Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 119- The Family Grows

Chapter 119- The Family Grows

[Fafnir POV]

After dropping Emma off, I flew back to where Keeno was.  As I got closer, the heat started to become overwhelming, even for me.  Once I landed, the ground beneath my feet started shifting like sand as it had all turned to ash.  Keeno was still walking forward swinging her weapons that were glowing a vibrant blue from blade to the chains and releasing fire all around her as she charged another breath.  Atop her head was a crown of horns similar to mine, only made by flames.

“Keeno, it’s time you calmed down.” (Fafnir)

Though I j ew it would be the case, it seemed my word couldn’t reach her. I heaved a sigh and struck the ground. Though the effect was minimized due to all the ash, it still shook enough to knock her off balance. I then rushed forward and picked her up in my hand before taking to the sky.

“Let me go!  I have to burn them all!  They MUST face retribution!” (Keeno)

I felt the flesh on my hand burning as I gripped Keeno, but I ignored it.

“Keeno, break yourself from this illusion. The shadows are gone, you are safe, whatever they showed you will not come to pass.” (Fafnir)

I could hear her breathing heavily and soon the heat she was releasing diminished rapidly.

“*sniff*It was horrible…” (Keeno)

After uttering those words, she fell silent, though every now and then, I could hear quiet sobs.

{…I’ve messed up.}

“This isn’t on you, Rasu.” (Fia)

{I should have taught her how to resist things like this, Fia!  How is it not my fault!?}

“We all make mistakes, and we need to learn from them.  And if anything, I’m at fault here. As the one who was in charge of both keeping your overprotectiveness in check, as well as educating Keeno, I also slipped up.” (Fia)

“Will the two of you be quiet.  This is neither of your faults, so quiet down, and let me tend to her.” (Fafnir)

{But I’m-}

“As her Fated One, you are her wife, lover, soul mate, and the one who completes her, but you are not her mother. And you, phoenix, are her older sister.  Neither of you have ever tended to a child as a parent, so let me do what I am supposed to do as her mother.” (Fafnir)

I approached the mouth of my cave and slowly descended.  As I touched down, I gently laid Keeno on the ground as I transformed into my small, humanoid form. I picked up my little fox and brought her inside. I sat down on her bedroll and laid her head in my lap.  The horns of flame had vanished, but the markings at the corners of her eyes remained. I looked closer and saw that they were actually tiny black scales which made me smile.

“So, claiming you as my daughter did strengthen your draconic lineage, though I’m getting the feeling these are the only scales you’ll ever get. Still, they suit you, my little one.” (Fafnir)

“…Faf-” (Keeno)

“Shh.  Just stop for now, Keeno. Close your eyes and calm your heart.  Nothing can hurt you here.” (Fafnir)

She stared up at me for a moment before slowly closing her eyes. I started to run my fingers through her hair and started humming an old song. For a while, that was the only sound that could be heard in the cave.  Looking down at Keeno again, I saw tears streaming down her cheeks.

“It was so scary…all those scenes I saw…everyone…” (Keeno)

“It’s alright.  None of that will happen.  None of it can happen.” (Fafnir)

Keeno continued to cry in my lap. I lifted her up and pulled her into a hug. She wrapped her arms around me as her sobs grew louder.


“Let it all out, my little one.” (Fafnir)

A little while later, Keeno fell asleep.

“Goddess Amaterasu, next time you see my little one in person, do everything you can for her. Pamper her to the fullest extent you are capable of.” (Fafnir)

{You don’t need to tell me that. I was already going to do that.}

“Very good.  Even as her mother, there are some things I’m not capable of doing for her that you are.” (Fafnir)


After about an hour, Keeno woke up again, looking visibly refreshed.

“…” (Keeno)

“Better?” (Fafnir)

“Nn.” (Keeno)

She looked a bit pensive then looked up and me.

“Ya know, aside from certain things, I can’t really remember a lot of personal things from my last life. My hobbies, my area of study, what I wanted to do, I can remember them clear as day, but more personal stuff, my old name, any family I may or may not have had, friends, none of that. There was Saki, but she was more a loving grandmother if anything. But even with that fact, I can say this with certainty, I’ve never felt like I had someone I could call mum till now.” (Keeno)

“Well, I’m glad to fill that place in your heart.  You are born of my blood through many generations, but you are the last of my children. I’m glad to call you my daughter.” (Fafnir)

She reached up and hugged me again.

“Though with this, it will feel kind of weird to call Emma mum as well. I mean, she doesn’t give off that vibe, if you get my meaning.” (Keeno)

“I’m sure she won’t mind not being called that. Even if she is mine, I don’t think your relationship will change that much.” (Fafnir)

“Hehe.  So, you already consider her yours, eh?” (Keeno)

“Well, I can’t deny she’s cute, and I know she likes me, so naturally I’ll claim her as mine.” (Fafnir)

“…And here I thought I could tease you about it, but it doesn’t really work if you take it in stride like that. But meh, I’m happy for you and Emma.” (Keeno)

“If you’re trying for that, then you must be feeling better.” (Fafnir)

“Yeah. Honestly, now I’m kind of ashamed at how I was acting earlier. Thinking back on it, what I saw was irrational and practically impossible to happen, but it still got to me. I mean, everything seemed so real, and I could even feel and smell things that weren’t there.” (Keeno)

“Illusions can be powerful if used like that, and it takes a heart of steel and a will of iron to withstand them. Something only those experienced in many, MANY years of battle or those who feel nothing for others can fight something like that and not be affected. At least, in my opinion.” (Fafnir)

“Hmm.” (Keeno)

“Enough of the bad things, it’s over now and I have something I wish to discuss with you.” (Fafnir)

“What is it?” (Keeno)

“It’s about our breath.” (Fafnir)

“What about it?” (Keeno)

“To put it bluntly, it’s sloppy. I can tell that you are relying purely on instinct when using it. You may be doing something else as well, but I don’t know how you were taught to use magic and your mana, so I can’t say anything there, but as a dragon and my daughter, I cannot allow you to continue to be sloppy with this, or else you’ll one day end up hurting yourself, others around you, and much more.” (Fafnir)

“…” (Keeno)

Her reaction to this turning into a lesson suddenly was, as expected of my daughter, adorable, but I had to harden my heart and set her straight in this topic before anything else, as a point of pride and a worry for her future.

{For what me and Fia taught her regarding magic, it basically boils down to getting perfect control over her mana and its use.}

“I see. Coming from the goddess of Magic herself, I have complete faith in that teaching, and it is quite close to what I’m thinking needed as well.  But there is something you are lacking. It may either be dormant in you, or small inside, but it’s something that all dragons or ones of draconic descent have.” (Fafnir)

“Wait, are you talking about a dragon core?” (Fia)

“You’ve heard of them, phoenix?  I would assume the goddess Amaterasu has, but I’m surprised you have as well.” (Fafnir)

“Rasu aside, I’ve only ever heard about them, and even then, those were vague rumors at best.” (Fia)

{I did know about them, but I didn’t know all the details.  All I ever really cared about in regard to them was how they acted with mana. I mean, it’s kind of important for me to know about anything like that after all, but it seems my lack of interest beyond that is coming back to bite me again.}

“Well, it’s not something we really talk about much, and even then, once we die, they vanish. It’s the reason I hardly used my breath at all since being revived.” (Fafnir)

“Um, can someone please explain?” (Keeno)

“Right.  Basically, all dragons or their kin, no matter how distant the relation, have what is called a dragon core. They range in size, though for all intents and purposes that doesn’t mean anything and are usually located somewhere near our hearts.  We dragons store mana in the cores over time so we can use it in various ways ranging from normal magic to breaths. The thing is, and even I don’t know why it is this way, but when using mana stored in our cores, it’s more stable and concentrated.  How to put it in an easier way to understand?” (Fafnir)

“If mana normally is an uncontrollable blaze, a dragon core makes it a contained candle flame.” (Fia)

{If the candle flame has the intensity of the sun concentrated in one point, then something like that.}

“I kind of get it now. But how come I never knew I had one of these. I mean, even Ama didn’t know.” (Keeno)

{For the record, I didn’t know anyone of draconic descent had one or the method of awakening one.}

“Awakening it is simple, it just takes a nudge once we find it. But Keeno is special, I don’t know just what will happen when I awaken it due to her holding the power of a goddess.” (Fafnir)

{I don’t expect much will happen. At least for now. Her Authorities are still mostly sealed and even then, it would only make her stronger in time.}

“True.  So, shall we get to awakening it?  I know it may be abrupt and all after what just happened, but it’s always better to do something like this right when you think about it rather than waiting.  And besides, teaching a young dragon about their core is a mother’s duty, and I must fulfill it.” (Fafnir)

“So that’s why you brought this up.” (Fia)

“Of course. Keeno is my daughter, so I must do everything I can as her mother before she leaves the nest.” (Fafnir)

“…This whole conversation is turning weird.  I am an adult, you know…Actually, have I already turned 20?” (Keeno)

{A few more months.}

“Oh.” (Keeno)

“That doesn’t matter to me. I mean, we are all timeless being here, so mortal concepts of age mean nothing.  After all, if we use those rules, I’m a month old at most again.” (Fafnir)

“Fafnir’s strange reasoning aside, do you want to do this now, Keeno?” (Fia)

“I don’t see why not.  I mean, it’ll only end up helping me in the long run, and I can clearly see that mum here really wants to do this, so I don’t mind indulging her.  And besides…it’ll make me feel closer to my family…in a way.” (Keeno)

Though I couldn’t speak for the other two, I know Keeno’s words had a great effect on me. Even in the distant past no one had fully accepted me into what would be considered a family. I was considered quite the eccentric one among dragons in the past for being as conservative in who I loved. I had tried making a family many times, only to either be rejected or attempted to be taken advantage of. Even when I did settle down, the ones that I chose to claim as my family ultimately killed me. But I wasn’t going to tell any of them that. It would only invite further hatred for this place, and I didn’t want my daughter to go on a second rampage.  Nevertheless, hearing those words from Keeno, I could only feel true happiness.

“Mum?” (Keeno)

“…Eh?” (Fafnir)

“Did you hear my question?” (Keeno)

“Ah, I apologize, my little one, I didn’t. Your words put me in a daze of happiness.” (Fafnir)

“I asked if anything would change.  Physically or otherwise.” (Keeno)

“Hmm.  I don’t think so. At most you may grow a few scales in some places, but I don’t think that will happen in your case more than it already has. Your eyes look like a dragon’s already and with me claiming you as my daughter, you also have grown some scales at the corners of your eyes. Though there is one certainty and that is your chest will start glowing permanently.  If you had a dragon form, it wouldn’t be noticeable unless you were about to use a breath, but since you don’t, it will be visible. The only reason mine isn’t is because I haven’t stored enough mana in my own core yet.” (Fafnir)

“Hmm.  Well, that’s fine I guess…wait, I have scales now?” (Keeno)

{Yes, and I have to say they make you look even more beautiful that you already were.}

“Ehehe.” (Keeno)

“With that question answered, are you ready?” (Fafnir)

“Yeah.” (Keeno)

“Then let us begin.” (Fafnir)

Chaos Realm:

Luna: I’m glad for Fafnir. It seems that she’s had her own troubles in the last, so it’s good she finally gets a decent family.

Tamamo: I agree, though it does make me wonder why she doesn’t rampage now that she’s alive again.  I mean, if we assume all dragons, regardless of world they’re from, are similar, then they hold a grudge just as long as we gods do.

It’s a matter of priority. She’s prioritizing Keeno and the others over her own personal grudges. Plus, I think there is some slight after effect of having held the grudges of the land at bay. You two have never had to deal with it, but experiencing all of that gives a certain perspective.

Order: It really does.

Luna: I feel there is a story of its own in that statement.

Not really, just usual God if Chaos stuff. Who do you think has to deal with stuff like that when worlds end up destroyed?

Order: As the resident God of Order here, I also have experienced something similar. I reside over judgment in all worlds in this Sea of Chaos, and there is a lot of resentment in those situations. I’m glad Payto picked up the slack where I can’t.

I am your husband, after all. It’s my job to do that. And even then, that part of your Authority of Order only started when you married me, so it’s my job to make sure you are supported.

Luna: Flirt later you two.

Payto and Order: Like you can talk!

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