Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 122- First Day of Flight and Pram’s Plight

Chapter 122- First Day of Flight and Pram’s Plight

[Keeno POV]

Our preparations ended quickly. Pram had transferred the crate of dragon scales to me. I had opened it to check and both me and mum got a bit agitated at the gaudy ‘additions’ that were added to them, but since we couldn’t do anything about it, we decided to just ignore it. After packing those away, mum headed to the mouth of the cave and reverted to her normal form, her golden scales shining in the sunlight.

“As dazzlingly beautiful as ever.” (Emma)

“Thank you for the compliment, my beloved.” (Fafnir)

Emma started blushing as we climbed onto mum’s back.  After getting comfortable, mum looked back at us.

“Ready yourselves.” (Fafnir)

Mum crouched lower and then leapt powerfully into the air as she beat her giant wings.  The surge of pressure as we quickly ascended was exhilarating as was the feeling of weightlessness when mum dipped before leveling out.

“Ahahahaha!” (Keeno)

I sat up from my near prone position and felt the wind with my face causing my hair to flutter behind me.

{You seem to really like flying.}

“It’s quite nice…no, more than just nice. It’s amazing!” (Keeno)

It was like I was in my element. Every little shift in the wind and the howl in my ears gave a feeling of euphoria that was only eclipsed by any and every second I spend with Ama.

{I see.  A shame I can’t make our place like this, to see that expression you have in person is something I’d love.}

“Then I guess I need to figure out how to fly.” (Keeno)

{Well, our resident phoenix can help with that.  But that can be saved for later.  Right now, you should help Freya with Pram.}

I looked back to see that Pram was out cold and really being held on mum’s back by Freya basically holding her down with her body.  I let go of the spine in front of me and slowly moved down before stopping beside Freya. She looked over at me with panic in her eyes and I smiled trying to reassure her that things were going to be fine.

I positioned myself on Pram’s left and summoned one of my weapons.  I wrapped one of the chains around a spine and then maneuvered my way around the two before doing the same thing on the right.  After a few more times of doing this, all three of us were fully secured to mum’s back.  Freya looked at me again and nodded in thanks before burying her face in Pram’s hair.

“She sure is taking advantage of this situation.” (Keeno)

{While I do agree, I also believe she is trying to keep the wind out of her face. Not all people are like you or Emma over there who enjoy thrills like this.  Pram being an extreme example.}

“Fair enough. Guess I’m going to have to do something to make this up to the both of them later.” (Keeno)


After making that mental note, I spent the rest of the day enjoying the flight. Mum did want to make it more fun by doing some areal acrobatics, but I convinced her not to, seeing as it would end in my summary execution by Pram and Freya.  When the suns started to set and the sky was dyed in sunset hues, we began our descent. When we landed, I unsummoned my weapon and hopped off mum’s back. Freya sat up and the two of us helped the still unconscious Pram down.

“…” (Keeno)

“What’s wrong my Lady?” (Emma)

“Am I a terrible friend?” (Keeno)

“What do you mean?” (Emma)

“Look at Pram, she’s like this because she HATES things like flying. I know this, but even then, we still decided on it, AND we have two more days of it left.  I also feel bad for Freya since she’s also not doing great with this either. And what makes all this worse is that things like this are going to keep happening too.” (Keeno)

“Hmm.” (Emma)

Mum walked up to us in her humanoid form with a worried expression on her face.

“I believe it to be my fault in this case.  There are things I could have done to help mitigate their unease, but I failed to realize their trepidation for flight.  Even with hearing you during the day, I still didn’t realize the intensity.” (Fafnir)

“I still feel it’s on me though.” (Keeno)

“No Keeno…it’s on me…” (Pram)

“Are you feeling better?” (Freya)

“Yeah.  Life magic is one heck of a support.  But that’s not the point.  Keeno, this isn’t on you at all.  I knew when we started this journey, there would be times where we would inevitably encounter things like this.  At the start, when you’d teasingly offer your tail in compensation and I took you up on it, I didn’t think I’d be that bad, but after today and waking up right now, I can’t let this keep on.  It’s gone from something that’s somewhat funny to joke about to actually a problem.” (Pram)

“Pram, you don’t have to think that way.  I know that I’m putting you in situations you aren’t comfortable with, and I don’t want to keep doing that.” (Keeno)

“And I’m saying it’s not you, but me.  This is how the life of an adventurer is, I knew that when I signed up, and I know that no matter what, we are going to end up in circumstances where we will have to do things that I won’t like.  Like in this case, flying out of Falheim is meant to make it more expedient for us instead of the slow trudge it was to get there.  I know this, and I want to enjoy it, but I can’t if I’m so afraid I pass out for the whole day.” (Pram)

“Pram…” (Keeno)

“I’m on her side on this, Keeno.  It isn’t you putting us in these situations, but her own fear.  And I know this is going to sound harsh, Pram, but it’s a liability.  I understand that I only think this from my own upbringing, and I HATE myself for even saying that, but still.” (Freya)

“I know you’re just saying it because of this situation, Freya.  I don’t take it personally and know you’re just stating the truth.  I just don’t know what to do about it.” (Pram)

The three of us hung our heads at this dilemma.

“…” (Emma)

“My beloved, we should leave them alone for a bit.  As outsiders to this entire relationship, we have nothing to add here.” (Fafnir)

“Alright.” (Emma)

They moved a little bit away to give us space as the three of us sat there in deep thought.

“Freya, do you know a way for me to get over this?  I can’t think of anything productive.” (Pram)

“The way I was forced to get over things like this was basically just to be thrown into a situation like that over in over until I was numb to it.  If I died in the process, then no one would care.” (Freya)

“…” (Pram)

Pram scooted closer to Freya and wrapped her tail around her.  Freya leaned over and rested her head on Pram’s shoulder with a small smile on her face at the gesture.

“Hey, I ended up meeting you by surviving all of that, so there’s a silver lining.” (Freya)

“I wouldn’t say that having to go through that is good at all, but I’m happy you survived as well.” (Pram)

“I agree with Pram.  No one should have to go through something like that at all.” (Keeno)

“Can we please not turn this on me.  Just because I said that doesn’t mean I want pity.  It’s in the past, and none of us can change it.” (Freya)

Pram and I reluctantly agreed to not delve into any of Freya’s trauma for now and went back to the topic at hand.

“I wish I could say something, but I’ve just always liked stuff like this.  I won’t say there aren’t things I’m afraid of, but stuff like flying or things that get the adrenaline going aren’t one of them.  I’d say just doing them over and over until you naturally get used to them is a good way to do it, but then it’s the exact same thing as what Freya had to do, just in a more controlled, less dangerous way.” (Keeno)

“Yeah.  That’s the issue too.  I’m broken, Keeno likes it, and Pram hates it.  None of us are suited to figuring this out because we don’t know why she fears it so much.  I mean, is there something from when you were a kid that made you hate this stuff?” (Freya)

“No.  The only really bad thing that I can recall from when I was a kid was being bullied because my Soul Weapon was a bell and not a ‘cool sword or spear.’  At least until Keeno arrived and I started hanging out with her all the time.” (Pram)

“There were times when I’d have to defend Pram physically from those same brats, but they learned not to mess with us when I nearly scorched off all their hair and clothes and made them run through the city naked.” (Keeno)

“Hehe.  I remember that.  They’d always run away before getting to that point yelling about how we would regret it.  I also remember that one time where they actually did try something, and you got so mad that you broke one of their noses and nearly blinded another one permanently.” (Pram)

“Well, that’s what happens when they try and steal a girl’s underwear after breaking into her house.  The perverts.” (Keeno)

“…” (Freya)

“Hmm.  Hey Ama, do you or Fia have any ideas?” (Keeno)


“Rasu is fuming over that story again, Keeno, so she won’t be any help for a bit.  Anyway, what were those things called again?  Runes?  Do you know one that helps keep people calm?  You have all the things you need to make it work except the nonexistent Authority, so why not try that?” (Fia)

“…I’m an idiot.  I should have thought about that at the beginning.  I mean, it should work.  It won’t be a permanent solution, but it should be able to mitigate the problem for long enough for us to figure out a better one!” (Keeno)

“Wait, it’s actually a thing?” (Fia)

“Yes!  There is a Rune for literally everything.” (Keeno)

I quickly pulled a scale out of my ring and immediately started to carve the Rune I needed while charging it with a bit of Divinity.  It started to glow, and I tossed it to Pram.  She caught it and her body shone for a second.

“How do you feel?” (Keeno)

“Not really that different…wait…weird.  My heart isn’t fluttering while holding Freya like this like it usually is.  I still like it a lot, but it’s not making me feel anything, just calm.” (Pram)

Pram then gently grabbed a lock of Freya’s hair and sniffed it.

“Nope, still no fluttery, happy feeling, just smells nice.” (Pram)

“…” (Freya)

Ignoring Freya’s blushing face, Pram did a few other things that would normally make her extremely happy, but she said she felt nothing but an eerie sense of calm.

“So, it works too well.  Good to know.” (Keeno)

“I think it’s a good stopgap though.  But I refuse to use them any other time but when we’re flying.  I think that’s too much for me, but other things I will do my best to try and get over it.” (Pram)

Pram then tossed the dragon scale with the Rune on it back to me.  I caught it and burned it into nothingness.

“Why’d you do that?” (Fia)

“I don’t want to be extremely calm when Ama comes back.” (Keeno)

“You sun foxes and your heightened emotions.” (Fia)

“Don’t start on that again, Fia, you know how it will end.” (Keeno)

“…” (Fia)

I got up from my spot and moved closer to the other two before sitting down on Pram’s other side.

“Well, with this figured out, we should get some sleep.  We have two more days of flying, and even though you don’t physically look like it, you both probably feel exhausted.” (Keeno)

“Yeah.” (Pram)

“Mm-hmm.” (Freya)

I snuggled a little closer to the two and loosened my control a little, heating up the early winter air around us.

“Sleep well, you two.” (Keeno)

Soon enough, all three of us fell asleep.

Chaos Realm:

*Sounds of people milling about and chatting with each other can be heard*

Ray: Payto, I have a request.

What’s up?

Ray: Let me help that little fox dragon.  She needs a teacher to make sure she doesn’t pop while storing Divinity in her core.

I’ll set something up.  You fine with it being a dream to her?

Ray: That works perfectly.  If she saw my avatar’s form, she’d probably lose her mind, even if it would be a tame one.

True.  It’ll be done shortly, but it can wait for after this.

Ray: Very well.

*Ray’s figure moves away as he goes to socialize with Mofu’s True Form and Mary approaches*

Mary: How have you two been?  I’ve heard you two have a child; will she be present today?

Order: No, we figured she’d be too overwhelmed, but that doesn’t mean we won’t take this opportunity to brag about her and show pictures.

Mary: Shame I won’t get to meet her in person, but I’m more than happy to see pics.

Oh, before that, here.  Congrats on the fifth tail.

*Hands Mary a bow with swirling galaxies inside it*

It can split into the same number of tails you have and shouldn’t feel uncomfortable to wear.

Order: We knew you like pretty things, and this is the best idea we could come up with on short notice when planning this get together and hearing the news about your tails.

Mary: *teary eyed* Thanks, you two. *Jumps over and hugs them* I love it.


Order: *Pats Mary’s head* It’s our pleasure.

Mary: Ehehe.  Now, let’s see those pics.  I hope they are enough to completely embarrass you little one and turn her face into a tomato.

Payto and Order: It’s only natural.

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