Lord of the Truth

Chapter 80

"AHH... argh... AAAH"

A full minute had passed since the exchange of blows. 

the assassin was still on the floor holding his knee and screaming in agony... 

He still can't see, hear, or smell anything... even after Robin received that attack, the scope of darkness was still active, throwing the assassin in complete darkness as if he was cut off from the world 

the pain had completely shrouded even his spiritual sense, which was already muddled... He was now 100% under the influence of the dark realm, even if he wanted to escape, he wouldn't know the right way to go

As for Robin, he was still lying on the ground after the direct punch that hit him

Finally, after another twenty seconds, Robin was able to sit up, his arm dropping in a weird position as if he was about to fall, blood dripping from his head and mouth like flowing springs.

A direct hit from an opponent five levels higher was never an insignificant thing... plus, he still had to pump extra energy every second to keep the Darkness scope activated.

After a few seconds more Robin spat out the blood in his mouth and managed to get himself to stand up, then with difficulty he took a few steps towards the door of the room 

And with a *KAA*, he hit his shoulder at the door with all what with left of his strengths, he did this two more times until it was restored to its proper position after it has been dislocated

"Haa... Haa... Haa..." For Robin, the pain was unbearable, as if a thousand needles had pierced his shoulder at the same moment.

  He took a few more seconds to recover his peace of mind after the sharp pain he felt, then went to a nearby basket inside his room... 

The basket contained a few talismans of all kinds, Robin left them to himself in case of a crisis or if he needed to explain their use to someone else...

He extended his hand to the basket and brought out a vitality talisman from the basket and quickly placed it on his shoulder and activated it


The torn tissues in his body quickly began to reattach, and his cracked skull stopped bleeding

Then he took out the second vitality talisman ... then the third...

Although they did not fully recover him, his condition has greatly improved from what it was a minute ago

Finally, he turned his gaze toward the assassin who was still in great pain on the ground, "I was sitting in peace taking care of my affairs, you should have come to disturb me, HAH!?"

Although he knew that the assassin could not hear him, he was trying to vent... Robin was extremely angry.

With a wave of his hand, Robin sent a little white flame towards the assassin's body


The assassin did not know what was going on around him, but he felt terrible pain like he had never imagined in his life

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh … have mercy on me ... please ... ARGHhh ... KILL ME!!!" even though the assassin couldn't even hear himself, he kept screaming and begging in the most horrifying way

But Robin kept a deaf ear, he left the assassin writhing and screaming in pain for a whole minute.

He waited until the assassin's clothes evaporated, his skin roasted, and his flesh turned to the color of coal

Then with a wave of his hand, he nullified the darkness scope around the assassin

Finally, the light began to return to the assassin's eye, the eye which no longer had eyelids on it... 

Immediately, the assassin saw the white fire eating his body, after seeing his condition he knew he is already a dead man, and his screaming increased even more and started crying...

  but his tears were evaporating as soon as they gathered, "ARGH, why are you doing this to me.. AAAAAH, just kill me.. please... KILL ME ... KILL MEEEE!!"

"Who sent you to kill me?" Robin asked with a hard voice devoid of any emotions, he wouldn't feel pity towards someone who wants to kill him.

The assassin replied directly, "Marquess ... Rufus."

Robin furrowed his eyebrow, " Rufus... Rufus.... AHA! the father of that boy who Caesar shoved the halberd up his butt? TCH, that guy doesn't give up, hah? ... Tell me how did you get in here?"

"I work in the ... institution ... I was observing your house daily ... after the Duke and most of his army left the city ... a gap occurred in the protection assigned for you... I entered your dwelling as soon as ... the person who had been watching you for four days... has left ... 

I had 10 minutes to kill you and escape ... before the ... the next person in charge of watching over you... for the next four days... arrives ... as I have arranged ... for his favorite whore... to keep him with here... today... please ... kill me ... I have told you... everything... please ..."

"go your way then." Robin grabbed the vegetable cleaver he had used to cut his leg earlier and with a quick slash, he separated his neck from his body. 

then went to sit on a chair in his room with his head in both hands.

Although the fight was short, it was against someone who was five levels above him, this addition to the frequent use of the vitality talismans... 

Robin already drained every single bit of energy in his body, if he fight any random cat now he will most likely lose.

But that was the last thing on his mind, he took time to relive the events of the short fighting that had just time...

In order for Robin to write the techniques of cultivating the heavenly laws, he naturally had to understand them first, so naturally, he can implement everything he has studied. 

of course, the implementation is limited because he has not yet built his pillars, for example, when Theo establishes his pillars with the perfect darkness law, will use the law much better than Robin.

Robin from the beginning was not only strengthening the three boys but himself as well... 

This was the first time he applied something of what he had learned in real combat, and also... It was the first time he killed a human being with his own hands.

Thoughts raced into his head for about 8 minutes, then, at last, he got up and went to the window and shouted, "The one who's supposed to be protecting me, get your ass here!"

A person quickly appeared under the window, he was a level 18 knight, the knight raised his head and looked at Robin's head emerging from the window, 

"Is there something I can do for Mr. Robin?" The knight replied with a fake smile, obviously not liking the way Robin called him

Robin looked down with a sneer and murmured, "That's you then? Come on in... I want you for some words inside."

Even the fake smile disappeared from the knight's face, had it not been for Duke Bradley's instructions to treat this boy with respect, he would have gone and slapped his head now.

But in the end, he did what you were asked and jumped in through the window... and he was immediately shocked.

The first thing he noticed upon entering was the strange smell of barbecue, and when he followed the trail of the smell he looked down and found a roast, headless corpse under his feet.

"WHA-..?!" The knight panicked and took two steps to the side, quickly regained his senses and began to look at the room and found it filled with traces of a great battle and its wall was broken,

Even Robin himself, when he checked him again, he found that he was full of injuries and his clothes were cut in several areas

*Assassination attempt!*

When the thought crossed his head, at last, the knight quickly knelt and shouted, "PLEASE FORGIVE ME, my negligence led to what happened, I'll work like a donkey for you if you want, just please don't inform the Duke or he will order the killing of me and my family."

" If one had to be punished then it is the other knight who left his guard before you arrived, you two are useless idiots, you don't even know what your negligence would have done to humanity! 

whatever, just get up and get rid of this corpse for me and send someone to clean the room and rebuild it."

the knight nodded quickly "Yes sir, I'll do everything myself right now!"

Robin humphed one last time, then let the knight do what he had to do and went downstairs, but he stopped at the stairs for a moment and spoke mockingly, " Choose your whores more wisely next time you idiot." then continued his way.

The knight kept his head lowered until Robin got out of the house towards house 208, he exhaled and then went to examine the corpse again, and freaked out "This aura.... a knight of level 14? what is going on here?!"

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