Imperial CEO Sweet Sweet Love

Chapter 051

Then he sent someone to check her details. The person who came back said that the girl's name was he'an. As for the others, they didn't find out.

Can't find it? Xiao Yan doesn't believe it. Someone stopped him from checking the girl's background.

Now he must call Gu Mocheng down!

However, I'll wait for him to finish the masked boy's dance.

Fu Xin can't hold back. He has to go to the toilet first, and then come back to see Mingshao's performance. Afraid that she would come back to the end of the show, she handed Suan her mobile phone.

"Ann, take a picture for me."

Su an takes over the mobile phone and helps Fu Xin continue to shoot videos.

When Fu Xin passed the stairs, he inadvertently looked up. Standing at the stairway, the man in a wine red suit is watching Mingshao's performance carefully.

Shit, so coquettish. Fu Xin said in her heart that she seldom saw men choose to wear wine red suits.

Xiao Yan looked down and saw a beautiful girl staring at herself. Then he heard her say, "Sao Bao!"

Xiao Yan frowned at the evaluation of the two words. Looking down from the upstairs position, he could see the snow-white in Fu Xin's collar. He raised his mouth and smiled.

"Good, 34C!"

Xiao Yan said, Fu Xin even covered his chest, then scolded, "hooligan, lecherous!"

It's not that the quality of the men in the sales Grottoes is very high. How can they meet a satyr. When the woods are big, they have everything.

Fu Xin stares at him fiercely to express his dissatisfaction.

Xiao Yan looked at Fu Xin's air filled appearance and smiled more. "Are you interested?"

He thinks that the woman's figure is very accurate. The girl downstairs is younger, but she has a good figure. Tonight, she just can't find a partner who wants to sleep, so let's go.

Fu Xin didn't understand and didn't want to take care of the bag. She thought it was important to go to the toilet.

In the restroom, Fu Xin solved the need and patted his face with water. The cool water washed away the wine in an instant.

Her mind slowly became clear, and she thought of the man who had just stood at the second floor of the stairs, as if she had seen him somewhere.

Fu Xin turns over his cell phone and looks for Zhang Xiaoyan and his girlfriend's picture to enlarge. The face on it coincides with the man on the second floor just now.

She likes to surf the Internet, gossip, and is particularly interested in the interesting things between Playboy and star.

"Shit, this bag is Xiao Yan!"

In Ningcheng, Xiao Yan is absolutely famous, absolutely romantic and absolutely high-profile. It's like changing clothes every day. Sometimes the woman brought out in the morning is not the same as the woman who went to the hotel to open a room in the evening.

"There are so many women who are not afraid to get sick." Fu Xin says, turn off the webpage repugnantly, feel to see oneself to grow pinhole more.

Still elder brother is good, clean oneself is good, won 't casually bring sister-in-law back to her.

Wait, Fu Xin thinks of another thing.

Xiao Yan is Gu Mocheng's basic friend. Maybe Gu Mocheng is in the place where Xiao Yan is. Last time, my brother said that Xiao Yan was looking up things at the racetrack. He helped Gu Mocheng.

I won't do that. Today, Gu Mocheng is selling in the golden grottoes.

This thought, Fu Xin had no alcohol at all. She even ran out of the bathroom to the dance floor.

Passing by the stairs on the second floor, she looked up and Xiao Yan was gone.

Xiao Yan won't go to Gu Mocheng. He can see Ann from his station.

Miserable, miserable, if Ann is caught by Gu Mocheng, she will die. What Gu Mocheng wants is a obedient and clever wife. She can do everything in her family, but she doesn't obey.

"Ann, run."

Fu Xin went to su'an and said anxiously.

Su an an is taking a mobile phone to shoot a video, and says in bewilderment, "what are you running for?"

"Your husband is coming." Fu Xin said in a hurry.

"Husband?" Suan didn't react at once.

"Gu Mocheng, your husband." Fu Xin doesn't care. He drags Su an and explains, "I saw Xiao Yan when I went to the toilet just now."

"Who is Xiao Yan?" 'the name is familiar to me,' she asked.

"Your husband's good friend."

Fu Xin suspects that Gu Mocheng and Xiao Yan are a couple, or that Gu Mocheng is keeping his body as jade for Xiao Yan.

This can't be blamed for Fu Xin's random thinking. Who let Gu Mocheng not have a woman around him for so many years? Who let Xiao Yan change women frequently.

Gu Mocheng doesn't like women. He likes men. The reason why Xiao Yan changes women to be diligent is that he disguises his real sexual orientation with women. There are many articles on the Internet about Gu Mocheng and Xiao Yan. From their life habits, they are one and the same.

"Xiao Yan?" Suan remembers, Gu Mocheng's friend.

"You see Gu Mocheng?" Hearing Gu Mocheng's presence, Su An'an's pace quickened.

"No." Fu Xin replied, "but Xiao Yan is here, and Gu Mocheng must be there."

As he spoke, Fu Xin felt it necessary to tell Su an, Xiao Yan and Gu Mocheng about their relationship.She took Suan to a corner and settled down. She wanted to say that she was afraid of hitting her again.


"Well." Su'an replied, wondering what Fu Xin was going to say.

"Gu Mocheng and Xiao Yan have different relations. They are a couple." With that, Fu Xin looks at Su an.

Su'an was stunned and laughed.

She didn't know what was on her mind. How could she bring Gu Mocheng and Xiao Yan together.

"Xiao Xin, you don't read those beautiful novels."

"How could Gu Mocheng and Xiao Yan be a couple?" Su An'an said with a smile that she was tossed twice by Gu Mocheng last night.

"Really." "Fu Xin whispered," there is an article on the Internet that exposes the relationship between Gu Mocheng and Xiao Yan. "

"He also said that Gu Mocheng was for Xiao Yan. He didn't find a woman for so many years."

The reason why Gu didn't find a woman for so many years is that Su an doesn't know, but she certainly didn't do it for Xiao Yan.

Seeing that su'an doesn't believe it, Fu Xin takes her hand and goes back, "if you don't believe it, let's go back and have a look."

"Gu Mocheng, I found the girl who hit your car." Xiao Yan once enters the box, to lie on the sofa drinking Gu Mocheng said.

Gu Mocheng looks up at Xiao Yan, but doesn't remember, "huh?"

"The one who gave you the thumbs up."

This one mention, Gu Mo Cheng thought of, light ground returned a voice, "hum."

"It's downstairs."

"It was the one who hit the second brother's car last time and gave the second brother a thumbs up?" Xiao Yan and Han longyi said that the girl's courage is praiseworthy.

"Yes, people are downstairs."

"Let's go and have a look." Han longyi stood up first and walked towards the door.

Gu put out his cigarette end and slowly got up to follow him out.

Gu Mocheng three people went to the second floor of the stairs, along the direction of Xiao Yan said, did not see any girls.

"Man that?" Xiao Yanqi died. He was still standing there just now. He had no time to turn around.

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