Maybe My Soulmate! (GL)

Chapter 43: Chapter 43 - A Coward!!!


"Crackle! Whoooshhh!!!"

As Mo Futian's true face was prested before the eyes of all, he couldn't continue to act like a verable immortal anymore.

His whole face was red from shame and anger.

All his life, the wom a him have always be submissive towards him.

They always tried to please him in various ways, playing in their little courtyard trying to win his affection for more power and control.

He has be used to the fawning looks of these wom and he has always regarded them as his mere possession.

And the only woman who never submitted to him all his life was Mo Yuxin's mother.

In his younger days, he had the nasty and sick habit of breaking the wills of proud wom with force.

Only heavs know, just how many wom have suffered at his hands.

But Lan Xu was differt than all the wom he has ever se in his life.

She was proud, extremely beautiful like a red rose but had sharp thorns which were always ready to cut at anyone who dared to threat her.

Mother Lan in her younger days was an exquisite and flawless beauty.

She had a pair of beautiful and narrow pheonix eyes, and wh the ds of her eyes are lifted up, there is always a bit of a charm. And wh she looked at people sideways, she felt as cold as ice.

Though these same pair of eyes have now lost its brilliance after all these years of storms that has passed through her life.

She had a fair complexion and the skin all over her body was as delicate and transluct as jade.

In perticular, her aura of compassion that was very differt from others looked perticularly harmonious with her cold temperamt, giving her a feeling of a noble immortal.

And that is why Mo Futian set his sights on her and tried every possible way to win her from creating a complete fake persona of a gtle sior brother to putting indirect pressure on her through her family.

Her father being a cold hearted man who only cared about his family's glory quickly gave her hand in marriage to him and from th on started the life of misery which continues till date.

Mo Futian couldn't control Mather Lan nor could be make her submissive towards him and now seeing that her young daughter also looks at him like he is some sort of bug not worth respecting made him all the more angry.

He rushed towards Mo Yuxin while gathering his spiritual power in his palm and conctrating his whole momtum in this single attack of his, thinking that it was ough to beat her into a half death state.

"Tiger Vajra Palm!!!!" He shouted the name of his palm arts while having the delusions of already winning this battle and making her obedit.

And all the while, in the eyes of Mo Yuxin he was as slow as a tortoise.

With her cultivation and without ev the need to use her divine power, defeating him is as easy as killing a bug.

And from her perspective as a novel reader, the way he shouted the name of the palm arts was just embarrassing.

But in the eyes of the others, they felt as if death was the only outcome of Mo Yuxin.

Mother Lan tried circulating every fiver of her spiritual power to rush infront of her, to save her daughter but her efforts amounted to nothing as the time it took her to ev begin her circulation of qi was ough for the whole ordeal to come to an d.


A deafing sound sounded as dust flew all a the surings making it hard to see what happed.

But it was only for a momt as the dust settled and what came into view could only be described as impossible.

Mother Lan was watching inttly with her red eyes fearing the life of her daughter and the momt everything came to an d, she was just stunned in place fearing for the worst.

If it truly came to the worst, she had already planned to either kill him or die trying.

But nothing she thought came into reality.

And the surprised and fearful voice of Mo Futian came into the ears of everyone prest.




Mo Yuxin was standing infront of Mo Futian with her hands behind her back and her robes fluttered in ther winds with a cold smirk on her face.

Mo Futian was kneeling before her and the hand that he used to strike her with was bd into a horrifying angles.

Fine beads of sweat trickled down his forehead as the gushing pain made him feel again and again that what happed was reality.

And as the reality settled, his mind was now drowned in the sea of fear and death.

Everything happed within the span of a fraction of a second as he came towards her and saw with his own eyes that Mo Yuxin just did nothing, not ev gathering spiritual power in his hands and grabbed his hands with her bare hand.

She twisted his hand in a horrifying angle while kicking him in his knees which made his legs bd as he dropped to the g.

She injected a strand of qi into his body and violtly crushed his foundation making all the years of cultivation into nothing.

And before he could comprehd everything that happed, he saw Mo Yuxin taking out a blunt sword and placing it on his neck.

Mo Futian has done too much harm towards her mother and sister and she simply didn't plan to keep him alive but also didn't plan to give him a quick death as that would be mercy towards a vile creature like him.

She took out a blunt and rusty blade from the Qianqun bag that she took from that cultivator from before and placing it on his neck.

Seeing the dark and terrifying glint in her almost emotionless eyes made him go crazy with fear.

He didn't want to die.

Ev though he took the lives of thousands of innoct people, but wh it came to his own death, he abandoned all the previous arrogance and started howling and crying with snots all over his face.

He started begging for his life,

"N-no, no, no, no, no, no, nonono... D-don't k-kill me.

D- don't kill me. Please, I beg y-you!!

I-im y-your father?!!!! Y-you c-cant kill me !!!

N-no ,no , help ....."

He started frantically crying for help and begging her to not kill him.

At this point all his arrogance left his mind and instinctive fear swallowed him whole and survival was the only thing left in his mouth.

He started hitting his head on the g, rolling with dirt and dust.

He was no longer the arrogant immortal nor the proud Mo Family patriarch that all had thought.

Now that his mask had fall off, all that was left was a disgusting coward who feared the strong and oppressed the weak.




Thank you for reading.

Stay tuned for the next chapter.

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