Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 105: The Best Way

Chapter 105: The Best Way

I was finally able to get back to sleep, and Alana stayed asleep for the rest of the night. I was glad to actually have a restful sleep, and I woke up to Lesha curled up in my arms.

She was facing me, and she was face-planted into my breasts again. I kissed the top of her hand and then ran my hands through her soft blonde hair as she slowly woke up.

"Good morning, Baby," Lesha said in a squeaky voice as she stretched her legs, and rubbed her cheeks into my breasts.

"Good morning, my darling," I said letting my right arm free of her to pull her face into a kiss.

This was the very best way to wake up, but I wondered where Alana went, and I was slightly worried. I squeezed Lesha and kissed her multiple times before starting to pull away.

"No! Let me have five more mins, and maybe five more after that, but that's it," Lesha complained, latching onto me and taking a deep breath before plowing her face between my breasts.

I slowly laid back down, scared to do something to trigger Lesha, and then the whole place would hear my squawking. After I settled back down in bed, Lesha expelled the breath out her nose, but that's when I attacked.

I dug my fingers into her waist making her squeal like a little girl loud enough to wake the dead. I rolled away from her and got up out of the bed with a couple swift movements.

Lesha tried to get me back, but I was already out of bed and took my nightshirt off to get changed. When I got it off, Lesha was perched on the edge of the bed with her hands up like claws, and fire in her eyes.

"Miss K? Lesha?" Called all the girls as they burst into the room.

I squawked and pulled my shirt over my chest.

"Do you girls mind? Lesha is being a pest and I am trying to get changed so we can get going. Where is Alana?" I asked, turning to the get changed as all four girls entered the room, and closed the door.

"She is down visiting with Victor and Corbit. They are all eating so they should be ready. Vergil said he would have food to go for us," Gloria said.

I looked back to see that she had joined Lesha on the bed, and the other three were rolling like children in sync. I found it hard to believe that these girls were all older than me.

After glaring at Lesha to get dressed I put on some green shorts and a black halter top. It felt like it was going to be a warm one, but I wondered how Braum did with the diving gear?

I shooed the girls out of the room and told them to get their swinging things and towels for the trip.

Suddenly, I was hit with multiple flashbacks of the same scene and me saying the same words. It was only monetary, but it was a reminder that we had all done this kind of thing just for fun before.

"Do you ever get memories? Like little flashbacks of times that we lived together before?" I asked as Lesha tied the stir around the back of her neck to keep the light blue bikini top up.

"You saw that too? I think I see them when you do, but I looked really nice just to go to the beach to spend time together," Lesha said with a smile as she came over and gave me a quick kiss.

"I know it would be Darling, but we have things we need to do, fun will come, I promise," I said to her as we walked out of our room.

The girls were waiting for us with bags that must have had extra towels because they were packed full. I waved them forward, and we all headed downstairs.

It was still nice and early, and I was glad that the girls were all dressed and ready to go. They had been able to have some sleep in time the day before, so today was time to get back at it.

"Good morning Guild Leader Kiada!" The room cheered as we walked down into sight of all the people in the guild.

Everyone on them had already grabbed ribbon from the Resurrection Tree I had purchased along with more guild slots. Later today I would deal with the new people that wanted to join, and there were a lot of them, but I could also see my own ribbon in the sea of blacks.

"Good morning everyone!" I called out as we stepped into the mess hall. "I can see a lot of new faces today! So, that means there should be multiple runs done today by the new prospective members. I would also like the names of the monster that you kill and the loot that they drop."

"What do you need to know that for?" A woman in heavy plate armor asked, stepping forward.

She had bright red hair and a friendly face, but the double-bladed battle ax strapped to her back said differently. The woman put both Gloria and me to shame, and she was half a step taller than me.

"If we can figure out the types of things certain monsters drop, and then things they don't. Once we know what we are looking for, we can have people that farm for specific items go out and we can craft better quality things. There will be some items that are needed more than others, so if we have a list we can keep stocked up on supplies," I explained.

"Hmph! Good, I hope that we can work together in the future then. I would have never thought of something like that, but that's why they have started to call you Mama K, hehe. You just always seem to know what to do, and what works best. My name is Gracey, and I am a Berserker, Fighter Class, Diamond Rank."

"I look forward to seeing what you return with. You're already a winner in my book, but everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves," I said with a smile, shaking Gracey's large outstretched hand.

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