Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 98: God Talk And My Own Things

Chapter 98: God Talk And My Own Things

I walked up a spiral staircase that was similar to the one at the Laughing Ravens Guild. This reminded me that I still needed to talk to Braum, the girls had said that he wanted to join.

I would like to know how Joker felt about this, but all of this and that would come after I talked to my God. It was a bit weird to think of her like that, but after hearing about what the other ones were like, I was almost excited to talk to her.

I reached the top, and I tried to hold the bounce out of my step. So many things had gone wrong since I had talked about the position of Guild Leader and now things were finally starting to come together.

There was a door with a heavy latch that I was able to easily push open. I entered the room with the large white stone with the blue bladed and curved design set into it.

Suddenly I was shifted and something felt different. The room was a lighter color, and far cleaner than the one I had just been inside.

"Well, I will say it K, I am impressed with everything you have accomplished so far," Said a familiar voice from behind me.

My chest tightened, and I slowly turned around to see the beautiful smiling face of my Goddess Healia smiling back at me. It was hard to keep the feelings back, it had been a long trip and so much had happened.

"I know, come here. It has been a long road for you, but the road will only get more arduous. Now, I can be here for you and you will have the support of your miss begotten family," Healia told me as she stepped forward and took me into a warm embrace that I leaned into for a brief moment.

"I hit Dyster for calling the girls names," I said after stepping back and pulling away from Healia. "And the girls tore the arms off the previous Guild Leader, but Dyster stopped his bleeding and then took him away."

"Good, I bet he was angry that you wouldn't challenge him after that! We aren't allowed to get involved unless challenged, so having to hand over his personal Guild must be eating at him. Watch out, just because he can't fight you outright, for now, doesn't mean he can't get others to do it, or force you to fight him," Healia explained to me.

She was right, and I would have to be careful how I handled this from now on, but at least we had a safe place to call our own.

"Am I really back home? Is this the Guild?" I asked Healia, trying to push past her, but my hand went right through her.

I tried walking over to the open door, but something blocked me. It was like an invisible wall that sealed me within the chamber, but that didn't explain why I could touch her before?

"I wanted you to hug me before, so I was giving a solid shape for you to hug, but this time I didn't really feel like getting pushed out of the way. Unfortunately, I can only do this for us, but once you are finished in Dyster you can come home and deal with the problems here," Healia explained to me.

"What problems? Are the other Guilds starting to act up?" I asked.

"A little bit, I over-exaggerate, but I think you should deal with them before they get out of hand. The is a new dangerous leader that cleared the dungeon, and he received a rod that can freeze things just by touching it to the object. This also includes people, and there is another that got a strange mud-based magic that lets him create golems," Healia explained.

That didn't really sound like she was over exaggerating that, much. Both of those people sounded dangerous, but if they weren't bothered by our guild, they would be fine for now.

"Can you give me any advice for leveling the guild up?" I asked hopefully, but Healia just smiled and shook her head at me.

"You can do this, you make a mistake the first time, but I can see that you have already got things lined up properly this time. All I can say to you is to make sure that you keep your Member slot open and to not let them completely fill up. Besides that, stay safe and take care of yourself and the girls," Healia said to me, and then she slowly started to fade and disappear.

Healia was right, and I would just have to pay more attention to the points I was using and consider if they were moving me in the right direction. I wanted to become the type of leader that everyone respected and looked up to.

I turned back and closed the door as I left the room. I would need to get someone up here to do some cleaning after seeing how nice Healia had kept the Waystone at my own guild.

I walked down the spiral stair and onto the fourth floor where I expected to find the girls, but all the doors were open, and there was a trail of clothes leading back to the backroom that I had assumed was mine.

I could hear noises coming from over in my room, but they sounded muffled. I walked, stepping around the clothing, and soon I was in the room, but I could hear splashing coming from another room.

There seemed to be a bathroom in the same place that there was in my room in Healia, but this room was much larger. I walked over to the mostly closed door and pushed it open to find the girls.

They all looked up at me with big smiles from the water. This was a five-by-five meter bathtub filled with naked girls.

Why couldn't I just have my own things?

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