Married Thrice to Salted Fish

Chapter 120

Chapter 120 Extra Story 1

Dayu’s emperors didn’t have a marriage leave and the day after his wedding, he already had to attend court. This was a rule set by his predecessors. Jiang Xing felt these rules were inhumane and had to be changed. But after thinking about it, he wasn’t going to benefit from these changes; only future emperors would benefit. Forget it; if he had to suffer, he couldn’t suffer alone.

After morning court finished, it was time for the cabinet members to discuss matters in Qinzheng Hall. Jiang Xing sat on the dragon throne, fighting back his sleepiness as he listened to the ministers’ reports on the unresolved matters that morning.

Li Chan said, “Your Majesty, Jizhou’s governor, Xie Kejin is requesting for an increase in the soldiers’ pay. How should we respond?”

Jiang Xing asked, “Why does he want to increase the soldiers’ pay?”

“Xie Kejin says there are frequent changes in the Northern border and Jizhou has to recruit more soldiers and acquire more horses. They are taking precautions.”

Jiang Xing said casually, “Does Xie Kejin mean to say that the King of the Northern border has plans to rebel once again?”

Li Chan said cautiously, “I dare not speak nonsense.”

“The King of the Northern Border and Jingchun are living a lovey-dovey happy life in the North. He has no reason to rebel. And if they had wanted to rebel, they could have done so two years ago, taking advantage of when the court was preoccupied with the war with Xixia. Why would they wait until now?” Jiang Xing said, “What Zhen sees is Xie Kejin growing apprehensive because of Qian Xiyuan’s fall. Taking warning from an overturned cart, he is made even more aware of the importance of money and food for soldiers and horses and so he has the audacity to ask Zhen for more pay and provisions for soldiers.”

In the Dayu, the governors were the managers of the provinces and its highest local official. Jizhou was foremost among the nine provinces. It bordered the north and occupied a vast territory. Xie Kejin had entrenched himself in Jizhou for many years, covering the sky with one hand, he had been assembling a personal army, leaving the court with no choice but to be on guard against him.

Li Chan asked, “Then Your Majesty means…to not give it?”

Jiang Xing thought for a while. Twirling a yet unstained brush in his hand, he said, “Xie Kejin might not actually be harboring any thoughts he shouldn’t. This might simply be the grieving of a fox for the hare. He’s just a little shaken. If we do not provide it, I’m afraid we might be beating the grass to scare the snake. If we wish for him to remain calm, we would still need to give something to him. However, Zhen has no intention of giving him everything he wants.” Jiang Xing suddenly stopped twirling his brush. “Relay my order. The Ministry of War and the Ministry of Revenue are to discuss and come up with an appropriate amount. We cannot not give but we won’t give all.”

Li Chan said, “This minister hears Your Majesty’s order.”

After Li Chan retreated, Nan’an Hou stepped forward and said, “Your Majesty, there was a severe drought in Xuzhou last year and famine broke out as soon as winter came. Many of its people have been forced from their homes and starved of food. Should we distribute grain and provisions as soon as possible to relieve the disaster?”

Jiang Xing frowned. “Send the aid. Also, Xuzhou is to be exempted from land tax for three years.”

Then, an imperial censor came forward to present his complaint. “Your Majesty, the eldest son of the Minister of Rites was in a male brothel in the capital the day before yesterday. Driven by jealousy over one young man, he came to blows with the Wen Family’s Ninth Young Master. Both come from wealthy prominent families, the sons of some of our highest officials. Unexpectedly doing such indecent and vulgar things, it sets an extremely bad example. I hope Your Majesty will punish them severely.”

As the censor’s complaint wasn’t as important as the matters the other ministers presented, Jiang Xing took this time to do a bit of something else. He opened a blank scroll, wrote down the words “What are you doing, Baobei?” and handed it to Xiao Songzi. Xiao Songzi tacitly understood and retreated with the scroll in his hands.

Jiang Xing asked the censor, “Who did you say was fighting?”

“The eldest son of the Minister of Rites and the Wen Family’s Ninth Young Master.”

Jiang Xing wondered, “These two have a good relationship, don’t they? I remember that they grew up together.”

The censor said solemnly, “The emperor is wise. Though they come from different families, they regard themselves as brothers. Turning against each other for a man? They spoke ill of each other, beat each other, punching and kicking. Beauty misleads, a blue face brings calamity. The words of our ancestors ring true.”

Jiang Xing yawned, pretending not to understand what the censor was implying, “Who struck first?”

The censor hesitated for a moment and said, “According to my investigation, it was Ninth Young Master Wen who threw the first punch. But Ninth Young Master Wen claims he didn’t hit the Minister of Rites’ eldest son very hard, a touch that’s all. But the Minister of Rites’ son threw a very strong punch in return…”

Jiang Xing found it both infuriating and laughable. He suddenly felt like some kind of kindergarten teacher. “They haven’t necessarily turned against each other. I think they’re more like children throwing tantrums.”

The imperial censor said, voice deep, “Your Majesty, these two are both over sixteen years old. They are no longer children! Does the Emperor mean to say they have committed no fault?”

Imperial censors have always been blunt and outspoken. Jiang Xing didn’t become angry. He raised his hand and signaled the censor to calm down. “Why so anxious? Zhen didn’t say they wouldn’t be punished. However, neither of them hold any official position, so I can only punish their parents. The Minister of Rites and Wen Guogong have failed to properly teach their son and grandson. They will be fined for half a year and each will be fined one thousand teals of silver to fill the treasury.”

After being so busy for a couple of hours, they finally finished discussing all matters that should be discussed. The rain in June, the wind in July… all these good and beautiful things in the world couldn’t compare to the words “this minister will now take his leave”.

Except for his beautiful wife, of course.

As soon as the ministers retreated, Jiang Xing’s dignified posture quickly collapsed and he slumped lazily on the dragon throne. He felt exhausted physically and mentally, more tired than after plowing three acres of land. Fortunately, Xiao Songzi had returned from Xingqing Palace with Lin Qingyu’s reply.

After the emperor and empress are married, the empress should reside in Fengyi Palace. But Jiang Xing didn’t want to live separately from Lin Qingyu so he had Lin Qingyu remain in Xingqing Palace. He even moved him into the main hall from the side hall. Not to mention in the imperial family, even in ordinary noble families, the master of house and the madam had their own residences. But the emperor and the empress lived together every day, like some commoner couple.

Lin Qingyu’s reply to Jiang Xing was only three short words: [Hatching the egg.]

It turned out that he was looking after their eldest son or perhaps eldest daughter who was about to be born. No wonder he was so perfunctory in his reply. Jiang Xing really wanted to go and watch Lin Qingyu hatch the egg but he still had a lot of reports he needed to read.

These reports, these evil reports, the eternal bane of his existence, the shackles of pain in his life.

Jiang Xing stared at the pile on his table and every part of his body resisted. “Forget it,” he gave up on himself, “I’ll sleep for a while and read them later.”

Xiao Songzi urged, “Your Majesty, if you delay until night again, the Empress will be unhappy.”

Jiang Xing hesitated and said, “Then I will read quietly after he falls asleep.”

Xiao Songzi, having gotten the empress’ instructions in advance, had no choice but to toughen his scalp and continue to urge, “Your Majesty, these reports contain important matters selected by the cabinet. They really must not be put off.”

Jiang Xing: “…”

Lin Qingyu came to the Qinzheng Hall and asked Xiao Songzi who was standing guard outside, “How is His Majesty?”

Xiao Songzi smiled bitterly, “The emperor…”

Seeing Xiao Songzi’s expression, Lin Qingyu already had a guess. Walking into the inner hall, he saw Jiang Xing lying on the dragon desk. It looked as though he had already fallen asleep. He had his head pillowed on one arm, pressing against an open secret missive, brush still in hand.

Lin Qingyu pulled out the secret decree. This was a secret decree for Shen Huaishi. Jiang Xing was ordering the Heavenly Prison Sect to go to Jizhou to secretly observe the governor’s movements. He also said that while he was there, Shen Huaishi could go to the Northern Border to catch up with Jingchun.

When Jiang Xing wrote the latter part, his words were crooked and could barely be made out. This was enough to prove that he had held on until he simply couldn’t and fell asleep.

Lin Qingyu took off the fox fur robe from his own shoulders and covered Jiang Xing.

Jiang Xing woke up slowly, his arm having gone numb. He opened his eyes and saw Lin Qingyu standing in front of the imperial desk, writing something with a brush. They had just been married, in order to display the majesty of the imperial household, Lin Qingyu chose to wear splendidly decorated robes, extremely glamorous and luxurious.

Jiang Xing propped his head up with his hands, looked at Lin Qingyu with a smile and said after a while, “Is the Empress done hatching the egg? Is it a prince or a princess?”

Lin Qingyu glanced at him. “Hatching eggs isn’t that quick. It will take a few days for the little poisonous snake to break through its shell. Now that you’re up, go and move to the bed. Sleeping on your desk isn’t good for your health.”

“It’s fine.” Jiang Xing moved his shoulders a bit, “I’m used to sleeping like this — What are you reading?”

“The reports. I’ll handle the rest for you and you can go and rest.”

“Ah, this is embarrassing.” Jiang Xing sat on the dragon throne and borrowing strength from the desk, slid in front of Lin Qingyu with a slight push. The dragon chair in Qinzheng Hall had specially been remodeled by Jiang Xing. The four legs were installed with wheels, allowing him to slide around. He also had it modified to allow for the height to be adjusted. “I just discovered something.”

Lin Qingyu said, “What?”

“Are you an imperial report?”

Standing, Lin Qingyu was much taller than Jiang Xing, Lin Qingyu said, looking condescendingly down at him, “What did you say?”

Jiang Xing smiled and said, “Because the more I look at you, the more I want to sleep.”

Lin Qingyu said, expression completely calm, “Well, maybe if you stop sleeping with me so much, you can have another hour of sleep every day that way you won’t fall asleep in Qinzheng Hall.”

Jiang Xing put on an expression as though he’d had a suddenly realization, “That makes sense. I’ll try it next time.”

Lin Qingyu paused, frowned and said, “But you can’t cut back too much…”

Jiang Xing found his wife cute that he couldn’t help but ask, “Qingyu, how about a kiss?”

Lin Qingyu’s heart trembled slightly. He lowered his eyes and said calmly, “Kiss me if you want. Why do you have to spout so much nonsense?”

Jiang Xing laughed. He was too lazy to stand up, so he put his arms around Lin Qingyu’s waist and forcing him to bend down. He then raised his head and kissed him on his lips.

This kiss gave Jiang Xing a little more life.

After the kiss, Lin Qingyu found himself sitting on the others lap, with the other’s arms around him. His breathing had gone rough, his cheeks were flushed. The way he looked, like he was asking him to have a taste, completely blew away all Jiang Xing’s interest in handling proper work.

However, the eternal sorrow of the corporate drone was that even if the sky was afire, they had to finish work first.

Jiang Xing hugged Lin Qingyu from behind, resignedly picked up his brush and continued writing out the unfinished secret missive. Lin Qingyu recovered from the heat of passion and asked, “You’re letting Shen Huaishi visit the Northern Border. I suppose it isn’t simply to let him catch up with Jingchun.”

“I firmly believe that the King of the North has no intention to rebel. But just in case. After all, I can’t be taking the country as my plaything.” Jiang Xing thought of something, “Speaking of which, I haven’t been out of the capital with you yet. Where do you want to go on our honeymoon, Baobei?”

Lin Qingyu asked, “Honeymoon? What’s that?”

Jiang Xing put down his pen and patiently explained to him the origins of the honeymoon.

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