Love Slave to My Devil CEO Boss R18

Chapter 440 Loose Ends

Chapter 440  Loose Ends

I clutched the small note in my hand as I pulled it close to my chest before closing my eyes and letting out my breath slowly. I can’t describe just how thankful I was to Ace for letting me know that the merger was progressing well. He was right and I knew it. We just need to hang on just a little bit longer until we get through this together.

Ace is doing what he must do and that means that I have to do what I need to do too.

“I thought you might be late…” Richard said to me while keeping his eyes on the screen of his laptop.

“Why on earth would you think that?” I replied like I completely had no clue.

After hearing about Richard from Ace, I started to see him in a different light. Ace was probably right when he told me that Richard had been looking out for me in his own way. He might not be genius at expressing his emotions and showing how he cares but it was thanks to him that Ace did not take my relationship with Jeremy the wrong way.

“Nothing. Let’s just get to work,” he replied while sounding completely bored.

Jeremy did not come around that day and he did not try to contact me in any way. In a sense, I was relieved because I wasn’t sure how to face him. On the other hand, I was slightly worried. A long sigh left my lips when I realized that there was another issue at hand that had slipped my mind the night before.

I thought of telling Ace about it but then we started making out and one thing led to another, and it just totally slipped my mind. Of course, it was hard for me to concentrate on anything else but Ace and the pleasure that he was making me feel right at that moment. However, I had hoped that I could tell him about it when I woke up in the morning. It was probably because I was tired that I overslept a little. Ace also left very early in the morning, and I completely missed my chance to talk to him.

I need to tell Ace about it but what if it’s already too late?

Before I knew what I was doing, I had stood up suddenly from my seat. I could feel Richard’s curious gaze on me, but I didn’t have time to dissolve his curiosity. My feet were already taking me out of my team’s project room. I would have preferred to break this piece of inconvenient and unfortunate news to him in person, but it didn’t seem like that was a luxury that I could afford anymore. Time was of the essence.

Although I knew that Ace was probably busy and that now probably wasn’t the best time to give him a call, I dialed Ace’s number on my phone after checking that no one was walking up and down the hallway. I just need to tell him a very short message and that would be it. I was certain that Ace could tell me how I should handle something like this or what I should do next. Before the committee hears about it, we need to do something about it because it could ruin all of our plans.

“Ace…please pick up…” I whispered into my phone as I waited for the line to connect.

After a while, I was convinced that Ace wasn’t going to answer my call and that was probably because he wasn’t in a position to do so. Even so, I stubbornly waited for him to answer my call.

“Rina…” Ace’s voice spoke softly through the phone.

“Ace…” I called his name in a breathless whisper because I was so surprised.

For a second, I almost forgot what I wanted to tell him. That was just how surprised I was that Ace had answered my call. His hushed tone told me that he had deprioritized something that he was in the middle of to answer my call and I wasn’t going to waste this hard-earned chance of talking to him.

“Ace, listen to me…” I said before pausing to take a deep breath to calm myself.

“What is it?” he asked.

“About Jeremy. You know, about yesterday. I forgot to tell you this but apparently, he knows about us…” I spoke quickly as my eyes darted up and down the hallway.

“What does he know?” Ace asked while sounding very calm.

“He told me that he knows that we’re dating. I tried denying it but I’m not sure if he believes me or not,” I quickly explained while trying to be concise.

“Don’t worry about it. He won’t tell anyone even if he knows,” Ace told me dismissively.

“Umm…how can you be so sure?” I asked as my brows furrowed.

Could things really be that easy? Why does Ace sound so certain that Jeremy won’t tell anyone?

“Don’t worry too much about everything, Rina. Somethings are out of our control…” Ace said patiently.

“But if he tells someone or the committee then everything will…” I argued before I lost the will to finish my sentence.

Everything would come falling apart if news of our illicit relationship came out. People would doubt Ace and Elizabeth’s relationship and then that might have an impact on the merger and all that we’ve worked so hard for.

“That won’t happen,” Ace said firmly.

“How do you know that?” I asked immediately.

My anxiousness and frustration started eating at me and I felt a tightness in my chest that quickly became uncomfortable. I had no idea why Ace seemed to trust Jeremy so much. Was it because they knew each other well?

I wanted to be optimistic and trust my friend too and that he wouldn’t do anything that would put me in harm’s way. Then again, friends don’t have romantic feelings for each other. I would have trusted Jeremy without a problem before he confessed to me. With romantic feelings, things could get difficult and complicated. I knew that quite well based on personal experiences.

--To be continued…

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