Lord of the Truth

Chapter 129

"Sigh~ I saw that coming... alright, I'll try to find time to prepare a ring or a pill per month.." Robin was very unwilling about this, he was trying to make an academy for the Rune Masters so that he could take his hand out of crafting the talismans himself and devote himself to research only, would he have to go back to get his hands busy again?!

The patriarch shook his head, "This will not work. To make the plan work across all the new lands, we will need huge sums of gold for the next few years. After our projects there are constructed and began to bear fruits, I guarantee you that even if we decide to leave them return to live under the Dolivarian role, they will run after us and beg us to stay... But this will need more than a pill or a sound ring a month."

"A Soul Revitalizing Pill sells at 60,000 gold coins and a sound ring can easily be sold for 100,000... a few sales of them per year wouldn't suffice? How much do you want?" Robin frowned deeply

"Wake up Robin... Your innovations are new and shocking, that's why people are offering huge sums of money in the beginning. Even we the Burtons of the bast, would not have been able to buy these things.. even with all the gold we have now we will still think a thousand times before we buy something that costs 60 thousand gold coins!

One gold coin can support a family of five to live comfortably for a few months, gold is not some rock you can find at the side of the road!

These imaginary prices you have in your mind are inflation that will destroy the kingdom financial system and turn into malice and hatred towards us later! 

Tell me what do you think will happen after the rich class is flooded with one of your innovations and doesn't want to buy it anymore? we will have to reduce its price in order to sell it to those who are less wealthy, then the rich class will get angry at us because we were *stealing them*... You have to look long term, Robin, these prices can't be maintained..."

"..." Robin did not reply directly but started rubbing his head and thinking about the words of the patriarch.

And after a few minutes, he found that the patriarch was right! Indeed, experience in the field of business and long life cannot be compensated for by intellect alone.

"And what do you suggest, Uncle Brian? I'm the only one who can make these things for now. Lowering their prices even by a quarter means I have to make a lot of them monthly, and that won't work! I still have a lot in mind to research about and can't stop it for a few years for anything... please look for another solution." Robin asked resentfully.

"..is there no way for Zara and the new Rune Masters to make them?" asked Billy

Robin shook his head, "Exactly the same results? Impossible… The Repetitive Use Seal of the Sound Rune only I can draw, for now, Zara hasn't reached that stage yet, and the third level of the Soul Revitalizing Pill consumes very high spiritual energy that will ruin Zara's future, she still has miles ahead of her before she can draw it, not speaking about The most complex among them all, the oath tablets! ... unless..."

"unless what?!" Some hope appeared in the eyes of Billy and the Patriarch

"... I think can design a pair of sound runes to work with a one-time operation seal, meaning that there will be only one chance of transmitting sound back and forth… This should be easy for Zara and her newbies to draw, it won't take them long either, it will be just like a level 6 fire explosion talisman Or even lower level in terms of requirements..."

Billy liked the idea very much as it was too evident in his head, "This... this is awesome!! We can sell these Runes for 100~200 gold coins, even the younger generations from noble families will be able to buy them, this is the next real revolution that will affect everyone.. the demand for such Runes will never be exhausted!"

The patriarch nodded with a big smile, "Excellent, if the Inscription Masters team can produce good numbers per month, we can make excellent profits, and you can also make some original rings with that *Repetitive Use Seal* you are talking about to sell at auctions to saints and rich merchants for huge sums of gold, but what about your other two innovations?"

Robin started rubbing his head, "The Soul Revitalization Pill cannot be lowered… because in this case, it would just be a second level Pill… so forget about making it more available.

As for the Oath tablets... Hmm, no one but me can draw them for now either, but its difficulty can be reduced by making a board that fits only one Oath, not ten.

Besides my regular research and training, I can make 1 level three spirit Revitalizing level pill, 8 one-use tablets, and 1 pair of high-level sound rings per month... 

But forget that I can make a 50 seconds darkness talisman and a level 16 fire explosion talisman, they take too much time! instead, you can replace that with some of the level 6 fire explosion talismans the newbies will make and sell them patches, like selling every 20 talismans with 500 golds or something... in addition to the one-use sound talisman, the unique middle categorized weapons auctions... is that good enough?"

"Good, no.. this is great haha, too great! The oath tablets don't have many uses and only the rich class of the kingdom will need them and in low quantities also, so the one-use tablets we can sell for 20,000 gold coins each, as for the third-grade pills and the repetitive use sound rings we will put a price tag on them, we will leave it to the auction house to determine their prices every month, as long as nothing can be done about them..."

The Patriarch spoke with a big smile, today went much smoother than he thought!

"Robin, how big of a tablet do you need for the one use Oath?" Billy quickly asked

"Hmmm... at the size of a card, I think... a little smaller than the palm of a woman's hand..."

"Good! I will make one of the furnaces specializes in making these tablets. and I will also establish factories here in Jura to make rings for sound talismans... 

I will design them so that they will be easy to replace the talismans inside them, I will also make them able to carry more than one one-use sound talismans for those who want to buy a few single-use talismans and stack them for the future... and I will make the rings special and in distinctive shapes to suit young men, girls, and even the elderly, 

...no, not only rings, they are only carriers, right? I can make bracelets, anklets, necklaces!! we can make them from gold and silver to raise their value even higher! oh my God... 

these sound talismans carriers are going to be the new big thing, owning one of them will be the new fashion in the kingdom!" Billy muttered with a low voice, with wide open eyes that started beaming with stars as if he is already seeing the future...

Robin chuckled when he saw Billy acting like this and said nothing to him, but left him and his imagination as only he could take care of this part, and maybe Mila... Robin chuckled even harder thinking about her, she would definitely get involved when they start designing these carriers...

Then he looked back to the patriarch, "Make sure that one of those projects you need to construct at the new lands is to domesticate weak beasts with elemental bodies, especially the red rabbits for the fire explosion talisman and the dark werewolf bats for the sound and the dark talisman... It seems that producing the talismans will witness a great expansion in the coming years and we will need a place that secures hides continuously.."

"Hmm, good idea, I'll start planning for it right away," the patriarch nodded " is there any other project would you like to recommend before we start?"

Robin scratched his head, thinking for a few seconds, then shook his head, " I have nothing in mind, for now, you do what you see fit. I have only one hope... please find some good molds for my dear categorized weapons! I understand that you produce some unique ones to sell at the auctions, but our army deserves something good too! especially the body armors, they must look awesome!!"

"Argh... alright, I will find Galan and get some molds from those famous blacksmiths..."

Robin smiled, "good! The arming of the army is going better than expected, and the family financing for the incoming few years has been agreed upon... Is there anything else you want me to do?"

The patriarch shook his head, "No, you can go back to what you were doing... the resources you need to complete your monthly tasks will be sent to your residence shortly, good luck in your research!"

Robin nodded, then ran out before they asked him for something else....

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