
Chapter 43

< — Damian — > (14)

TN: (๑ơ ₃ ơ)♥

Lucia entered the central tower and checked behind her. The Damian who said he would be following shortly was nowhere to be found.

She asked a maid to fetch him and went into the receiving room. She sat down, placed her head on the sofa and closed her eyes. Her head was hurting.

‘I was too complacent. To think it would be a party-break.’

She thought too lightly of the women’s stubborn pride that wouldn’t break even if their neck was snapped. She let her guard down at the fact that the atmosphere here was distinctly different from the one in the capital’s social circles.

She also might have been conceited about the fact that she was a Duchess without even realizing it. Even though she knew that in the high society, one’s reputation and personal connection accumulated over the years was much more important that status, she had foolishly overlooked it.

‘From the first time I saw that woman, I didn’t really like her.’

Lucia was deeply impressed by the character of Countess Corzan, the godmother of the northern high society so she had high expectations before meeting the Countess of Wales, whose influence was much greater. However, her expectations quickly turned into disappointment.

In Lucia’s eyes, the countess of Wales that was invited to her tea party a couple of times was like a snake in human skin.

It was mistake to just smile in the past because she wanted to avoid unnecessary confrontation. Because now, the countess took her to be a joke and led this kind of thing.

‘Although I knew it wouldn’t be easy.’

Which is why she’d asked Kate to definitely bring the Countess of Corzan if possible. She wanted to have a safety shield. There was no way the countess wouldn’t know how to build up a frontal confrontation when faced with a party break. Her mistake of not being careful was painful.

‘Is Countess Wales wrathful because of her extramarital issues?’

It would be too shallow to just see it as a crafty high society greeting. If she particularly wanted to humiliate Lucia using the party-break, she had a lot more to lose than to gain from it.

Even if one’s status was not absolute in the high society, status could never be ignored. Moreover, the Duke of Taran’s absolute influence in the north was not inferior to that of the King’s in the capital.

The Countess of Wales wouldn’t have thought to do such a thing if she hadn’t assumed what was in Lucia’s mind and calculated off of that.

One villain recognizes another. No matter how much Lucia observed the behavior of groups in the high society, she did not have a mind twisted enough to grasp the psychology of the people who were capable of scheming and conspiring.

‘A person’s actions can’t be judged with only rationality.’

It was unprecedented that an illegitimate child entered into the family was selected as a candidate. Lucia began to mull over the problem a bit more seriously.

‘If the northern atmosphere is like this then the capital’s must be formidable as well.’

She wondered if he had any idea on how to resolve this issue. Seeing as he didn’t think bringing Damian to social party was a big deal, he may not have any ideas.

‘Damian taking over the title may the beginning of a different flow in the future. That’s probably why people are resistant.’

She was too hasty. She didn’t want to miss this chance since Damian might soon be going back to the Academy. She introduced Damian at the horse riding field and took it lightly because the garden party could not be Damian’s formal social debut.

She opened her eyes and checked around but Damian was still nowhere to be found.

‘Hasn’t it been a while since I asked the maid to get him?’

The headache was making her irritated. She called for another maid.

“Why is it taking so long to fetch the young lord?”

The maid immediately left in haste then returned after a while.

“Milady, the young master did not answer when asked to come in. The one who receive Milady’s order first is by the young master’s side not knowing what to do.”

“What is Damian doing outside?”

“Nothing...just looking at people.”


What could the child be thinking as he watched those people? She had to ask him when he came in.

Lucia closed her eyes again.


At some point, Kate had entered and was sitting next to Lucia, holding her hand. Lucia opened her eyes and seeing Kate, she gave her a smile.

“Thank you for today, Kate.”

“No, I was of no help at all. Don’t be too upset. By all means, just think of it as a rite of passage.”

Kate was worried that Lucia would be overcome with shame because of her broken pride. However, Lucia did not care about things like an organizer’s pride. Even though it was in her dream, she had worked as a nursing maid for a noblewoman. This type of thing wasn’t enough for her pride to feel humiliated.

“It’s okay. And I’m sorry Kate but do you mind going back for today? I have a lot to think about.”

Kate replied that she understood, spoke a few more words of warmth and comfort then left.

Lucia called Jerome who was continuously lingering around.

“Is he in the office?”

“No. An urgent message arrived and master had to head out. There was no definitive reply as to whether master would return today.”

Lucia felt both slightly sad and relieved at the same time.

“I will inform him of today’s matter so don’t tell him directly.”

“Yes, Milady”

“Also, will you call Anna for me?”

The headache was getting worse so she thought to have some medicine. After Jerome went out, Lucia sent all the maids away.

She looked at Damian who had come in some moments ago and beckoned him over.

“Damian, come here.”

Damian approached and went on his knees before Lucia. Lucia sprang up in surprise.

“I’m sorry. Because of me...” (Damian)

The boy did not care how others looked at him. No matter how intense the unfriendly gazes were, they did not cause any direct harm. However, he didn’t want them to send such gazes to Lucia.

Damian didn’t know the high society very well, neither did he know what a party-break was but he knew the earlier situation had humiliated Lucia.

Anger. He felt anger at his weakness. The situation would have turned out completely different if his father was there.

“No, Damian. Why do you have to apologize?”

Lucia felt tears threaten to break out and reach out to lift Damian, taking him into her embrace. Damian said he didn’t like it from the beginning, she was the one that persuaded him and eventually the result was such.

‘I should have gone about it a different way. It would have been okay to introduce him just about when the party was finishing but I was too greedy.’

“I’m sorry, Damian. I didn’t think of you. I didn’t think that you could be hurt and only thought of myself.”

As he liked the nice fragrance and soft feeling of the embrace, Damian was holding his breath and doing his best to stay still. He thought if he moved even a little bit, Lucia would be surprised and move away.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” (Lucia)

“I...It’s all right.”

Damian was really fine. He had completely forgotten about the meaningless gazes of those women that didn’t know anything the moment Lucia said, ‘my son,’ earlier. The words were still replaying in the boy’s head and touched his heart.

“It’s not your fault, Damian. What people do is not your fault. Adults are not all wise.”

Lucia’s voice grew shaky at the end. At the sound of small sobbing, Damian stiffened.

‘Don’t cry because of me,’ the words in head were stuck in his throat, refusing to come out. Little by little, he carefully inched forward, placing his forehead on Lucia’s shoulders.

It was the first time someone cried for the sake of the boy. His throat felt as though it was hot and constricted, and his eyes felt flushed.

It was just a little. But the boy’s eyes were wet.

Translator’s Corner

*extramarital= out-of-wedlock. Think concubine’s child except not a concubine. Most of you guys know this but still.

< — Damian — > (14)

TN: Sorry in advance

I ended up happening unlike what I was worried about. It was not group epidemic but group food poisoning. Both in this weather, infectious disease or food poisoning, it was not uncommon, but the peacock was not in a direct run.

The village lord who floated the pavil and gave the peacock a giggle had a complaint.

“I like candy”

“Yes. Majesty. This mushroom looks like an edible mushroom, but when you eat it looks like a bellyache, pooing, vomiting and a red spot on the whole body. ”

As soon as the doctor who was brought in was familiar with poisoning and poison ivy, he looked at some patients and asked them what they found, and found mushrooms in the rest of the ingredients. In a short time, the problem was resolved in the moment.

The villagers who had never eaten biscuit before (what?) and when the problem was resolved within two hours of the peacock’s appearance, it was wonderful. It was also full of awe in the eye of our peacock,

“If I’m a mushroom near here, Koreans will not know.”

“Yes. Majesty. This mushroom is not a mushroom that lives in the vicinity. We have to climb to the north with more climate. ”

What is going on?

“I don’t know, the chapter seems odd.”

“I wonder why?”

“Must be the aggregators again”

Asked by Hugo, the lord was tied up in a pose, and nibbled on the floor, he fell on his face. He was a shop owner who had run a grocery store in the village and supplied the mushrooms.

“Yes, yes. Uh ...I am looking for the actual chapter.”

“Enough. The chapter is . I think the translator got tired of spending hours on a chapter and having it stolen.”

IKR? How rude.

The man who watched the situation when the elderly man was running away with a runny nose, said to the duke.

“I think I’ll have to keep track of these thieves, why so many?”

“I have the same question. You’d think they’d at least credit the translator. “

“How ridonkulous.”

I answered with a voice everywhere.

“Translator-san, are you bored? “

The lord apologized with a dark look.

“No. I am actually quite busy”

The look of the lord who was ready to live anger brightened brightly.

“Why don’t I believe you?.”

“Umm...if you’re still reading, chapter is “

There was nothing to see here anymore. Three hours of horseback riding was a bad habit but much better than a plague.

Hugo and Knights left for Roam, leaving a few people to do the rest. The day was getting darker.

It was not far to Roam. Hugo and other knights gathered in a small fountain to celebrate horses and human necks.

Hugo looked at the time. By the time you enter Roam, it will be quite dark.

It is likely that the dinner time will be adjusted or it will be a little later. Hugo called Dean.

“You know the funny thing is aggregators don’t copy my links.”

It is good to arrive before meals, but if you are a little late, you do not want to have a break in the middle of meals during the meal. Dean, who was named, departed a little earlier and after a while Hugo and the knights started running.

I ran without rest and arrived at Roam, and the horse that had loaded Hugo stopped to go inside. One of the servants who found Hugo coming down from the horse ran in amazement, and Jerome leaped out after a while.

“Anyone still reading up till this point must be bored.”

“Or they just like google translate?.”

Jerome followed immediately behind Hugo to the office. After a while, the three brothers, who dedicated themselves to the work, went into the office with clothes for change. Hugo changed their dusty clothes.

Could be?

Do I put the link up again?

Nah, just put it at the end of...what ever this is.”

“It’s a chapter

Hugo went straight to the desk. When I sat in my chair, I had several documents in front of me that looked best. Marked in red on the corner, it is urgent. There was no time to breathe, he muttered and picked up a document.

[Hugo says, “I love you Lucia.”

Lucia says, “I love you Hugh”]

Translator-san, Get your fantasies off this holy ground.

Because of the party, the atmosphere of tolerance was dark all day today. He reminded me of the man who told me to tell him directly,

“I reeeally hope no one is still reading.”

I answered.

“Call me when you’re ready for dinner.”

He sat down halfway around his desk and began to read the papers. Lucia fell asleep with a headache pill and woke up and continued to hang on the sofa.

Even though I woke up to sleep after taking medicine, my headache rarely sunk. Her head was sick and her mood was bad, so Lucia kept crying while lying on the bedroom sofa.

The evening was over and the headache was gone, and the maid informed us of the return of the peacock.

“What? You came in? ”

Lucia thought he would not come in today. Bring the mirror to the housemaid, and my eyes were swollen. If I knew this, I would have to do my pussy.

“Bring a cold towel.”

Lucia was fired as a temporary measure. But time was not enough. It will be announced soon that dinner is over.

“How are you? Is it snowy? ”

“You have fallen more than ever before. At first glance, I do not know. ”

Only during meal time he does not have to know. After dinner, he will go back into the office.

He gets a little busier when he gets out. It is likely to sink soon if you paddle a little more. I did not want to let him know that I cried for nothing.

I went down to the restaurant and Damien was there first. Hugo came in a little late and was seated.

He lifted a spoon and gazed at her naturally. His hair twisted and his hands stopped.

As soon as he put the spoon on the table to be heard, the atmosphere froze coldly. He got up and approached her, embarrassingly looking at herself.

One hand clutching the table, grabbed her jaw with one hand. Her reddish eyes were clearly in his sight.

His eyes darkened as if his eyes were wide open.

“What is it.”

Lucia was conscious of her surroundings and naturally turned her head and dropped her gaze. I did not know he would respond to this. I thought I might ask you something later if you look at it. I was disappointed that I could not even have a room with Damian as well as my employees.

“First you eat ...”

He grabbed her chin firmly and pushed his head back to look more closely. Her clear amber eyes were red. Did you cry? Why?


Jerome the super butler shot out knife sharp answers like so:

“At the garden party, your ladies broke the party.”

“Breaking the party?”

“They danced jumba together.”


“.... Master Damian ..”

I did not need to hear more. He grasped the rough situation.

“What did you do to you?”

There was violence in his soft voice.

“Nothing .. do anything ...”

They simply rejected the party with silence and a cool look, and did not do anything directly to Lucia. I did not have an unpleasant mind at all, but it was not enough. I was sorry to Damian, and I thought I was already crying because I was so upset. But from the moment he asked why, he was nose.

It was the same as if there were more tears in the room. When he came back, he tried to explain to him what was happening today. By the way, he touched Lucia ‘s tears.

The hugo look of seeing the tears come to a standstill has set in. Hugo pulled her seat back and hugged her in his arms.

As if she had a child, she supported one arm under her thigh and put one hand in her chest as if she were wrapped around her back.

“Go to the second floor and eat on room.”


Damian looked at him worriedly as he saw Lucy embrace the restaurant. I was worried about Lucia, who did not come out of the bedroom almost all day, and Damian heart was also uncomfortable all day long. I hope I can see my mother who smiles well as usual.

Translator’s Corner

*Hopefully no one’s still reading thus far. Again chapter link is I will update this with the real chapter in an hr or 2. The aggregators were getting frustrating but I really couldn’t do anything to them but this one was fun XD. Ty Kaho!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.