Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 152- The Fox Receives a Warning

Chapter 152- The Fox Receives a Warning

[Keeno POV]

I slowly started to regain consciousness as I felt a rather uncomfortable rocking sensation. Opening my eyes slowly, I tried to sit up, but my body felt extremely sluggish. It was like I was moving through water while tied to weights.

{Oh?  Already up?}

‘Sort of?  I don’t feel awake, or at least my body doesn’t.’

{Just give it a bit longer. You burned through a lot of Divinity bringing Eblana’s sister back.}

‘Was it enough to keep my core from exploding?’

{It would have already if it wasn’t.}

‘Well, that’s good.’

I closed my eyes again and ever so slowly the weight on my body lessened.


{What is it, Keeno?}

‘I almost felt like I was at home again…I know I was kind of high on Divinity, but did I really start Fimblventr?’

{Remind me what that was again.  I know you told me about it before, but I can’t remember the details.}

‘Basically, never-ending winter until the end of the world.  I doubt the world is gonna end though, though the people here may feel like it is for a while.’

{Oh right.  Fun…Cataclysmic winter aside, I’ll let the others know you’re up.  That Margaret lady needs to speak to you.}

I nodded my head slightly.  Around a minute later I heard the ruffling of cloth and someone stepping into whatever I was riding in.

“Lady Okami?” (Margaret)

I lazily flicked a tail in acknowledgment.

“Are you alright?  The others said you were awake, but I can leave you to rest some more if you need.” (Margaret)

“I’m awake.  Sluggish, but awake.” (Keeno)

“Then feel free to just listen. I need to explain to you what’s going on in regards to us getting you to Lokir.  The person we are guarding is someone of high social standing and has the pride and arrogance usually associated with that. The story we are going with is that you and your group are adventurers who are coming to Lokir to join our knight order. Regarding our charge…he is…has, a very difficult personality. He will say things to you that will more than likely make you upset, and that’s only IF he doesn’t take an interest in you. Unfortunately, you WILL catch his interest.  What I’m trying to ask is…please do your best and hold off from doing anything drastic until we reach Lokir.  After that we have a myriad of ways to convincingly disappear him.” (Margaret)

“That doesn’t sound very knightly.” (Keeno)

“We follow more of a bottom line than any formal knightly oath.  As long as we don’t cross that line, basically anything goes.  Biggest thing we try to avoid is causing unjust harm to innocents.” (Margaret)

“Hmm.  Surprised you want to help me then. While it’s not like I want it to, what I’m doing is one of the most life changing, potentially harmful things to innocent people.” (Keeno)

“Let me rephrase myself then, unjust and unnecessary harm.  Me and most of my order believe what you are doing is just and necessary. There are a few decenters and some still on the fence, but they won’t do anything to impede you either.” (Margaret)

“You’re much more lax than I thought you were.” (Keeno)

“It’s just the situation. He’s quiet since he isn’t used to such cold.” (Margaret)

Margaret shivered a little and tried to hide it. Hearing that I smirked a little.

“Heh.  Well, if I’m going to dislike this guy as much as you say, then he better get used to being messed with.” (Keeno)

I slowly and steadily increased the heat around me.  Margaret kept her stoic expression, but I could see she relaxed very slightly.

“My family and friends are the only ones allowed the privilege of being this close to me to stay warm, and I am and plan on continuing to think of you as a friend. Seeing as you know more of my secrets than most normal people and probably have a good idea regarding what I want you to become in the future, feel free to relax.  Hehe.  All facades are meaningless in the face of Death and all plans are laid bare under the Sun.  May my presence be as welcoming to you as the warmth of hearth at home.” (Keeno)

“I didn’t take you for a poet.” (Margaret)

“I dabble.  I wouldn’t call myself a professional, and most of the ones I’ve written shall never be shown to other people, but it’s fun.” (Keeno)

{I think you are good enough to be considered professional at it.  At least as professional as being a poet can be.}

‘Thank you, Ama.’ (Keeno)

“It’s a nice hobby.” (Margaret)

She allowed herself to bask in the warmth a bit more before starting to get up.  She turned to get out of the wagon before looking over her shoulder.

“I’ll let you get some more rest; we can talk more after that…just please remember what I said earlier.” (Margaret)

“I’ll do my best.” (Keeno)

She left the wagon, and I heard the sound of hooves pass beside me.

‘…Horse people riding horses.  Is that irony, or something else?’

{No clue, but it’s funny to think about.}

The two of us fell silent again, the only sound being that of the wagon and hooves of horses.

‘We should still be in the city…why is there hardly any noise?’

{Most people have taken to hiding away inside, trying to stay warm.  Some are heading toward temples or shrines that they haven’t visited in a long time or that have been basically abandoned and begun praying to me or other gods to stop the snow and cold. It’s funny since this isn’t the doing of any storm or weather gods and they can’t stop it either.}

‘It’s a good thing our existences don’t require believers.  Though I understand it’s a very mortal thing to do, it feels…insulting?’

{Meh.  It’s something you get used to.}

I let my head rest again.

‘I wanna see Red again…and Mum and Emma and Ortilinde.’

{That can be arranged.  Solar Convergence-}

‘Stop right there.  We have plans for the next one.  I miss them, yes, but we can save that for a different time.’

{Hehehe. Very well.}

I closed my eyes again and was just starting to doze when someone outside shouted ‘HAIL’ and I heard the sound of movement. I started hearing the sound of soft clanking as hail hit armor when I heard the sound of the cloth on the wagon moving.  Looking over there I saw my friends climbing inside.

“About time yall joined me.” (Keeno)

“Well, for the moment we can’t really just sit in here.  We ARE technically knights in training.  We’re supposed to be showing what we’re made of by keeping pace with the group.” (Freya)

“Guess we need to make it look convincing, though I guess I’m not really making the cut at the moment.” (Keeno)

“Everyone but that…person knows we aren’t actually becoming knights, but needs must.” (Mostima)

“…Margaret gave me a brief rundown, but how much am I going to hate this guy we’re guarding?” (Keeno)

“We don’t know.  He’s been locked up in his fancy carriage the entire time, so we haven’t seen him, but we got the same warning from Margaret as you did.” (Pram)

“Then why does it sound like Mostima has some idea?” (Keeno)

“Because it has to do with Lokir nobility like him.  When Margaret gave us the rundown, I got a sense about just how things are going to go.  She asked you to do your best to not kill him, right?” (Mostima)

“Yeah.  Said something about how he’d take a liking to me or something…Actually, Ama, how bad is this going to be?” (Keeno)

{Hmm?  Oh, I’m doing my best to hold back as well.  I’ve wanted to do a lot of things to Lokir nobility for a long time, this person being no exception, but I’ve made a binding promise to NOT do anything that could ruin the country even more with the Gods of Judgement, so I kind of just try to ignore everything to do with them.  This case is going to be extremely difficult on the both of us, Keeno.}

“…What if I just seal him inside his carriage permanently?” (Keeno)

Everyone in the wagon looked at me like I grew a second head.

“You can do that?” (Mostima)

“Easily.  Now that I have Authority over Runes, they will work with my mana instead of Divinity, so I can put a simple lock Rune on the door, and he’ll never be able to leave until I remove it.” (Keeno)

“Do that when you are able to really move again.  None of us want to deal with this guy, so that sounds like the best plan of action…and throw a silence Rune in the mix as well.” (Mostima)

“Alright.” (Keeno)

{Oh right, Keeno, one day we’re going to need to figure out some fun things to do when we mix Runes and Magic.  I can’t wait to research with you!}

“Hehehe.  It’s going to be so much fun.” (Keeno)

While Ama and I were starting to fall into our own little world, Pram moved over and started to snuggle next to me.

“Freya, come here.” (Pram)

Freya looked a bit reluctant but gave in after Pram gave her a pleading look.

“Ehehe.  Just like back home.  The cold, the closeness, the warmth.  All we’re missing is the fireplace.” (Pram)

“I was telling Ama that earlier.  It’s so familiar that I’m starting to miss it again.” (Keeno)

“Mind if I join as well?” (Mostima)

“Come on.” (Keeno)

Mostima moved over and joined the puddle.  I moved my tails and wrapped them around all of us like we were all in a group hug.

“All we’re missing is Ama and Fia.” (Keeno)

“And the others.  Red, Emma, Fafnir, Ortilinde, Eblana.” (Pram)

{Fu and Moco.}

“Yeah…I have a new goal now, when this journey is over, we’re going to have a party where we’re sitting around a hearthfire, telling stories with all of us, my Valkyries, and any other friends we make along the way while telling stories and just having a good time.” (Keeno)

“That sounds like fun.” (Pram)

“Yeah.  I can’t wait for that.” (Freya)

“I’ll provide the drinks.” (Mostima)

{And I’ll set the scenery.  Keeno, you want to be the one to provide the ambiance?}

“Hehehe.  Gladly.” (Keeno)

“Don’t turn it into some kind of horror situation.” (Pram)

“…Fiiiiinnnneeee.” (Keeno)

Pram and Freya started laughing at my answer while Mostima had a warm smile.  We continued to chat while the sound of hail hitting the cloth roof of the wagon provided a comforting atmosphere and that blessing from the Goddess of Music started up a soft tune that lulled all of us to sleep.

Chaos Realm:

Luna: …What is he doing?

Atmos: Still prepping for those two dragons to meet.

Luna: When I said that I was making a joke, but if he took it this seriously, I guess I might as well help.

Atmos: He told me to tell you just wait.  He’s almost done.

Luna: Define almost.

Atmos: Like I know, I don’t know rituals like this.

Luna: ???

Atmos: ??!!??

*A bright flash of light covers the room completely*

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