Lord of the Truth

Chapter 73

The Kingdom of Dolivar... On the border of the lands of Viscount Setina...

A middle-aged beautiful woman wearing full body armor and riding on a high strong-looking horse, next to her are three strong-looking men hovering in mid-air... 

Behind her is a large army, the end of which cannot be seen.

An absolutely terrifying scene for any enemy...

But the strange thing is that the features of terror are visible on the faces of the Viscount Setina herself, and not who is on the other side... 

A few hours ago this enemy entered the lands of Dolivar and crushed the allied army of the three baronies... in their own stronghold! 

the whole process lasted for only one hour...

On the other hand, the losses of the enemy army were almost negligible!

One hour...  an army of 40,000 soldiers was destroyed without harming the enemy... now this is Terrifying!

How they did it? she didn't know...

these are the only details they knew about the battle, as the whole army of the three Baronies fell apart and were mysteriously slaughtered or enslaved in no time

this is why the scouts on both sides just knew the final end, none of them saw the process...

the weird thing is that after such battle it is necessary to take rest, now that they had the Baron's stronghold they should have hold on to it and never let go!

that's how the national wars happen!! The conqueror army takes a stronghold after stronghold, a city after cit, and they advance very carefully and try to keep what they have for the longest time possible...

But the army of the Black Sun did the exact opposite! they did not even stop to rest or collect spoils, but rather continued to advance in a straight line for almost half a day until they reached this point... 

Is this excessive confidence, or do all of them want to advance until the last one of them dies?

In both cases... the answer is not good.

"HOLD YOUR POSITIONS! Whoever moves one step without his officer's orders, he and his family will be executed!" Cetina shouted with all her might as she watched the enemy army approach, 

then she continued with a quieter voice, "Generals of the left and right wings, start moving your legions a hundred steps forward!" 

"yes." two of the three saints in the air nodded and started giving orders to the smaller officers

*dum dum dum* 

the drums beat and the two wings of the army, 15,000 soldiers each, began to move forward while the 40,000 soldiers central army stood still.

"General Octavi, take some escorts and go see what the hell they want from us, I don't remember having any enmity with the Black Sun Kingdom!! ...If it can be resolved peacefully, do whatever it takes to negotiate."

"Yes." A level 22 Saint nodded, then got down from mid-air to set on his horse as a sign of respect, and he soon choose 10 knights to follow him, then the 11 went straight towards the oncoming army

The general and those with him arrived quickly and started talking with the general of the enemy army.

  A minute passed... Two minutes... 

Viscount Setina and every high officer who heard about the dread of this army was breathing heavily while watching what was going on in silence and fear.

Finally, the general turned his horse and quickly returned with his team, but the problem is that the enemy army was coming after them.

"What happened, Octavi? Did you fail?"

"your grace, it's the Burtons and the Bradleys coming out of revenge for what Duke Tinley did to the young boy called Caesar... do you remember the name? it is that story that went viral two months ago! 

...they don't want to stop, their General demand us to surrender before he gets here or he will start a massacre... they say they intend to destroy the whole Duchy."

"Damn it! Why do I have to pay for what that bastard Titus Tinley did?!" The Viscount exploded, forgetting for a moment that she was talking about her boss, " forget it, we will destroy the invaders here, no one dared to belittle me like this before... I'll make them an example to others."

"your grace, I have noticed that their numbers are indeed less than ours, and I think that the pincer plan we previously agreed upon would be optimal indeed, but their formation is extremely tight, so I recommend we widen the pincer more. "

Setina nodded, "Let the left and right wings advance another by 200 steps and go wide 300 steps, do it quickly."

"Yes." The Two saint Generals bowed around her and each went to their place


The drums sounded again and the two wings of the army began to diverge until they reached the distances that Setina demanded, 

then everyone stopped again for another five minutes until the distance between the two armies was less than one kilometer, then Setina took out her sword from the sheath, raised it high, and shouted:



When the war horn sounded, the ground began to tremble, 70,000 soldiers began to move at the same time.

The distance is starting to shrink... 950 meters... 900 meters...

The enemy army hasn't shown any combat formation yet, they are just marching forward and sticking together like a block of black wood... which made the Viscount furrow her eyebrows even more

850 meters... 

Finally, there is some movement, the Black Sun army has suddenly stopped.


and two squads of archers each is consisted of 200 high-leveled archers advanced to the front

800 meters... 

The archers started their preparations to shoot, and from the side of the army came two squads of cavalry, each squad had 300 cavalries above level 11,

they were all real Knights, and two officers at the head of each squad was a level 20 Knight... the two special cavalry squads quickly stood on the extreme right and the extreme left of the Black sun army in a spear formation.

"What is that general trying to do?" Setina didn't understand anything, these weren't preparations for a clashing between two armies of tens of thousands!

First of all, 400 archers will not be able to cause any kind of damage to an army of this size, it is a waste of time... 

It is better for the infantry to gain momentum by running before the clash than stand behind some archers and wait for it, this makes them at a huge disadvantage

Secondly, if the cavalry were a few thousand in number and were targeting one of the wings, she would take it seriously even if they were low-level soldiers, but this..?

a small squad of cavalry made of real knights seems frightening, but this is not some minor war! 

if the cavalry advances like this now, they will be able to penetrate a certain distance into the infantry formations of the two wings, but they will be quickly surrounded and killed.

"Is this a junior general?" Cetina thought to herself but quickly removed the idea, 

If a beginner general could destroy 40,000 soldiers with almost no losses, what would she be then?

she shouted again at the officers, "This is a trick, he will change the formations any time now.. stay careful"

750 meters... 

The archers raised their bows and hold their strings, while the two cavalry squads slowly began to advance.

700 meters... 

"FORWARD!" A shout came from within the Black Sun army, causing the cavalry to rush in with all their might 

the same voice came again, "PULL YOUR STRINGS!"

the 400 archers pulled and stood still in a firing position

650 meters... "LAUNCH!"


400 arrows shot at the same moment. 

but the surprise is that the arrows did not target the first row or even a specific area, but were distributed randomly at the right and left wings of the viscount Army.

"He actually used this idiotic plan? What exactly does he want to achieve?" Setina's mind nearly stopped working, but she shouted, "Right and left wings, raise the shields!"

The 30,000 soldiers raised their light wooden shields and prepared to receive the 400 arrows without fear

200 arrows on 15000 soldiers on each wing... even if they don't have any shields it wouldn't have stopped them.

*ba ba ba ba* 

Arrows descended into the wooden shields, only 16 soldiers were hit by the sharp arrowheads.

"Hahaha, looks like the Baron is the one who was useless, we're going to get a landslide victory today!" General of the center army, Saint Octavi, laughed out loud

Only Setina was still focused on the enemy army, the squad of archers didn't prepare for the next burst, they all left their bow and started making seals with their hands quickly, with big smiles on their faces.

Setina looked back at the arrows... and found some kind of beast hides hanging at the rear of each arrow, "What the-..."


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