Lord of the Truth

Chapter 112

After the brief conversation between Robin and Zara, she ran to find Billy to tell him the new orders.

While Robin rushed back to his room again to finish what he has to do...

The heat generation pattern may have finally taken shape, but the job of operating the furnaces is still far from over... what is finished was just a single part of the final picture.

For example, the heat generation pattern is available now and Zara will begin to practice drawing it on papers and hides of different attribute beasts with ordinary ink to raise her success rate and do not mess up when she draws it on the furnaces

but when the moment of actual execution comes, how would she draw it on the fire stones? What she will be drawing it with? what would be used to activate the pattern? And how is the pattern will be hidden after it is finished to prevent the spies from seeing it?

These questions were previously answered in the ordinary talismans, but writing on hides is not the same as writing on stones, and hiding patterns inside stones is definitely not the same as hiding them inside beast hides...

although he would have to invent everything from scratch again, it was easier for him this time because he had a strong base of researching in ​​this field from before... or that was what he initially thought at least.

it actually took him much longer than expected to get two aspects of them done, the hides suck whatever ink put on them which make it much easier to deal with, unlike any stones or metals which require many different ways to get the patterns to Merge inside them

Within three weeks he was able to reach special formatting of fire stone powder and plants sap that also had fire attributes to be used as ink, this formula will be able to travel further inside the rocks and even some metals and have deep connections to it.

And was also able to make the seal required to hide the pattern completely inside the rocks.

Already three months and almost three weeks have passed since the start of the race against time seclusion...

But he didn't try to take a break, on the same day he started preparing the fourth Section that would be added to the heat generation pattern, the power source seal!

Since the beginning of his talisman road, Robin has invented two types of seals as sources of power for the patterns, the first one has the ability to store energy inside it and then activate it all for once, after which it disappears, this type of power seal is not suitable for multiple usages, as in the talisman of fire.

The second is a higher rank and more difficult to make, it is the source of energy in the talisman of sound, which can be activated many times and then return to its original form to prepare to be activated again... 

but this type can only be activated for a very short period and then it will have to be left for a while until it is reformed to its original form for it to be used again, 

it can't be used for a prolonged period inside the furnaces! and it is not suitable for use with a pattern that might cause damage to the hide used as a medium, such as the talisman of fire! it also decays with time, after like 100 or so usages the seal inside the sound talisman will collapse and the carrier must get himself a new one

These two seals won't work this time... Robin needs a seal that can stay active for long periods without the need for a time off, and also needs to withstand pumping a large amount of energy to generate enough heat to melt the tough metals, and at the same time, it must save on the amount of energy it needs!

If the seal required a large amount of energy from, say, a saint or even a high-leveled knight, it would nullify the importance of the project as a whole!

So in the end, the seal must be able to convert low level cultivators' energy into the pure energy used by the heat generation pattern + It must remain activated all the time without the need for a rest+ Its operating power requirements must be low

And this is difficult.

Although the design of the seal is a re-design of the old seals and a correction process only, it still took Robin five weeks to complete!!

In the end, the result was a seal that needed a relatively little, steady amount of energy to stay on all the time. 

A level 10 cultivator, for example, could keep a melting furnace running for a quarter of a day without problems before needing a break to refill his dried up energy, But then someone else can take his place and Keep providing the seal with its needed energy supply, thus keeping the furnace running all day long.

A person below the tenth level can try to operate the furnace, but the period in which he can operate it will be less, of course, for example, a person in the fifth level can operate the furnace for a quarter of an hour!

All in all, the new seal was like an open gate that is ready to receive cultivators energy all day long with out a break or a need to be closed... under normal circumstances of course.

The furnaces have basically no requirements, just a few low-level cultivators can switch between them to activate the furnace and rest all the time!

So when he finished putting the finishing touches on it, Robin was so proud of the seal that it was beyond description, almost everything he had made so far in this seclusion is a new invention under his name.. but this particular power supply seal made him swim in his imagination... 

it opened for him An infinite world of possibilities!

But he quickly slapped himself to get himself out of thinking about the future, put aside the design of the seal, and then went back to sitting in a meditative position in the middle of the room... His mission isn't over yet!

The operation of the furnaces consists of two parts, the first is to provide enough heat to melt high quality metals, and this has been fully discovered! 

And now the method of protecting the furnace itself from being melted due to the heat it produces...

With the end of the fifth month and the beginning of the first day of the sixth month of his seclusion, Robin began to search for the strangest thing he had to invent... which was to find a way to restrain his own creation.

five days quickly passed, and Robin didn't move an inch from the start...

The food outside his door changed every few hours without him taking a bite.

Mila worried a lot about him, as a level 10 cultivator, Robin could handle himself without food for a few days, but now he did not have to!

The sixth day passed... The seventh... Mila's patience was running out and she was about to knock on the door when Zara caught her hand in mid air and begged her not to do it.

Finally.. on the eighth day, Robin opened his tired eyes and a slight smile appeared on his face...

It took him a few minutes until he managed to push his emaciated body to stand, and with difficulty, he took a few steps towards the door, opened it, and found fresh dishes that were still steaming, so he pounced on them in front of the door still as if he had seen food for the first time in his life, then he entered and closed his door again...

The two girls were so excited at the next change of food, at least now they are sure he was okay, but they didn't know that Robin was even happier than they were...

The patterns he drew to this day were merely imitations of real patterns in nature, his role was only identifying, researching, cutting out the most useful piece of the original pattern, and putting them on paper. 

but no matter how many days he squeezed his head, he could not think of a natural pattern that could protect the stones from intense heat without killing the effect of the heat-generating pattern.

His final solution was: If there is no such pattern in nature, there is no need to take it from nature!

After a few days of meditation, Robin decided to assemble a new pattern from the pieces of different laws he had studied!

The new pattern he had to draw was not like any other, he was not just taking a piece of a large 3D pattern and redrawing it on paper to be just two dimensional as usual... 

but literally creating something that didn't exist before!

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