Love Slave to My Devil CEO Boss R18

Chapter 449 Into the Unknown

449  Into the Unknown

The risk of us losing our jobs from the merger or whatever could happen to the business was low compared to the other people. It was sad and unfortunate, but the truth we all knew was that if there was a downsizing in the workforce, it would be the poor performers who would have to leave first. In that respect, our job felt quite secure.

“I really wonder what this is about…” Julianna said lightly.

“Ace hasn’t been around the office lately, so I bet that he’s up to something again,” Richard muttered with his eyes glued straight ahead.

“Can I sit here?”

I turned around toward the familiar voice that I hadn’t heard in a while to see Jeremy standing quite close to me. It was the first time that I saw him in person ever since that day that he turned up to join us in Ace’s office.

“Sure,” I replied with a little smile.

Before things could get awkward between us, the lights in the auditorium dimmed slightly and that served as the signal to everyone that the announcement was about the start. I could feel the palm of my hands sweating when it hit me that the ball was really about to get rolling. The things that we had planned for what felt like so long were finally going to be put in motion. No longer would this be a secret that I kept between Ace and myself and a small group of people in the know. Within a few minutes’ time, the merger would become public information to all.

“Everyone please take a seat. The announcement will begin in a few minutes,” a formal voice announced through the speaker.

Suddenly, the tension in the air skyrocketed and silence filled the auditorium. It felt like no one was breathing and the only sound that I could hear was the rapid beating of my own heart. The silence only lasted a minute before the darkened screen came to life. The view of the venue appeared on the screen and there was Ace and Elizabeth sitting among many senior members of the two companies. The Chairman, Ace’s father, was there along with Elizabeth’s father and other senior members of the Board of Directors.

I didn’t even dare swallow as I stared at the screen. Although I knew quite well what they were about to announce, I was still overwhelmingly nervous. I couldn’t even begin to imagine how anxious the other people around me were. Before I knew it, I was already silently praying for the best outcome. The host quickly introduced the members of the panel professionally before passing it on to the Ace’s father to start the session.

“Thank you everyone for gathering here today for your time and I would also like to acknowledge everyone watching this including our employees,” the Chairman said formally.

My heart began racing wildly in my chest and I could feel my palms getting sweatier. I could feel the increase restlessness of the people in the auditorium as they waited impatiently for the Chairman to make the announcement.

“With extremely careful consideration from both companies, Jessen’s and Hill’s and Chase Creatives, we have jointly come to a decision that we are going to merge our companies into a new entity,” the Chairman announced without any further delays.

The entire auditorium was bathed in absolute silence as I counted in my head from one to three. After those few seconds where everyone was stunned into silence, chaos exploded. Suddenly, everyone was talking all at once to express their shock at the news. As I had expected, everyone had something to say about how unexpected the merger was and the uncertainty that it would bring to their lives.

“Please keep your voices down and remain in your seat unless you want to leave. For those who would like to leave, please make your way to the exit quietly,” the woman announced sternly through the speakers to ensure that the audience did not get out of control.

It was easier said than done. The murmurs of shock and various questions quickly turned into outright discussions that were loud and clear. The voices of people chatting and expressing their concerns got louder and louder all around us.

“Can’t you all just shut up and listen for a moment? The Chairman isn’t even done with his announcement,” Julianna turned and snapped at whoever was sitting in the row behind us.

Richard had a stern look on his face, but he didn’t look too bothered while Jeremy had a look of intense interest on his face. As I had anticipated, this announcement did not shake up the members of the CEO office the way that it did for the rest of the staff.

“Hush and listen…” Richard declared his warning with narrowed eyes.

“How are we supposed to remain calm in this situation?”

“That’s right. We have no idea what’s going to happen to us?”

“The two companies are merging? That’s super crazy…”

Comments and questions like these felt endless. The Chairman continued with his prepared speech before handing it over to Ace and Elizabeth as the acting CEO of both of the companies. My attention shifted to the large screen again when it was time for Ace to make his speech. I prayed that whatever he had to say would help put the staff’s worries at rest even if it was for a while.

“As the Chairman had just announced, we are proud to inform all of you that the two companies have decided to merge. I am sure that everyone here has many questions, and we would be more than happy to address all of them at the end of the session. First of all, I would like to address the shareholders of both companies that your interests will still be accurately represented and that your investment will bear better fruit. For the business side, we expect a long list of synergies and cost optimization that will lead to a better bottom line and return for all of you. All of this has been outlined already in the information booklet is right in front of you,” Ace explained before pausing.

--To be continued…

My new book is here! Check out: Substitute Wife for the Mafia King

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