Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 124- Day of Parting Hath Come

Chapter 124- Day of Parting Hath Come

[Keeno POV]

On the night of the third day, we landed a few miles past the border of Nidavellir where mum transformed into her humanoid form.  We had dismounted several minutes ago and started pitching camp.  When she joined us, she grabbed Emma’s arm and pulled her close.

“How does it taste, my beloved, the air outside of Falheim?” (Fafnir)

“Like freedom and endless possibilities.  Enough to be saddened that we have to go back.” (Emma)

“Understandable, but we have a mission given to us by our daughter, and said mission is vital to the world.” (Fafnir)

“Ehehe…*Ahem*I understand that, but still, knowing that we are out of there is so very tempting to shirk that responsibility and explore.” (Emma)

“True, but think about it, we live for much longer now, so what’s a few more years?” (Fafnir)

Rolling my eyes at their overly dramatic theatrics, I lit a fire and pulled out some things to cook for dinner.  Pram sat next to me and tossed the Rune into the fire.

“I have to say, Keeno, that Rune thing is both effective, yet scary.  While I like that it has kept me calm, but it also scares me, at least after I’ve gotten rid of it.  The calmness just doesn’t feel natural to me, and it gives me too much to think about when all I can be is that calm.” (Pram)

“What exactly are you thinking about?” (Freya)

She sat next to Pram and leaned her head onto her shoulder.

“Our wedding, life itself, how much I love you, Keeno’s insanity, all the things I want to do with and to you, introducing you to my family, when I’m going to get the time to do that, worrying about becoming an Apostle, stuff like that.” (Pram)

“…” (Freya)

“I’m not insane.” (Keeno)

“That’s up to interpretation.” (Pram)

“Just because I can’t deny that doesn’t mean you don’t love me for it!” (Keeno)

“True.  You wouldn’t be you and my greatest friend if you weren’t.” (Pram)

I couldn’t help but chuckle as I scooted over and gave Pram a side hug.  I glanced over at Freya, but she seemed to be in her own world as she barely audibly muttered about her and Pram’s wedding.

{You know, seeing this makes me want to invite some of my old friends over that I haven’t seen in a long time.}

“You had friends aside from Fu and Moco?” (Pram)

{How rude.  Fia was my friend a long while before she became my Apostle.  And I do have one more friend aside from those three, though she’s been secluded for a long while before you showed up, Keeno.}

“I didn’t mean to be rude, though now I can see why it came off that way.” (Pram)

{It’s fine, Pram.  I understood that you didn’t mean anything mean by saying that.}

“Who is this other friend?” (Keeno)

{While I do love that possessiveness in your voice, Keeno, it’s unnecessary.  She likes men for one, and she’s the Goddess of Creation, Hresvelgr.}

“Hmm?  Was I being possessive?” (Keeno)

“Your words held that bite, yes.” (Fafnir)

“…Not like I can help it.” (Keeno)

“True.  You have the blood of the two most possessive races known to the world, after all.  I would not blame you if you even held thoughts of locking away your Beloved from all existence just so you are the only one to be able to see her.” (Fafnir)

“…” (Keeno)

{That’s not cool, Fafnir.  Don’t give her ideas, no matter how appealing they are for me as well.}

“Oh?  Are gods that possessive as well?” (Emma)

{I’m a kitsune as well, you know.  And when it comes to my Fated One, of course.}

As this line of fun conversation continued, I finished cooking dinner for everyone and shortly after that, we all went to sleep.  In the morning while Pram and Freya disassembled our camp, I was saying my farewells to mum and Emma.

“You know, I didn’t really expect to be thankful to Falheim for letting me find a mother, though I’m happy it happened.  And I’m happy you survived all this time, Emma, though I also never expected you to also become my mum.” (Keeno)

“Well, that makes two of us, though I don’t think it’s a bad thing.  A pleasant surprise that life is full of.” (Emma)

“That is the truth.  I never expected to be alive again, in fact, I didn’t expect to even be awake for another hundred years or so.” (Fafnir)

“Hehe.” (Keeno)

I pulled the two of them into a tight hug.

“I love you both and I really hope you both stay out of trouble.  I don’t want to have to come all the way back after somehow hearing that you’ve razed half the country because some idiot did something stupid.” (Keeno)

“Worry not, my little one, I’m not as prone to anger of that level as some dragons I can name.  And, since I have all I can want, I have no reason to subject some peons to unjust destruction and desecration.” (Fafnir)

“Emma, never let anyone kidnap you.” (Keeno)

“Not planning on it.” (Emma)

I squeezed them tighter for a second before letting go.  I stepped back a few steps before giving the two of them a bright smile.

“See you later, my little one, remember to have fun on your journey and keep those two safe.” (Fafnir)

“We’ll tell Sigurd not to worry, so go and do what you need to do.  See you again!” (Emma)

They both smiled at me as well before mum spread her wings, picked Emma up in a princess carry, and took to the sky as quick as lightning.  Seconds later, she was a faintly shimmering golden glint in the sky.  Watching that, I felt a small pang in my heart.

{Don’t worry, Keeno, this parting is not forever,}

“I know, but I’m not good at goodbyes.” (Keeno)

{And that’s why this isn’t a goodbye, but a see you later.}

“I guess that’s true. Still makes me sad though.” (Keeno)

I looked at the barely visible glint until it fully disappeared before going and helping Pram and Freya.  They looked over at me with understanding sympathy while we worked in silence. Once everything was finished, we took a small break to decide on our next course of action.  We sat back-to-back on a large rock while the winter breeze blew past us.

“I know it’s been a while since we’ve had to worry about it, but what are our savings like?” (Keeno)

“We have a decent windfall.  Why?” (Pram)

“I don’t feel like traveling through this country for a…what is it, my fifth time?  So, let’s splurge and use a gate to get to Odeen.  As far as our funds can get us.  All in favor, say I.” (Keeno)


“Then it’s agreed.” (Keeno)

With that we got up and started making our way to the nearest city.

Chaos Realm:

Luna: …

Tamamo: …

Luna: Did we come at a bad time?

Hmm?  Oh, welcome back you two.  You showed up at a great time.  We were just about to share stories about things happening in other Seas of Chaos.

Crimson: Oh!  It’s the super fluffy fox lady!

Luna: Wait, you’re that drunk guy!  How is that wolf girl…or was it girls?  Their soul was weird.

Crimson: …

Luna: What?

He’s been so drunk; his entire Sea of Chaos went into a sort of stasis.

Luna: …

Tamamo: And this is why I’m glad you can’t get drunk, Luna.  The things that would happen to space if you could.

Luna: But what about you and Gravity?

Tamamo: How many times have you ever seen me drunk, or have I told you I’ve been drunk?

Luna: …Good point.

Enough of that, come one, we’re just getting to the good parts of our Astraea scrapbook!

Luna and Tamamo: Oooo!  Coming!

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