Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 123: Enlightenment

Chapter 123: Enlightenment

If you want to discover a metal that can be widely used among humans, you will naturally not be able to use extraordinary abilities during the forging process.

This is also the reason why the craftsman just hit hard with a hammer.

"A more superior metal can indeed promote the progress of human civilization and be enough to become an 'enlightener of civilization'."

And the huge metal man also dispersed at this time, constantly dismantled, turned into pieces of metal again, and returned to the "artisan".

He walked out of the darkness, made some kind of decision, and walked towards Truman.

The glimmer of light fell on Him. He had short, slightly messy silver hair, a thin face, and... handsome appearance?

"Eh?!" Truman blinked, "Are you really a woman?"

How beautiful is this? The gender is wrong!

The slightly thin figure on the opposite side walked out of the metal group completely, but was a little shocked by Truman's question.

After becoming an angel, gender no longer matters. After all, the forms of mythical creatures do not differentiate between men and women.

"What?" "Artisan" asked in shock.

"No! No problem!" Truman returned to normal.

Steam Princess will be Steam Princess...

"I have a mission worth a 'civilization enlightener' here. Are you interested?"

"This will bring you some danger, but it will not hurt your life." Truman said his purpose.

The "Artisan" wanted to keep his face calm, but he seemed to feel that there was no need to be tense in front of such a being who could kill the Creator, and there was an obvious struggle on his face.

"I have a total of two uniquenesses of 'civilized enlightener' and 'perfectionist' here." Truman calmly showed his treasure house, and the two characteristics and uniqueness made the "craftsman" face change.

"...Okay!" "Artisan" thought for a few seconds and nodded directly.

All the magical items on him and even his own characteristics combined may not be as good as these two characteristics.

There is no need for such a being to have any bad thoughts in Him.

"very good."

Truman first hid this space, then grabbed it from the void with one hand, pinched out a fist-sized piece of metal out of thin air, and threw it to the "craftsman": "This metal is called 'iron', and it perfectly meets your requirements. "

"This is the reward paid to you in advance. Only Sequence One can complete the task I mentioned."

"Iron?" The "craftsman" looked at the piece of metal in his hand and subconsciously used his own ability to analyze it, "This..."

"High hardness, large reserves, strong plasticity, low smelting difficulty..."

Perfectly suited to what the "artisans" were looking for, a metal that would spark change in human civilization.

"As long as you spread the smelting technology of this thing, your ritual will be completed."

Truman released his secret state, and the piece of metal first appeared in the world in the hands of a "craftsman".

The "craftsman" seemed to feel something. He solemnly put away the piece of metal and bowed deeply to Truman, "Thank you, Your Majesty Mian Mian."

"This piece of iron is more useful than you think. With a little transformation, it might be used in the 'Perfect One's' godhood ceremony."

"Of course, the premise is that you have to exchange the rest of the characteristics of the 'Perfection' with me."

Truman nodded slightly towards the craftsman who was still in a daze, and was about to walk away, but stopped midway.

"By the way, your name."

"Christina." "Artisan" subconsciously said her real name.

"Well, I will come to you after you become an 'Enlightener'."

Truman left, but he did not leave completely. He opened up a space pocket in the gap between the spiritual world and the real world, and his true body sat in it.

"All the high-level characteristics and even uniqueness of the 'Perfect' are gathered here. Let's see if anything comes over."

The Sefirot "Knowledge Wilderness", this is the Sefirot corresponding to the "Perfect" and "Hermit" paths.

It is also one of Truman's first sources of caution.

After all, in Truman's memory about the future, this is the only source of essence that has successfully occupied the uniqueness of its path and then become an essence. In the fifth era, it has the combat power of a true god level.

This time, Truman showed the Civilization Scroll in the treasure house and two other Sequence One Characteristics. Together with the copy in the hands of "Artisan" Christina, it was almost equivalent to a "Perfect".

Such a thing could probably attract the "intellectual wilderness".

The "craftsman" knew nothing about this, so he urgently summoned several of his demigods and ordered them to announce the smelting method of this metal in the shortest possible time, increase the number of believers, and complete the ceremony at the same time.

This process is not difficult, after all, the "artisans" themselves have already made certain preparations for this.

The key thing is that other churches did not stop it and even intended to spread it more widely.

Iron, a metal, will bring about huge changes in farming methods and promote the progress of human civilization as a whole.

And just a few years later, Christina already sensed the opportunity for her promotion.

"Is this the Emperor of Dreams..." Simply taking out a piece of metal is enough for a "civilized enlightener" to completely complete the ceremony.

The "Artisan" even had a hunch that he wouldn't even need to worry about digesting the Sequence One potion.

Amid all kinds of thoughts, the "craftsman" drank the potion that he had prepared in one gulp.

Even thanks to the fact that most of the high-ranking characteristics are in Truman's hands, there are very few high-ranking angels in the "Perfection" path, and no one is blocking his promotion.

The smooth potion fell directly into the stomach, and the "artisan" expanded into a ball of light formed by twisted knowledge in an instant.

This knowledge is messy and full of madness, floating in the real world, forming an intersection with various information in the real world.

But the information in the real world is too complex and disordered, which makes the light ball incarnate as a "craftsman" disintegrate at an extremely fast speed and will completely become a part of the real world.

"That's...my anchor!"

The "craftsman" found the "anchor" he left behind in the real world when he barely had self-awareness.

That is a large number of farmers who have begun to use iron farm tools, soldiers holding iron weapons, and even ordinary people who use iron daily utensils.

These people have become the anchors of the "craftsman", allowing him to find his own imprint from the complex information in the real world, so as to regroup himself.

The body of the "craftsman" no longer has flesh and blood, but is composed of pure information flow, extracting a large amount of information from the real world to fill itself.

The extraordinary characteristics began to return. At this moment, the "craftsman" truly stabilized his status and became a "civilization enlightener."

And then from a perspective that had just merged into the real world and almost become a part of the real world, the "craftsman" looked into a corner.

That was the space pocket constructed by Truman, and there was some kind of terrifying power surging in it.

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