Lord of the Truth

Chapter 82

Another half an hour passed, which seemed like ten years for everyone.

The blood that was already like the sea... rose higher. 

the rocks were covered with pieces of meat and fragments of broken bones were lying everywhere…

What is going on now is one of the biggest personal wars between factions of two kingdoms in the last few centuries.

The battle is still going on and the three fronts are still burning, but in one of them, the scales began to shift in favor of one of the two sides.

First the front of the warring saints in the sky, the scales are still somewhat balanced with the loss of other saints on each side, the loss of the Black Sun Saints is greater, of course, because they are fewer in number, but they are more coherent thanks to the talismans of vitality, so the battle is still without a clear winner

Secondly, the knights front, the knights of Dolivar had the numerical advantage, but the Knights of the Black Sun are more equipped.

The battle on their foreheads became more and more extensive, and a sea of ​​fire and thunderbolts almost completely engulfed their combat area, the numbers of dead piling up at a frightening speed, 

every few seconds a knight would fall on either side, but the strange thing is that the death rate of the Dolivaroan Knights is much higher!

Reason? Vitality talismans have already saved the Black Sun Knights a few times but they are too few for a battle of this magnitude, the real reason definitely came down to the darkness assassination squad!

As darkness talismans lose a lot of their function against Saints, General Edward assembles a special squad of knights which are famous for their lethality and speed and gives them most of the Darkness talismans that enable them to temporarily disappear for five seconds, 

and the tenth level Theo is assigned to this squad due to Robin's direct nomination. 

The only one under level 11 in the group, and he is also the only one who has caused the death of dozens of knights from Dolivar so far!!

Theo wasn't like the others in the squad, he didn't have to choose a certain time to activate a talisman that will hide him for 5 seconds, he can just stay in the dark all day long, just depending on his energy consumption!

He traveled through the shadows and then came out to suddenly pounce on the inattentive knight, this enabled him to wreak havoc against all knights below level 12, 

on a few times, he even interfered in battles between higher-level knights to distract the knight of Dolivar, causing his death.

The rest of the experts in the Assassin's Battalion also took advantage of the five seconds of invisibility to harvest dozens of lives from the Dolivar Knights so far. 

They have become a terror in the minds of all the knights of Dolivar, They all fight with half a mind, part of their minds is focused on the going fight and the other part is trying to prepare to receive one of the treacherous attacks from behind.

Vitality talismans showed their full effect on the Saints' front, while the Darkness talismans which causes Temporary Invisibility showed their full effectiveness against the Knights.

Third and last, the front of the cavalry against the armored infantry, Delivar's cavalry are still trying to make their way towards the gate and have already penetrated tens of rows, but their problem is.. they are also being penetrated from behind.

The Black Sun cavalry in cooperation with the archers above the wall are both committing a complete massacre at the back!

Although Dolivar's cavalry is supposed to be split up and the rear is responsible for the fight against the Black Sun cavalry, 10,000 against 5,000 is still largely in their favor...

However, those 10,000 cavalries could not gather in a decent formation to counter-attack! 

Although they were startled from behind and slashed in half until it was very difficult to re-form again, they are still far more in number than their enemies, and theoretically, they could still resist or even win!

But the thing is... Whenever a small battalion of the Dolivarian cavalry tries to assemble separately to counterattack and establish a foothold,

they would find an explosive arrow in the center of their gathering that frightens the horses and they break apart again.

Or they find a sphere of white flames that swallows them all without a chance to scream, entire small battalions.. disappearing in the blink of an eye, leaving nothing but charred corpses.

The reason behind the immense coordination and infinite precision in killing any attempt to resist was thanks to Peon, 

whose ear picks up any important words uttered on the battlefield thanks to the major wind heavenly law! 

when he hears something about gathering, penetration from behind, resistance, etc~ he tells the talismans archers or Caesar directly about their place

The archers would target them and scatter them... or Caesar would jump in their midst and ignite the flame field.

So far, Caesar has ignited the flame field more than 15 times, each time lasting one or two seconds...

But this period is more than enough to kill or seriously injure everyone within the range! 

after all, since upgrading to the tenth level the flame field became wider as it burned 10 meters on each side, and became stronger enough to burn a knight at the 12th level, so what will happen to people in the levels Between 6~10 when they find themselves in the middle of the range?

The third front... the cavalry front... is what has swung in favor of the black sun... 

they rate they are dying out in frightening, blocked from the front and being eaten at the back... 

Another half an hour, and surely all of them will try to escape.

From the top of the wall, General Edward silently watched what was happening around him, took a general idea of ​​everything that was happening, and then closed his eyes...

After about two minutes he suddenly opened his eyes and summoned his friend and assistant, Saint and Assistant General Daniel Bradley, and then spoke solemnly, "Try time to finish this... I give orders to disband the defensive armored infantry formation and have them round Dolivar's cavalry from above."

"Wh..-what?! But this will greatly weaken the defense in front of the gate, the cavalry will easily break through the few remaining ranks and reach the gate, what do we do then? we can't participate and defend the gate ourselves, it's a taboo in wars" Assistant General Daniel was terrified of what he heard

"This is the second part of my orders, open the gates and take out all the remaining infantry, have them tighten the siege around Dolivar's cavalry, we will not allow one of them to escape!"

*DAMN!* This was the first thing that came across Daniel's mind when heard the new command... 

Currently, the armored infantry is still in a semi-circle position around the gate, the left side of them is what is being heavily attacked now by the Dolivarian cavalry,

  the rest of the semi-circle doesn't do anything actually, but they are standing up to defend against any other sudden attacks or to enforce the left side and push with them if needed...

The new General Edward's plan was to make the right half of the circle move forward and then to the left... he wants them to form another semi-circle but this time above to the cavalry of Dolivar.

Right now, the cavalry of Dolivar are already in a tight position,

in front of them the heavily armored infantry, they are all elites and are ready to die before letting them pass.

  behind them, the ruthless cavalry of the Black Sun, without any formation to hold them back, the cavalry of the Black Sun kingdom are like lions among sheep

above them the archers who don't stop raining arrows on their heads, which is one of the main reasons why they can't penetrate the heavily armored infantry faster because they are also watching for a random arrow to hit their heart

on their right the castle wall of Cetina, it's made to hold against knights attacks, much less them... so it's impossible to damage it.

the only source of morale left was actually the fact that there is still a safe passage to run to if they wanted to escape... they can just run to their left and they would be going straight to their General and the rest of the army

But after the implementation of the new plan... they will also have armored infantry on their left... Their only escape will be completely closed.

Twenty thousand elite cavalries will be like a mouse in a box if the plan goes through.

Daniel nodded, "Yeah, General, do you have other orders?"

Saint Edward turned his face toward the Battle of the Saints, "Dispatch the five Saints that Patriarch Galan sent as support, it's time to finish that front as well."

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