I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 98: Learning

Chapter 98: Learning

When the Great Flygon returned, another Flygon followed closely behind it.

The two Flygons landed in front of Yuga. The Great Flygon pointed to the other Flygon beside it.

What did this mean? Yuga was utterly perplexed.

After much gesturing, Yuga cautiously said, "Are you telling me to talk to it? That you're passing on the position of leader to it?"

The Great Flygon nodded.

Yuga couldn't fathom why the Great Flygon would suddenly step down. It wasn't old, let alone deceased. Why relinquish leadership?

However, Yuga didn't concern himself with who the leader was. To him, it made no difference.

Yuga composed himself and said, "Now that both of your leaders are here, let me speak.

Starting tomorrow, both of you leaders should come to the main Ecopark for training. Once your training is done, return to the Sub-Ecopark and train your tribesmen with the same program."

Gligar leader, who had grown accustomed to enjoying days of leisure, was immediately inclined to object. But Yuga didn't give it the chance to argue. He quickly continued, "Every month, your two tribes will have a competition. The losing side will have half of their members reduced each day in the next month's Orb Purification Ceremony.

Finally, I'm informing and commanding you, not negotiating. Understand?"

Gligar leader had no more intention to object. It nodded obediently.

The newly appointed Flygon leader, on the other hand, was quite cooperative. It had no objections to Yuga's arrangements.

Yuga thought for a moment and added, "When you train your tribesmen, don't even think about slacking off. I'll have someone keep an eye on you regularly."

As he spoke, Yuga intentionally glanced at Gligar leader, causing it to tremble under his gaze.

Truth be told, Gligar leader still greatly feared Yuga, mainly because of the harsh lesson Yuga's Pokémon had taught it when they first met.

After concluding the conversation with Gligar and Flygon leaders, Yuga, along with the Audinos and the Miltanks, fed energy blocks to the park's inhabitants. Afterward, they returned to the store.

As soon as he stepped into the store, Yuga heard bursts of cheerful laughter. Upon getting closer, he saw Dian playing with Skitty and Linoone, apparently engrossed in some game, thoroughly enjoying themselves.

Yuga approached Suzuki and said, "Dian is here today too, huh? I didn't see him in the store earlier, so I thought he hadn't come today."

Suzuki cast a glance at the happily playing Dian and explained, "He did come. He was playing hide and seek with Strawberry earlier, that's why you didn't see him."

"I see."

"Oh, by the way, there's a package that just arrived. It's addressed to you."

Suzuki reached below the cash register and retrieved a box, handing it to Yuga.

Yuga took the box and, without needing to guess, knew exactly what it was: the Razor Fang he had ordered. Opening the box confirmed his assumption.

Yuga glanced at the Razor Fang, put it away, and paid no more attention to it. It only worked at night, and he wasn't in a hurry. Moreover, Gligar leader's behavior had left him quite dissatisfied. Yuga decided to delay using it.

As Yuga was about to turn and leave, he suddenly remembered something. He turned back to Suzuki and said, "By the way, I've hired a new employee specifically for managing and maintaining our website. They should be arriving in a few days. Keep an eye out for them."

After finishing his statement, Yuga moved a chair under the weather tree in the store and brought a computer to sit down, opening an online breeding course to start studying.

Yuga decided that whenever he had time, he would dedicate himself to learning the knowledge of a breeder. As the owner of a daycare, there were certain things he should know.

Breeding courses in the world of Pokémon were generally quite expensive. While some academic discussions were free to access, anything involving the imparting of knowledge came at a cost.

Considering the money he had spent on these courses, Yuga thought it wouldn't be very cost-effective to learn them all by himself. So, he called Linoone, who was playing with Dian, and said, "Go fetch Audino for me. Let her know I need to speak with her."

Linoone nodded and dashed towards the Ecopark.

When Linoone found Audino, she was playing with the baby Pokémon in the park. As soon as she heard Yuga needed her, she left the park.

Seeing Audino approaching with Linoone, Yuga smiled and waved at her, saying, "Come over here, quickly."

As Audino reached him, he pulled out another chair and gestured for her to sit down. Then he said, "In order to improve our skills for future work, we need to continuously enhance our proficiency. Come, let's learn together."

Audino shifted her gaze to the computer screen and became engrossed in the knowledge being taught by the instructor.

The lesson Yuga was currently studying was titled "How to Clean the Bodies of Ground and Rock-type Pokémon."

We all know that the body structures of many Pokémon are quite unique, especially for Ground and Rock-types. Their bodies often have many joints and crevices, such as Geodude, Rhyhorn, and Aggron, among others.

These joints and crevices tend to accumulate a lot of dirt, but due to their elemental traits, these Pokémon often despise water. Hence, cleaning their bodies is not accomplished with water.

After completing this lesson, Yuga and Audino proceeded to learn "How to Keep the Bodies of Water-type Pokémon Clean."

Because Water-type Pokémon live in water for extended periods and frequently swim, their bodies often appear clean. However, that's not the reality.

Water bodies are one of the places with the highest prevalence of parasites. In places we can't see, various parasites thrive in seemingly clean water.

As a result, the bodies of Water-type Pokémon, within their armor and scales, often host numerous harmful organisms.

Learning how to keep these parasites away from their bodies is a crucial skill.

Subsequently, they studied courses such as "Identifying Tree Fruit Types," "Selecting High-Quality Tree Fruits," and "Taste Preferences of Pokémon of Different Attributes." The day passed by unnoticed as they delved into their studies.

After finishing these courses, Yuga felt his brain swelling, but Audino was still deeply engrossed. This led Yuga to wonder if the mental capacity of Pokémon was larger than that of humans.

While it was known that Pokémon like Alakazam and Metagross had larger brains than humans, he hadn't heard that Audino's intelligence was also of that sort.

In the evening, when Yuga returned from the Ecopark after training the Pokémon, he found Audino still under the weather tree, holding the computer. He shook his head helplessly.

Seeing Audino's diligence, was she planning to become a top-tier breeding master?

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