Chino began to tremble, and her tail curled up as well.

Her dog ears drooped down.

I-Im the proud daughter of the wolf tribes hero!

Her voice cracked from fear.

Marie also brought her face close to Chinos.

As if Lord Liam would favor a beast like her.

Chinos body quaked in fear, and tears started to form in her eyes.

After evaluating the situation, Serena touched on an important subject.

At least shes a better person that the two of you.

Haaaah? Im a first-class knight whos also regarded as Lord Liams sword. Youre saying that Ill lose to a beastman like her?

The girls kept calling Chino a beastman because they thought Liam was interested in her due to her animal ears and tail.

To be blunt, they were just jealous.

Under normal circumstances, they wouldnt discriminate against others.

But when Liam was involved, they had the tendency to lose control of themselves.

Serena came up with a hypothetical scenario.

I see then let me ask the two of you a question. Lets say that theres this woman who likes a certain man. The thing is, their social status is vastly different. So much so that for the woman, the man is as unattainable as the stars. The woman wanted to feel connected to the man, so she became pregnant with his child without first seeking his permission. What do you think about this situation?

It was clear to anyone watching that she was referring to Tia and Marie wanting to bear Liams child.

The girls seemed absolutely disgusted by the story.

Thats a bit creepy, you know? You should send that woman to the hospital.

Agreed, and not any hospital. She should be sent to a mental hospital or an asylum. Having a child without the mans approvalas a fellow human being, thats a bit too much.

(Are they really not aware that Im talking about them? They are excellent in many regards, but theyre a pain to deal with whenever somethings about Lord Liam.)

Serena straightened her back and proceeded to hit the girls with the cruel facts.

Thats exactly Lord Liams impression of you two right now.

Tia and Marie looked each other in the eyes and laughed.

Serena-dono, I didnt think you were so good at joking.


Why would they think theyre any different from the woman in the story?

Serena did not have to wait long to hear the answer.

The light in the girls eyes faded.

With a smile on her face, Tia spread her arms and said; The phrase unattainable as the stars does not do him justice. To me, Lord Liams literally God Incarnate. To bear his child is like doing Gods bidding.

Marie prayed with her hands held tightly together.

Dont compare me with that crazy woman over there. Even if its a taboo, Im willing to break it if that means I can bear Lord Liams child. Thats the extent of my loyalty.

Serena looked up at the sky.

Telling me to take care of these twoLord Liams given me a harsh order.

Chino was taken aback by the twos behavior.

I dont really know what this is about, but I think its important for both sides to agree for this kind of thing

Chino gave a valid opinion, to which Serena muttered; I would be much better off educating this child than those two.

Liam entered the scene where all this was taking place.

Chino! Youve never had pancakes before, right? Ive ordered a ptissier to make them, so lets eat them together.

Liam arrived sounding very jubilant.

Chinos tail was also swinging back and forth in delight.

Pancakes!? That sounds delicious indeed Nonono D-dont think for a moment that Chino would fall for that kind of thing!

She had faltered in the middle, and it was quite obvious that she wanted to try it out.

Liam was going to take her along regardless of what she said.

Serena, Ill borrow Chino for a moment.

Sure, but what about these two?

Serena gestured towards Tia and Marie who were glaring at Chino with cold eyes.

Flames of jealousy could be seen burning violently behind them.

Chino was so scared that she hid behind Liam.


Liam looked absolutely appalled by Tia and Marie.

Ill cut the both of you down if you lay your hands on my Chino. Make sure you learn what it means to be more ladylike from Serenalets go, Chino.

U-umu! Ill follow you for now.

Liam left with Chino in tow.

Chino decided to follow along so that she could escape from the two girls.

Terrified of Tia and Marie, she even held onto Liams hand.

Tia and Marie saw this and fell to their knees.


Why would you favor a girl like herrrrr!

Serena watched as they cried, and her head began to ache.

Its my first time dealing with such troublesome girls. You two will be undergoing rigorous education from now on, so make sure youre ready.

(Theyre more durable than your average knight anyway. It should be fine to be a little strict with them.)

This was how Tia and Marie ended up receiving Serenas draconian training.

Rosetta, Eulisia, and Ciel were gathered inside a room and discussing what to do about Rosettas personal guards.

Eulisia was slightly shocked when she first heard Rosettas decision, but she soon nodded.

You want to help those in need? I mean sure, its not a bad idea but itll cost more time and money than before.

I dont mind the extra expense. Ive finally remembered what Ive always wanted to do.

After being told by Liam to come up with her own decision, Rosetta had recalled her past.

I used to struggle a lot as a member of a ducal household that had nothing to their name aside from its title. I was fortunate enough to be saved by Darling, but there are others out there that needs saving. I want to lend those people a helping hand.

Rosetta made up her mind to gather those in need of help to serve as her personal guards.

More specifically, she was thinking of gathering people that were suffering from poverty, debt, and other problems of that nature.

After listening to her plan, Eulisia brought up a very realistic point.

There are many cases where people lose money and go into debt due to their own foolishness. Are you thinking of saving everyone?

Rosetta shook her head.

I dont think Darling would approve of that. Ill be choosing those that are struggling because of their parents or ancestors, as well as those that are in hopeless positions.

Then it should be fine, but itll cost more than I originally anticipated. If you want your guards to be the cream of the crop, well only be able to have around 300 ships considering all the time and money wed have to invest.

Im fine with that. They dont have to be elites either. Im okay with them having mediocre abilities. I just want to give them a chance and save people that need help.

Eulisia did some rough calculations to see how much a fleet that meets all of Rosettas requirements would cost.

What do you think of 3000 ships?

That would do, thank you.

Ciel was listening in on this conversation. Though it wasnt what she originally had in mind, she decided to let it go.

(Lady Rosettas kind and gentle after all. Im sure that shell establish a wonderful fleet to serve as her personal guards.)

She hoped that it would one day become strong enough to confront Liam.

Rosetta was feeling really motivated.

Since its decided, its time to put our plan into action! We wont be able to gather that many people from Darlings territory alone. Lets go scout other territories governed by the Empire and its aristocrats.

Eulisias response wasnt the most enthusiastic, as this was a big hassle, but she was still happy that she had something to do.

Alright! Ill do it, but this has become quite a daunting task.

With that, they set out to establish Rosettas personal guards.

Are they all dumb!?

Im looking at the monitor in front of me with Amagi, while grinding my teeth in frustration.

Amagi had brought out the results of the poll.

Most of the people are in favor of the tax increase as theyll be the ones to benefit with better social welfare.

The officials have put in too much work.

Since ancient times, officials are known to do unnecessary things when theyre handed something.

Theyre the type of people that become corrupt when left alone.

Thats why I left them to their own devices, hoping that theyd do something shady. Im pretty sure that they have by now.

I mean, Id certainly do it if I was in their shoes!

Everything was good up until now, and we had promised the people to enhance social welfare in exchange for the tax increase.

The problem is, the officials came up with such an intricate plan to hide their evil intentions that the people of the territory actually think well be going through with the promise.

That must be why theres so little opposition.

My perfect plan is going astray!

Master, have you ever had a perfect plan?

Amagi, contact the officials immediately!

Ill display them on the monitor.

An official, whos sweating an awful lot, gets projected on the monitor that Ive been using to watch the news.

Whats the matter, Lord Liam?

Its about the social welfare plan! Cant you make things simpler to understand!?

If I dont make it clear enough that Im just trying to exploit them, and squeeze out their money, the citizens wont understand whats going on.

Im not interested in watching those idiot citizens of mine getting taxed without knowing whats happening. I want to see them suffer.

This is revenge for the child-making demo!

Make things simpler to understand? No this is as far as we can possibly

Its you guys were talking about. You can do it!

For the longest time, officials have been famous for their ability to do shady things by coming up with loopholes.

Theres no way that they cant do such a simple thing as this.

W-well review the plan again!

Good. Make sure to do well this time. I expect a lot from you, alright?

I apply the finishing touch by exerting pressure on them.

Im doing that thing where a boss tells his employees I have high hopes for you.

Rather than an encouragement, it serves as a means to pressure them.

With this, Im sure that the officials will get to work and make the social welfare system pretty much useless, thus triggering the residents of my territory.

Theyll regret ever making me angry.

Amagi directs an exasperated look towards me as I bring up the topic of the child-making demo again.

You still havent given up?

Why of course not. Ill make those sinful citizens of mine suffer for offending me.

The day of my return to the Capital is drawing near.

I really want to see the faces of my citizens distort in pain.

A few months later

The government office announced that the plans for the social welfare program had been reevaluated, and this sparked excitement among the citizens of the territory.

Its easier to understand than before.

I heard Lord Liam ordered the office to make things easier to understand.

The officials were apparently really motivated because of Lord Liams words of encouragement.

They were happy as things were, but it was now much more approachable and easier to understand.

The citizens welcomed this change.

Lord Liam really doesnt cut corners, does he? He couldve just left things alone.

Hes so upright.

Hes headed towards the Capital, right?

His aristocratic training should be over soon. He should be back in a few years.

I hope he returns sooner.

Will things start to calm down after he finishes his training?

Things were going in the opposite direction than Liam had expected, and his citizens were feeling more grateful than ever before.

-At the Capital planet-

On the luxury hotels uppermost floor, I fall to my knees after hearing the report.

My reputation in the territory seems to be rising because of my order to have the new policies reviewed.

Amagis face remains expressionless, but I can tell that shes feeling a bit happy as shes reading the report.

Everyones praising Lord Liam for making things easier for them to understand. The citizens are all thanking you.


Theyre so dumb that its kind of scary.

I stand up slowly and pass Amagi an order.

Amagi, we must make some reforms to the territorys education. The education level is too low at the moment.

The territorys education? Its already at a decent level, is it not?

They dont even realize that Im trying to make them suffer! Why the heck are they feeling grateful!? Shouldnt it be the opposite!?

Back in my previous world, the ruling partys reputation would have plummeted by now.

And yet my citizens are feeling grateful!?

They must be retarded, or something.

Their stupidity is almost fearsome.

Im actually starting to worry about the education level in my territory being too low.

As of now, citizens receive 9 years of compulsory education.

Make it 12, and we should review the content of what theyre learning. Let them receive better education.

Its scary that they havent realized theyre being made to suffer.

It wouldve been fine if I was trying to be discreet about it, but the issue here is that Im actively trying to make them suffer.

Being an evil lord is harder than I thought


Brian (*): This Brian is finally getting an illustrationwhat a happy occasion.

Brian (`): Its time to say goodbye with everyone for a while again.

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Authors Note: This marks the end of Volume 7. Down at the bottom, theres a place where readers can use points and write comments. Points and comments serve as a source of motivation for the author, so please feel free to do so.

*However, please abide by the rules set by I want to be a Syosetsuka.

I havent decided on the release date for Volume 8 yet, but there are two volumes (of the authors novel) waiting to be released in July, so I may post it then for promotional purposes. More details will be posted on the activity report section, so please check it out.

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