Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today

Chapter 607: Choosing a Second Master

Chapter 607: Choosing a Second Master

Since I have my choice of Tier Masters, I might as well make a good one!

Hui glanced left to right over the cultivators. Alright, so lets see. Obviously, the poison and hidden weapons master is right out. Not only is she a threat to my mental survival, but alsopoison? Hidden weapons? All my fellow disciples will be far too dangerous! No thank you.

As for the muscular man I do have some karma with body cultivation, but eh. Id rather not. Too much hard work! The sword cultivator is interesting, but unfortunately, I totally lack karma with the sword. The same goes for pill cultivation. Beasts I have Zhubi, but can I say Ive cultivated him? Hes cultivated himself. Plus, Id rather not call attention to the similarities between Gui Hui and a certain Weiheng Hui. As for the demonic cultivator, do I even need to say it? Ive already done it, and that was far too dangerous in the first place! No thank you, no thank you!

Which leaves the music cultivator. Ive never encountered music cultivation again, but I suppose it cant hurt to pick up a new skill! Hui turned and gazed at the music cultivator, letting his interest leak out in big glassy eyes and a dropped jaw. Stare at her like a dazzled child! Let her know that I want her to pick me! Shes the least dangerous option, the least dangerous!

Tian Honghua stepped forward, cupping her hands in greeting to the gathered cultivators. Tier Masters, please accept my humble blessings. This child is a hostage from the Southern Sect Conference. He is the one the Fourth Tier Master ordered us to bring in.

All eyes turned to the beauty cultivator. Used to the attention, she didnt flinch. Stepping forward, her hips swaying in a way that drew the eye, she looked Hui up and down. She turned her head to her attendant.

The attendant nodded. Haughtily, she said, This one young disciple is not the two disciples I ordered you to catch.

Tian Honghua cupped her hands again and bowed deeper. Responding to Tier Master, this disciple is the only one our scouts were able to catch. He is not the disciples we desired at first, but he is of equal value. He is Gui Hui, the child of Gui Yutong, daughter of the Southern Sect Conferences cardinal sects Sect Master.

The beauty cultivator put a hand on her hip, a skeptical cock to her head.

Former Sect Master, her attendant stressed, copying her masters pose.

Hui winced. When you put it like that my supposed identity sounds incredibly unimportant! No, no. I know Im unimportant, but this supposed identity of mine cant be! I need to be a valuable hostage! How can I prove my value what can I do to prove that Im worthy of being their hostage?

Nothing at all came to mind, not even a single idea. His mind stood empty, blank as the sea at night, devoid of thought as a desert in the boiling midday sun. He pressed his lips together, internally panicking. Ahhh, Ive spent so long acknowledging my total lack of value as a human being that I have no idea how to project being someone valuable! Can someone please teach me? Waiting urgently online!

Tian Honghua bowed again. Tier Master, this Gui Hui was on our list of potential hostages. It should be noted that the Southern Sect Conferences grand barrier formation is still powerful, and though we can slip through, it is not without difficulty. All of the men we sent to the Southern Sect Conference have died, including, she glanced at the demonic cultivator, Shue Yinyues blood clone.

Really? I thought that had to be utterly annihilated for it to die, the demonic cultivator hummed.

Tian Honghua turned to her. Reporting to Tier Master, Shue Yinyue indicated to us that it was.

Hmm and she neglected to tell me? Interesting, interesting, the demonic cultivator murmured to herself.

Shue Yinyue Oh, thats right! Shue Yinyue said that her Sixth Tier was made up of demonic healers. Maybe its not such a bad choice for this small cultivator. After all, I have some karma with healing

Hui shook his head, hard. Hui! What are you thinking?

No, no, no! Im not a demonic cultivator, Im not! I refuse to walk the demonic path! Demonic healing is still demonic. Im a good, righteous, upright, pure cultivator who never treads the demonic path, utterly orthodox from start to finish! Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! I will not re-enter a demonic sect. From here on out, its pure and clean and righteous Huias, as its always been. No demonic techniques at all!

Though of course demonic and righteous are just a matter of labels put on afterward and ones personal perspective. Naturally. Thats why the snakeskin technique is absolutely fine to use. Right, right!

The beauty cultivator waved her hand captivatingly. Tiny whisps of pink air and jewel-like butterflies manifested around her hand, so beautiful was the motion. The attendant stared in wide-eyed fascination.

A moment passed. No one spoke. Turning to the side, the beauty cultivator caught the attendant staring and thumped them on the shoulder.

The attendant jumped. Ahahem! Excuse me, Tier Master.

The beauty cultivator waved again. Somehow, Hui got the impression she tried hard to make the wave ugly, though it looked like a completely ordinary wave to him. This time, nothing manifested.

Clearing her throat, the attendant nodded at her Tier Master. Tier Master Jizhi Zhimei will take responsibility for this hostage. She ordered the action, so it is hers to clean up after.

Clean up after! Dont use that as an excuse to scoop the most talented disciple weve seen in centuries out from under us, the brawny man said, crossing his arms as he stepped forward.

Beside him, the music cultivator let out a delicate, tinkling laugh. Shuhang Han, were you not just complaining about how tiny this small child is? Do you even want him for your own, or are you merely making trouble for Jizhi Zhimei?

Shuhang Han opened his mouth, then closed it and let out a guttural grunt instead, clearly dissatisfied.

That being said, Im not in full agreement either. Perhaps we should each spend some time teaching him a small technique, to see if he has aptitude for our techniques as well? Such potential should not be wasted, the music cultivator stated.

Its all the same to me. I have plenty of disciples already. Im not starved for new recruits, the pill cultivator said dismissively.

I agree with Guzheng Yanyou, the beast cultivator said softly. Her eyes bored into Huis with an almost bestial desire. There are far too beast cultivators. A talent like his may be the difference in the war between our Eight Tiers Palace and the demonic Northern Lands, especially if he has an aptitude for taming.

Hui shivered. Thats right! I almost forgot. Eight Tiers Palace is at war with the demons to the north! I dont want to be dragged into that conflict, absolutely not! Beast cultivation? No thank you!

The sword cultivator nodded. Why dont we let Jizhi Zhimei take him as her disciple? However, once a week, one of us can command his time. If he shows particular aptitude for our techniques, we have the right to request him to become our disciple.

Jizhi Zhimei shook her head. Her attendant waved a hand. He is a hostage, first and foremost. He must be properly observed and prevented from making an escape. To show him so much favorability even over an ordinary disciple

Jizhi Zhimei! Being a hostage is secondary to having such incredible aptitude. Besides, do you really think any of us will have trouble keeping a mere second-realm disciple locked down? the sword cultivator snapped. The swords hovering around him spun faster, swirling and shimmering.

Thats right. You can stop with the attendant, too. Speak for yourself. None of us will be ensnared by your beauty, the demonic cultivator said, rolling her eyes.

The attendant cleared her throat. Er, Shue Xiee, the disciple

Ah, right, Shue Xiee said, giving Hui a desultory look.

Hui backed away, eyes big and round. I absolutely do not want to go with the demonic cultivator! Absolutely not! She already forgot that I could die to such a thing? Er, I mean, I wont, Im seventh realm and Ive already experienced the beauty cultivators voice at fifth realm and survived it, butbut hypothetically, I, the second-realm cultivator, could have!

And wait, hold on! Shue Xiee? Is Shue Yinyue a relative of hers? Hmmm I hope Shue Yinyue isnt holding a grudge over me destroying her blood clone

The attendant looked at Jizhi Zhimei. She nodded, just once.

This is acceptable. Then, shall we take our new disciple back to the tier? the attendant suggested.

The other six cultivators nodded.

Er, could I perhaps have a say in which Hui started.

Tian Honghua patted Hui on the back, forcibly cutting him off. She gave him a look. Are you joking, child? Are you insane? The Tier Masters have decided. Youve been chosen as a direct disciple! And you dare to protest being chosen by Jizhi Zhimei? Whats wrong with your brain? Do you want to die? Congratulations! It is a great honor to be taken as a Tier Masters disciple. Go on, bow to your new master!

Seeing all that in Tian Honghuas eyes without needing to be told, Hui swallowed his words. Dammit. Dammit! Argh, but shes right. What young child would protest to being taken in by such a powerful and beautiful master? If I wasnt so cautious and wary of my little life, Id be happy, even as an adult.

Ugh. Ill just have to take my lumps.

But then How do I react to this? How do I make it believable? Er, I just got kidnapped, but Gui Hui was defiant, but now being taken as a Tier Masters personal disciple, but I got mistaken as having incredible potential, but Im still a hostage, but I got taken in by the Fourth Tier Master, the one I absolutely did not want, but theres still a chance to escape, as long as I have aptitude with a different Tier Head spinning, Hui stumbled forward. He looked up at the beauty cultivator.

The beauty cultivator looked down at him, her face obscured behind the veil. Even so, her bewitching beauty seeped through, enough to make Huis eyes water.

Dammit, dammit, a thousand times dammit. I wanted to pick! I wanted to choose!

Ah, but I am a mere second-stage cultivator, and merely a hostage at that Hui sighed. Indeed, what disciple chooses their master? A small cultivator like me I was too bold to think I could choose!

Quickly, Hui looked away. He cupped his hands to the Tier Master. Disciple greets Master! Oh well, whatever. Its not like any of this is real. Its just playacting anyways. Ill just have to do what I always dosurvive!

The attendant gestured at him. Come with us. Well return to the fourth tier.

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