In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 354: The Dragons Who Break out of the Forbidden Forest

Chapter 354: The Dragons Who Break out of the Forbidden Forest

Emil was excited.

He felt that he was only one step away from success, but when the roar from the sky made him pause for a moment.

And with that pause, he suddenly felt a gust of wind blow past him and then a hand grabbed the back collar of his robe and yanked him backwards!

The next moment Emil fell to the ground, caught by surprise.

Diane felt the opposite, she felt the same wind, but at the same time she felt her back being pushed forward by a pair of hands, then after just two steps she had somehow overtaken Emil, and when she looked back she found herself on the other side of the silver line!

Diane looked back with a bewildered look on her face, and then she saw the person who had been responsible for this - Jon, who was smiling at her with a raised eyebrow!

She had thought that Jon would not be able to make it tonight, the riot in the Forbidden Forest had made it clear to the smart girl that Voldemort must have plotted something against him in private, but she also knew that even if she went there she would not be able to help Jon in any way.

If Jon could handle it, then she would be able to help him, but if he couldn't, then there was nothing she could do.

Therefore, in fact, the moment Emil was about to step into that silver line, Diane had already made up her mind.

Since there was no way for her to compete for first place in the time ranking, she couldn't let Emil's result be tied with Jon's either, so she planned to wait here until Jon had solved the trouble he was in and then give him the second place so that he could surpass Emil with both results combined.

As for her own placing, Diane didn't care.

Although it would have been in her best interests and the Rosier family's best interests to come first in this Triwizard Tournament first task, Diane had always known that it was not just her personal or family interests that were at stake, and even if no one had told her that, she knew that she could not ruin the big picture by having some small thought that she should not have.

But now the tables were turned completely at the last minute!

While everyone thought for sure that he would be entangled by those dragons in the forbidden forest and that even if he was not in danger for a while, he would not be able to get rid of them for a while, Jon appeared in a manner that no one was able to see, and they simply could not quite believe what happened.

Emil, who had fallen to the ground, froze as he sat there, looking incredulously at Diane and Jon, who had stepped outside the Silver Line.

The whole scene went silent, neither the judges nor the journalists who held up their cameras, expecting such a situation at the end.

Jon, who was holding a cloth bag full of golden snitches in one hand and his wand in the other, first blinked at Dumbledore, before turning his attention to Matthew, the head judge on the panel.

"Mr Graves, I assume the first tournament task has now been concluded?"

It was then that Matthew came back to his senses, and everyone around him also snapped back with his comment, and at once countless shutters lit up, and those journalists who had been here all along and had thought they had enough big news for the night were excited, nothing could have been more incredible than such an unexpected outcome.

The judges also all came back to their senses, and it was only then that Beauxbatons Deputy Headmaster Bonnesante had been helped up to his feet from the ground by the Aurors present around the crowd, his fingers still unable to stop twitching, and the resentment that had been on his face was now shifting from Rosier to Jon.

It was clear that Emil was on the verge of winning, that it was only the final step that would allow their Beauxbatons champion to make a name for himself in the first task of the tournament, along with that fugitive mudblood dead, it would be the ultimate victory of the Beauxbatons students who represent Voldemort.

But now it was all for nought!

But Matthew's next words rekindled Bonnesante's hopes.

"Your task may be over Mr Green, Daisy Rosier finished first, and you were second, but at the moment Mr Lestrange for his part is not seem ready to finish his task."

It took Matthew's words to grab everyone else's attention, and they turned their eyes to Emil, who was still behind the silver line, and by this time he had risen from the grass and turned in the opposite direction to where he was exiting the forbidden forest, with a determined footstep to attempt to gather more points.

Everyone in the crowd could see what he was trying to do, even if there was no way to be first or second to finish the first task, there were actually four days left until the end of the first task, and he wanted to rely on those four days to get back into the Forbidden Forest and get more golden snitches to try and get first place in the point scoring, which would also allow him to achieve a reversal in the score.

However looking at his back, Jon shrugged and said.

"Oh yes, I forgot to mention one more thing, you should know that those dragons in the Forbidden Forest suddenly went wild like crazy and now there's another little accident involving them, I don't think Mr Lestrange will be able to find any more golden snitches in the Forbidden Forest anymore."

Emil's body suddenly paused, and all eyes refocused on Jon, with Matthew frowning tightly.

"Those dragons had another accident? What accident?"

An inexplicable smile appeared on Jon's face, and without saying another word about a thing, he simply reached out and pointed to the night sky overhead, indicating that everyone could look up and see for themselves.

Just as someone was about to turn their head and ask Jon what the hell he was pretending to be, a gust of wind swept through the woods!

Lush branches of the trees were blown, and green leaves were torn from their branches with such force that they flew up!

Everyone's hair was blown wildly by the gust of wind and their robes were swept around their bodies like banners!

The next moment, huge figures enveloped the night sky, blocking the stars and spreading their huge wings as they left the forbidden forest where the restrictions had been lifted!

As they passed over the place where Jon and the others were, not a single dragon looked down, their scarlet eyes fixed on the only target they wanted to attack and destroy!

The Hogwarts castle, built between the mountains, towering in the darkness of the night!


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