Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 505: Witches Join the Battle

Chapter 505: Witches Join the Battle

After a round of repairs in the Temple of Tranquility, Klein also turned his attention to the second half of this century-long war.

Under the guidance of "Source Castle" and spirituality, Klein soon discovered that fate seemed to be converging in one direction.

"The tide of fate?" Klein's spirituality suddenly trembled. In the previous battle of gods, his spirituality had also sensed such movements.

This seemed to be the concrete embodiment of the "Fate Signpost" in the honorific name of "Lord of Mysteries", which made Klein's perception of fate a level higher.

"It seems that all forces are converging their forces to one of the battlefields."

Klein found Medici through "cause and effect" and saw that battlefield.

"Let me see..." Klein's spirituality kept jumping, sensing some blurry images.

"Almost all the angels and true gods in the world are staring at there. This should be the final battlefield. Fortunately, it is not Backlund..."

Klein was also somewhat fortunate that at least the city where he had lived the longest so far would not be deeply involved in the war.

He tapped the handrail lightly, and the gray mist surged, condensing into a dummy "world".

"World" made a prayer-like appearance and briefly described the current situation of the war. Then he threw the picture to the members of the Tarot Club, warning them to stay away from this battlefield.

This will become a meat grinder that is more terrifying than Winter County.

Klein suddenly relaxed. The next war did not seem to have much to do with him... maybe?

"Ding!" Klein's spirituality suddenly had a familiar feeling. It was a call from a dream!

"..." Klein's mouth twitched. What is this?

He opened his task system in a rather self-destructive manner and saw a brand new task.

"Stop Triss Chick from participating in the war!"

"Reward: The Fantasy World Fairyland descends into reality."

A very rough task, a very novel task reward.

Klein looked at the name in the task and was already accustomed to it. He was completely regarded as a "special weapon" to deal with Triss Chick, and he would take it out for a stroll when it was useful.

"What's the matter with this reward?" Klein's thoughts fell on the reward.

At this moment, some knowledge flooded into Klein's mind.

"Is that so?!" Klein suddenly opened his eyes, and with a wave of his hand, he took out a replica of the "blasphemous slate" from the pile of debris.

This is the "blasphemous slate" that Klein reproduced with gray fog, and it contains all the information he got from Truman.

"'Mysterious Servant' Ritual: Build a town composed purely of secret puppets, and design the fate trajectory for each secret puppet, so that they can interact with each other to interpret a realistic enough picture of life, and give birth to the corresponding area in the spirit world."

Klein's finger fell on this paragraph of text, and then he thought of his "utopia".

In essence, the city he created in the "Fantasy Abyss" can also be regarded as a "fairyland", and combined with this reward, his "utopia" can be completely transformed into a real city!

"The ritual of Sequence One..." Klein gritted his teeth, "Do you really think you can beat me?"

Klein stretched out his hand and clicked on the task, and chose... accept it!

He had a hunch that the difficulty of creating a secret city of puppets would be hellish, after all, Antigonus and others would not let him complete the ritual.

And this reward just solved this problem, which could save Klein more than half of his time and directly generate a secret city of puppets.

After that, the intersection of fate would become much simpler.

"I still participated in the war, and I still faced Triss. It's all Truman's fault!"

Klein complained, but he also acquiesced to this result.

He began to observe this "God-descended" with the help of the cause and effect between himself and Triss.

"God-descended" is a word Klein fabricated, specifically used to describe Triss's current strange state.

After all, as a "God-descended vessel", Triss intercepted part of God's power, but was not assimilated by God's will. This is unique in thousands of years.

As for the cause and effect between Klein and Triss, although Klein did not want to admit it, the cause and effect between the two of them had already tied a knot, which was extremely obvious.

"Triss!" Klein saw Triss above the gray fog. She was actually not far from the final battlefield chosen by all parties, and even had a group of witches behind her!

He had once again gained the trust of the Witch Cult and led the Witch Cult to join this war.

"Is it you?" Triss, who was being observed by Klein, suddenly looked up and looked at the gray fog where Klein was!

Klein's eyebrows jumped, and he saw a small doll on Triss's chest.

The doll went deep into the ravine between the two mountains. It was only the size of a thumb. It was vaguely visible that it was wearing a silk hat, a black suit, and a revolver on its waist.

Wasn't that the historical projection of him that was forcibly detained by Triss before?

This historical projection was the detective outfit he wore when he "rescued" Triss for the first time. It didn't look stiff, but seemed to have a strange vitality.

It was a manifestation of the causal deadlock. Triss could easily grasp Klein's movements through it.

"The fusion of the mirror image and the historical projection?" Klein admitted that he could no longer see through Triss now.

He was able to use the power of the "original witch", and his status had surpassed any angel king.

Perhaps only after Klein became the King of Angels could he surpass Him in status.

"I miss you so much, why don't you come down to see me?" Triss's lips moved slightly, conveying what she wanted to say to Klein.

"We met when we were little, and we grew up together to where we are now, so we should be close friends."

"I have never thought of hurting you, why are you so wary of me? You don't even dare to come out to see me?"

Tears suddenly welled up in Triss's bright eyes, and Klein felt distressed when she saw her.

No! This is the "charm" of the "original witch" level... Klein was affected by the gray fog.

Just like the scene when he was fortune-telling the true god, the power of the true god could affect him in the "Source Castle".

Klein rejected this influence, thought for a while, and condensed a mirror image clone opposite Triss with the power of "illusion".

——He didn't even dare to use historical projection in front of Triss, for fear of giving Triss a figurine again.

"Why do you want to participate in this war? Is it because of Medici? But as far as I know, Medici's deification seems to be a better choice for you."

Triss and the "Original Witch" are not the same consciousness now, they are enemies that cannot coexist.

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