In My Favorite Novel As The Final Villain

Chapter 10: "Brother!"

"Your Highness, don't you think it would lower your reputation to bring a maid to a gathering of nobles?" a young woman asked with a pout on her cheeks, reproaching a young man who smiled slightly.

"Don't worry, I am Fall after all," Theos replied confidtly as the young man looked out of the car windows.

The maid, Alice, did not argue any further, she snorted with a pout on her cheeks, but she could not hide her smile either.

Wh eving came, Theos prepared for the gathering of the nobles in an all-black suit with crimson lines next to his beautiful face and marble-like skin. His image was perfect.

Alice was a little stunned wh she saw him, wearing a silver-colored one-piece dress that exposed her snow- shoulders and arms, and her pretty little face, lightly made up.

Theos was also stunned wh he saw her, but unlike Alice, he recovered much more quickly.

Under the vious eyes of the few servants in the palace, Theos and Alice walked out together and got into the car, where the chauffeur did his job and drove them to the meeting.

"Young Master Fall, we are nearing the meeting of the nobles at Noble House Rasforh," the chauffeur, Thomas, an older gtleman in his 60s, but one of the most trusted of all the Fall family and one who had served them for most of his life, remarked respectfully.

Theos nodded, following the tour with his eyes, while Alice played nervously with her hands.

It wasn't long before the voice of the chauffeur, Thomas, confirmed that they had arrived at Earl Rasforh's house, so they had to park in the VIP lot, directed by the Rasforh family's staff.

'Having high status is not a bad thing at all... Just having the symbol of the Fall family on the car, they treat it with so much respect' Theos thought secretly as he watched the whole carefully measured procedure of parking the car.

'This world, Zeifer World, isn't that differt from Earth; it's just a little bigger, and the technology is greater, but the differce isn't that drastic,' Theos reminded himself as he pulled out his cell phone, which looked more like a rectangular piece of glass.

Wh he saw the time on his phone, he immediately put it away. 'I arrived well before the time the noble gatherings attacked, that's a relief' he remembered all the plans he had made; Theos' eyes shone with determination in his indiffert face.

"Young Master Fall and Miss Alice, it's safe to come down," assured chauffeur Thomas, who, sharp as he was, added "Miss" to refer to Alice. "All right," Theos replied.

They both got out at the same time. Theos' all-black hair swayed in the wind. "Tsk, I should have tied up my hair," Theos chided himself aloud.

"Phew, Your Highness, I can tie your hair," Alice replied quickly, reaching out to touch Theos' hair. He had no choice but to bd down a little and let her tie his hair.

"Done!" Alice confirmed. "Thank you," the blackhead replied with a smile.

But before they could speak any further, Thomas stepped forward. "Young Master Fall, shall I accompany you or would you prefer me to stay?"

"The latter, please," Theos replied immediately.

Thomas nodded, understanding his master perfectly. He quickly left without a trace.

"Come on," Theos said, grabbing Alice's hand and pulling her with him. The girl's face turned as red as a tomato, ev Theos could see the humor in her face.

"We pay our respects to the Fall!" shouted dozs of Rasforh Family workers in unison as they knelt before Theos.

The title of The Fall had be bestowed on Theos alone throughout history, with ev more respect than the patriarch of the tire Fall family.

It was giv to him by the very birth of Theos, an unprecedted phomon...

Theos raised his hand and saluted the workers, who did not ev raise their heads, completely glued to the g.

Theos did not order them to raise their heads, as it would be useless. Although he did not want to punish them, if it became known that mere workers of an Earl's family had greeted The Fall, Earl Rasforh might consider them murderers.

"We welcome The Fall, it is a pleasure and a joy to have you with us, and it is more than an honor that this meeting is the first appearance of a born gius such as yourself," a voice commted from a distance.

Looking up, the two met: Count Rasforh, Ivan Rasforh, the Patriarch, and Count of the Rasforh Territory.

"The pleasure is mine, Count Rasforh. Please do not make a fuss about my appearance; after all, I have gone to great lgths to appear here without causing a scandal," Theos commted, remembering all the measures he had to take to sure that his first public appearance in history would not become a total scandal.

The Count nodded in understanding, and the workers, instantly understanding, dispersed without a word.

The message was clear. Not a single word about the Fall was to be uttered in public!

Theos sighed in relief, as did Alice, but their sighs were for two completely differt reasons.

Theos so that his plans would not be derailed, and Alice so that her master would not be embarrassed to hold hands with a commoner.

"Your father called me to tell me you were coming to the meeting, you don't know how pleased he was, so I had a bunch of workers waiting for you and escorting you. Don't worry, your hiding place hasn't be discovered, I just told them you were coming today," Ivan quickly explained with a smile full of happiness.

To have The Fall himself, not only that, but at his first noble gathering, was a historic evt, and he was more than happy to be in charge of the noble gathering.

Unfortunately, he did not have time to talk to Theos wh a call came.



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