Lord of Charm

Chapter 37 36 – Dominatrix 1/3 *

"Would you be jealous if your mom flirted with me?"

"I know she will, and I thought it might solve my problem if you were interested in her. But now I won't let her. She always goes for men under 20, especially the handsome ones."

Gale felt a tinge of dissatisfaction in his heart. He thought even a mature woman like Nancy couldn't hold herself back when it came to him, but maybe he turned too narcissistic. He decided to reject all her future advances.

"Thank you for telling me, dear. I will go now to practice my magic as you suggested, you can keep up your good work."

He left her study without waiting for an answer and went to his room to practice. Soon, night fell and a familiar door's creak resounded in the room.

"I'm not interested in becoming another one in your body count. Please leave."

Gale didn't wait for Nancy to speak before chasing her away. Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worse. Gale found himself locked in a ring made of stone that he couldn't get out of; all his fire spells barely left a mark, to say the least.

"What a naughty boy, is it the right way to speak to your mother-in-law?"

An intoxicating scene was revealed in front of Gale as soon as he looked in the door's direction. Nancy was wearing a black leather bodysuit that did nothing to hide her curves. Her large breasts, at least D-cup, looked as if they were on the verge of escaping their captivity and her exposed thighs formed the coveted hourglass shape.

Black, semi-transparent stockings covered her legs, held by the sexy garters on her thighs. Gale was so captivated by the scene that he forgot to struggle against the ring holding him for a few seconds.

"Why are you dressed like that?"

He asked the first question on his mind, setting his priorities right. Nancy approached him slowly, her thighs swinging from side to side as if attempting to hypnotize him.

"From now on, you may only speak with my permission."

She licked her lips at the sight of the godly-looking young man in front of her. She had to admit that despite her well-endowed body, she wasn't at his level.

"Huh? What are you talking about? Let me go, what do you think you're doing?"

"Bad boys must be punished. Luckily, I like punishing my boys and teaching them to behave."

A long whip appeared in her hand, enhanced by her earth magic. Her main element was earth, followed by fire affinity. She brought her arm up and struck Gale's chest with the whip.


Gale groaned in pain. He couldn't make heads or tails of the situation. She just entered his room and started whipping him, and he had no idea why.

"Mm, I love that groan, let me hear more!"

Her breath turned hurried and a tinge of red colored her white cheeks. She started striking Gale again, hitting his chest twice more.

"Ah! Please stop!"

Gale's eyes shone with green as he grunted in pain. He did it subconsciously, he didn't even plan to use his charm against her.

"Oh poor boy, I was too excited. You're right, I should savor you slowly."

Gale sighed with relief, both from the ceased whipping and from the fact she didn't notice his charm. The charm didn't work completely, as she just stopped whipping him temporarily, but planned to continue later.

"Did you ever wonder what is behind the other door in your room? Let me show you."

Nancy's excited voice made Gale worry, although he was curious about what was behind that door previously, he really wanted it to remain closed right now.

Sadly, he had no control over that. Nancy unlocked the door and opened it, revealing a rather small room in comparison to his; it was only 6x5 meters. There was a king-size bed in one corner, and a wardrobe hid a whole wall. Other than that, there was a device with chains and cuffs both at its top and at its bottom, and a massage bed.

Nancy dragged Gale with the ring of stone into the room and dropped him on the bed.

"If you behave nicely, you will be punished less. Be mommy's good boy, ok?"

"What are you planning to do tomorrow? In the future? You can't keep me here forever!"


She struck again with her whip, leaving a red mark on his stomach this time. She moved her fingers slowly over the red marks on his chest and roamed toward the new mark on his stomach.

"When I'm finished with you, you will beg me not to let you go. That's how it always ends."

She kissed his neck and licked it, leaving saliva to reflect the light on his skin. She generated a few blades and cut all of Gale's clothes, leaving him naked.

"I don't like the fact my little boy stands taller than me."

The ring around Gale pushed him down, forcing him to kneel and look at her from below. He started panicking and thought frantically about how to get out of this situation. He still wasn't sure she would be unable to notice and resist his charm if he used it more blatantly.

Then, a realization suddenly struck his mind. He already inferred the other day that Lena would only send him to a place where he could get stronger women. He came to the only conclusion possible – both she and his mother knew about Nancy's habits yet sent him there without any warning!

Although it irritated him to no end, he was also relieved at the same time; both Lena and his mother believed he can deal with Nancy, otherwise, they wouldn't let him come here by himself.

He quickly thought about his next course of action. Since she was abusing him and obviously planned on keeping him as her boy toy, he had no reluctance in taking her power. However, he had to make her feel so good with him that she wouldn't spare a thought to notice the changes in her connection to mana.

It had to be very gradual, and he had to do everything carefully. Slowly, a plan hatched in his brain.

Nancy interpreted his silence as fear. She hoped he wasn't too timid, or it might ruin some of the fun.

"You don't have to be afraid, you can anticipate the best night of your life. You are going to find the new pleasure you've never felt before meeting me."

She caressed his cheeks gently and rubbed the whip against his inner thigh, letting it touch his exposed manhood. His dick betrayed him without thinking twice; it answered the call and stood tall, craving a woman's touch.

"You act as if you don't like it, but your body tells me the truth."

She smiled and held his chin. She lowered her head to match his height and kissed his lips. Gale couldn't move at all, the ring felt so heavy he could barely remain on his knees, and his hands were locked in it too.

He felt her hand bends back his head, and her tongue slips into his mouth. Her hands were everywhere; on his back, on his chest, arms, stomach, and occasionally brushing against his hard dick.

"Now, will you be mommy's good boy?"

"Yes… mommy."

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