Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Special Fluff Chapter

Special Fluff Chapter

This takes place at some point on a solar convergence, it has nothing to do with the main part of the story and is purely because I got an idea that I just had to write.  Please enjoy the Fluffy treat.

[Keeno POV]

Sitting next to Ama, I had a random, fun thought.

“Ama, I know it’s neither of our specialty, but make it as cold and snowy here as you possibly can.”

{Oh? Give me a moment.}

Ama closed her eyes and I felt the power around her start flaring. A few seconds later, the scenery started to shift. The black sand and sea started to gain a haze before vanishing like fog.  In their place was an endless expanse of a snowy landscape. Snow also started to gently fall, reminding me of back home in Solheim.


“Almost.  Can you recreate the lodge?”

She responded with a snap of her fingers and soon the home I remembered appeared in front of us.  A wave of nostalgia hit me as soon as I saw the lodge that I wasn’t expecting. It gave me a pang of longing that I didn’t know I was feeling until now.


“I’m fine.”

I grabbed AMA’s hand and pulled her inside. The usual sights and smells hit me in the feels once again, making me tear up a little.  After taking a second to recollect myself, I smiled. I pulled Ama over to one of the big chairs and sat her down.

“Just wait right here, I’ll be right back.”

Seeing as Ama recreated every little detail, I ran to the kitchen and started to prepare some hot chocolate.

“Oh, if only Pram and Freya could be here. I’m sure Pram would love it.”

As I was making the hot choco, a letter appeared in front of me.

[Just this once, ask and you shall receive.  Again, because this is a special occasion this is happening, after this, they can only come here when they fully become Apostles. -???]

As soon as I finished reading the letter, it folded itself into a tiny origami fox and leapt straight through the wall like it wasn’t even there.  Before I could even process what was going on, I heard some surprised shouts and ran from the kitchen to see what happened.

When I got to where the voices were, I saw Pram and Freya sitting in the floor, confusion written all over their faces.

“Where?” (Freya)

“…Solheim?” (Pram)

{Not quite, Pram.}

“Well, where else could we…possibly……be? ……So that’s what you look like.  I have to say, Keeno wasn’t exaggerating, you really are beautiful.” (Pram)

{Why thank you, Pram.}

“Can someone please tell me what’s going on?” (Freya)

{For some reason I don’t know, the two of you have arrived in my home in the Divine Domain.}


{It just does.}

Since they were having fun, I silently went back to finish making the hot chocolate, adding two additional cups and setting out a fifth in case Red decided to show up at some point.  I put the cups in a tray and went back to where everyone was. Pram had gotten up and sat down in the chair she usually took when she came over. Seeing as it was another of the big chairs, she had Freya sitting closely next to her.  Though she was trying to hide it, Freya was lightly blushing while Pram was smiling happily, her tail wrapped snugly around Freya’s waist.  I placed the tray down on the small table and handed out the drinks.

“Thanks, Keeno.” (Pram)

“Pleasure’s mine, Pram.” (Keeno)

After handing a cup to Ama, I picked up mine and sat down next to her.  Just before I got truly comfortable, I snapped my fingers and a fire was lit in the fireplace.

“Were you homesick or something?” (Pram)

“No, just had an idea and wanted to follow through with it.  This is just the setting for the idea.  I mean, while the two of us don’t feel it as much, it should be quite cold in here, right?” (Keeno)

“Yep.  Quite cold indeed.” (Pram)

“Ok, perfect.” (Keeno)

I stood up again and walked over to where we piled up the heavy blankets and picked one up before sitting back down next to Ama.  I then leaned over and whispered something in Ama’s ear before winking at Pram. She started smiling happily once again when she saw that.  Ama snapped her fingers, and a super big, super fluffy looking hoodie from my past life appeared in Pram’s lap.

“Something for the two of you to share. Should keep you both nice and warm.” (Keeno)

{Oh, and Freya, there’s no need to be so embarrassed. No one will make fun of you or judge you for showing affection to Pram.  We all know you’re madly in love with each other, so show it.}

These words seemed to have pushed a button in Freya, because her face grew redder until a small puff of steam flew off the top of her head. After a few more seconds though, her complexion went back to normal. It seems she got so embarrassed that she overheated, causing her restraints to loosen.

She pulled one of Pram’s arms to her chest and started nuzzling into the crook of Pram’s neck before finally finding a comfortable spot with her head leaning on Pram’s shoulder.

“Fine.  This is fine.  If you’re all going to make me like this, then be prepared, I’m sticking so close to Pram that it will take the might of all the gods combined to tear us apart, and even then they’ll still fail!” (Freya)

{Heh.  A challenge, is it?  Keeno, let’s show them what true cuddling is like!}

A competitive smile spread across mine and Ama’s faces as she wrapped her tails around the two of us then magically wrapped us up in the blanket. We now looked like a giant, fluffy cocoon with only our heads showing.  Pram chuckled before finally pulling the oversized hoodie over her and Freya. It took them a second to figure it out, but eventually their heads emerged.

“Keeno, I don’t know what this thing is, but I love it.  It’s so warm and cozy, and it has sleeves so I can drink without moving my arms out of the warmth.” (Pram)

“And it’s so soft.” (Freya)

{Ha!  Imagine having to move your arms in the first place.}

Smirking, Ama made our cups float up and to our lips, though she switched the cups, so she ended up drinking from mine and vice versa.

“That’s cheating.” (Freya)

“Alls fair when it comes to comfy cuddling, Freya.” (Keeno)

“She’s right…how to respond?” (Pram)

Pram closed her eyes in thought when Freya made a move. She tilted her head up and whispered in Pram’s ear.  Whatever she said, Pram smiled her biggest smile of the day so far and, judging from the rustling, moved and started to hug Freya.  The one being hugged had a triumphant smile on her face as she shifted a little and started nuzzling Pram again.

Not to be outdone, Ama shifted around and kissed me on the cheek.  This was when I made my own move. Tilting us sideways, Ama and I fell over until we were on our side, with Ama laying on top of me while I hugged her tightly in the kind of position one would normally assume when relaxing while watching movies with their loved one in my past life.  Ama had her head resting on my chest while snuggling deeper into it.

{I could get used to this.}

“Let me do the same later.” (Keeno)


“Gah!  This doesn’t let us do that!” (Freya)

“…” (Pram)

“Pram?” (Freya)

Freya turned her head a little to see why Pram wasn’t responding only to see she had fallen asleep, the compf finally getting to her.

“Looks like we win this round, Ama.” (Keeno)


“…We’ll, at least I have a nice view.” (Freya)

She continued to stare at Pram’s sleeping face until a bit later when she also succumbed to the compf.  Ama and I lay there watching the fire crackle as we enjoyed the closeness.

“This was one of my best ideas ever.”

{ I have to say, I agree.  A bit of a shame we don’t get the full effect due to how hot we naturally are, but the atmosphere is enough.}

“If only Red had showed up.”

{She’s probably spending time with the others, so it’s fine. Though we should absolutely invite her next time.}

“On that, I wholeheartedly agree.”

And thus, the two chatted until sunset, all the while enjoying the loving embrace of one another.

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