Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2597: Stand alone

Chapter 2597: Stand alone

Chen Feng specifically glanced at the Hong Bin behind and reminded: "Don't come here if you don't have to, I will fight alone!"

"Be careful!" Honghong Bin wanted to step forward very much, but he restrained his impulse forcibly in order to make Chen Feng realize his wish.

Griffin controlled the special plane and slowly approached Chen Feng, and while confirming that Hongshuibin had no intention of going forward, he observed Chen Feng: "I didn't think you wanted to challenge me alone from the beginning. Is there anything you have during this time? Adventure?"

From the "Breaking World" attitude towards the enemy, Griffin discovered that Chen Feng was very slightly different from before. "Breaking World" became more stable when turning at low speeds, and the fuselage did not show the slight changes in the past. Jitter, this is never normal.

"Just a few days ago, I have completely explored the world of black lotus, and the words on the lotus can be read clearly." Chen Feng said frankly about the changes in his body, he knew that Griffin must be able to see it. Lying will only make the other person despise yourself.

"No wonder, congratulations, you have reached the peak of the synchronization rate of 99 after you have thoroughly seen the world of Black Lotus. It may not be long before you will usher in the opportunity of breakthrough." Griffin envied Chen Feng's breakthrough speed from the bottom of his heart. He was already very freak himself, but Chen Feng was even more freak than him. What kind of talent could make Chen Feng soar at such a speed?

Griffin is not clear about the Heart Washing Sutra that he promised, because he basically didn't pay attention to other pilots except the God of War, and promised to hide the Heart Washing Sutra very well. Only a few people knew before Chen Feng became a disciple. That's it, it won't be spread at all.

Griffin didnt know that Chen Feng possessed a super-strength mental method that perfectly suited him to become stronger, but he did not feel jealous because of it. He once again mentioned what he said last time: You must remember that you must avoid any Excuse me, don't be like me."

"I remember it in my heart, thank you!" Chen Feng is very grateful for Griffin's push. The opponent is from the Saint Gama Empire but is also a real pilot. He must keep his teachings in mind and make the best effort. The synchronization rate broke through to 100.

The words to say have already been said. Griffin is ready to feel how strong Chen Feng has become after he breaks through again. He rushed forward to grab the first attack and attacked. Chen Feng was unwilling to show weakness and control the floating artillery to lift off for a counterattack. My strongest trick.

The double-spear fighting technique is a skill suitable for both near and far, so Griffin doesnt care about the distance between himself and Chen Feng. Anyway, he can maximize the attack power no matter how many meters are away. Cause a lot of pressure.

Chen Feng's response appeared to be varied. In addition to using various weapons to use the beam cage, the front part of his two guns also shined from time to time. When Griffin was too close, he hardly beat him. Downwind.

Griffin used the double-gun fighting technique to its extreme, and barely repelled Chen Feng a few steps to take a slight advantage, but he quickly retreated from Chen Feng and flew to the beam group on the other side, first using the double-guns to shoot. Then burst into the frenzy to destroy the beam group.

It turned out that Chen Feng had been using half of the weapons to build the prototype of the beam cage nearby, resulting in fewer weapons around him, which made Griffin easier to approach him, but if the beam cage appeared successfully, the battle scale would be biased towards him. .

Of course, Griffin is not willing to let the beam cage take shape and then surround him. Even if he gets a certain position, he must give up Chen Feng and destroy the prototype of the beam cage first. Otherwise, he will be caught between Chen Feng and the beam cage, and he will become a failure instead.

Seeing that the prototype of the beam cage was destroyed, Chen Feng sighed lightly. Griffin's reaction was shocking. The choice was correct. There was really no flaw left to him. How could such an invulnerable enemy be defeated? It was a big problem. what!

After Griffin destroyed the beam group, he stepped on a beam of light passing by him, using the reaction force to rush towards Chen Feng, Chen Feng cheered up and attacked, the two sides were entangled again, the sound of impact and The explosion sound continued.

The mood of Hong Bin, who was watching the game from the side, kept fluctuating. He watched Chen Feng being suppressed and fleeing continuously, sometimes turning back to fight back, and sometimes forcing Griffin to defend with all his strength, and his nervous palms came out. Sweat coming.

Chen Feng's current strength is actually so strong that he can stand up against Griffin temporarily. Hongshuibin thinks that it is impossible to do it: "Chen Feng is really strong now, but it will be even more dangerous if he misses. You have to be very careful."

In the most fierce and high-end battle, once the opponent hits the key, it will turn into a one-sided massacre. Chen Feng can't stop Griffin's full shot, so Hongbin must always be prepared to take action to prevent this. It happened.

As the person involved in the fierce battle with Griffin, Chen Fengs pressure is much greater than that of Hong Bin. His clothes are all soaked, and his body is still sweating. It is precisely because of his high concentration that his body is warm. rise rapidly.

The temperature of the air conditioner in the cockpit was lowered several times, but it still couldnt help Chen Feng to lower the temperature. Just when the smart computer continued to adjust the temperature downwards, Chen Feng called it: "Wait! Dont lower the temperature anymore. , Just stay here!"

"Your body temperature is still rising, and it will cause problems for a long time." The smart computer does not understand Chen Feng's approach, because according to its calculations, the longer Chen Feng is in the current temperature, the longer it will bring more to the body. Big damage.

"I know, but now I can't lower the temperature anymore!" Chen Feng of course knows that this is not good, but he has no choice. "The temperature is too low and it will affect my thinking. I can't be disturbed now! I don't want to lose. Gun god'!"

Without a lower air-conditioning temperature to help cool the body, Chen Feng felt that he was about to burn. Every second of the battle was tormenting him. The advantage is that he can maximize his strength. For the time being, there is no need to think about what to do if he fails. .

Griffin spoke highly of Chen Fengs persistence: The intense fighting will put you under pressure far beyond the ability of your body. Now your body temperature is already very high, but I didnt see your actions. If there are signs of sluggishness, did you deliberately control the air conditioner to prevent it from lowering the temperature? This approach wont keep you going for long."

"Then stick to it! This is the first time in the true sense that I will fight you alone. I want to know how far I can reach!" Chen Feng didn't want to listen to Griffin's words, and wanted to fight everything else. Can't stop him.

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