Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2699: Tired

Chapter 2699: Tired

It wasn't until there were less than 100 mechas around him that Robertson had a chance to show his strength, because the remaining mechas were not many and all concentrated in one place, he was easier to take care of the side when fighting, and barely played a role.

Pan Yuguo was very calm from beginning to end. He knew very well what his mission was. He had no extra ideas other than restricting Robertson. It was not important to just ask Robertson to have no time for him to take care of other things.

Pan Yuguo perfectly completed the task assigned by Commander Ma. Robertson was unable to contribute to his troops from the beginning of the battle. He barely played it until the end of the battle, but it did not help the outcome of the battle.

But it cannot be said that Robertsons persistence is meaningless, because he still protected the last batch of pilots for the Saint Gama Empire. The pilots who have experienced this hard fight will definitely become very different when they return. They will become the future battlers. The main staff.

Griffin hurried to Robson, Pan Yuguo consciously stopped and left. He knew he was far from Griffin's opponent. Instead of staying and suffering a blow, he might as well get out early and wait for the next opportunity.

"Don't fall in love with war, hurry up while you can go now, don't increase casualties anymore." Griffin directly asked Robertson to lead his team to leave after they arrived. What they have to consider now is how to get out, rather than sacrifice for the meteorite to stay in vain.

"But we have lost so much energy, should we finally hand over the meteorite..." Robertson was not very willing, he felt that he had already lost so much, he should take the meteorite back, otherwise the previous loss It was all in vain.

Griffin knew that Robertson felt uncomfortable, but it was not the time to be willful. He finally got rid of Chen Feng and Hongshuibin. If he didn't evacuate, he would have no way of retreating if blocked by these two people.

Roberson still respects Griffin very much. After being yelled by Griffin, he immediately corrected his attitude and no longer had unrealistic illusions: "Okay, I will take them away. Do you want to go together?"

"No, you go first and I will come to the queen!" Griffin waved to let Robertson go quickly, he must stay on guard.

After correcting his thoughts, Robertson acted very quickly. With a wave of his left hand, he called the pilots around him to go with him: "You all follow closely, don't worry about the meteorite, what we have to do now is to fight back to the other side alive!"

There is hope that no one wants to die. All the mechas that were still fighting for the meteorite just came to Robertson and rushed out with him. Griffin turned and blocked behind them, shocking the Quran God Republic who wanted to catch up. engineer.

In front of him is the worlds strongest God of War. The pilots of the Gulan God Republic retreat. Anyone who is not a brainless person knows that he is definitely not Griffins opponent. Rushing up will not only have no effect, but will become the opponent. Undead under the gun.

"Don't be impulsive, don't chase rashly!" Fu Yuntian has always been very clear about the battle. Regardless of his indomitable performance just now, he will definitely not attack indiscriminately when he should not take a shot at this moment.

Although the opponent has been defeated by many mechas, the rest still possesses the power of World War I. Griffin and Robertson are also super-powerful people, while the Quran God Republic only has Chen Feng, Hongbin, Pan Yu Guoneng and In their first battle, if Fu Yuntian led the team to rush forward, he would be beaten back with disgraced faces.

Fu Yuntian controlled the actions of his pilots in time, while Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin generously blocked the enemy's way of retreat. Who made them strong and didn't worry about the impact of the other party.

Looking at the two people who came out in front of the road, Robertson had no confidence at all. He was not a person without self-knowledge. He knew exactly what the result would be when fighting with these two people, but he promised Griffin to lead the team away and not behave. He was too embarrassed, so he had to stand up and raise his guns at the two people: "Being a human and staying a line, you will see each other in the future. You have already won, do you have to kill them all? We really want to fight we are not vegetarian!"

Roberson knew that he could not win. If Chen Feng and Hung Hung Bin fight over, he and the surrounding mechas will not escape, but he doesnt care if he can win. In a real fight, he will lead his friendly forces to fight the two men desperately, and then let him Griffin behind came to kill them to avenge himself.

Chen Feng and Hong Hung Bin didnt want to fight the enemy in front of them. They just came here to intercept them symbolically, because Commander Ma gave them a new order, asking them to cooperate with the troops on the other side to cause more damage, but make sure that I will not encounter danger.

Because Robertson assisted in the evacuation of the remaining mechas, it was impossible for the two to rush into the enemy's formation to ask for trouble. The other side would definitely launch an offensive desperately after knowing that they could not escape. They were not sure that they could win the battle unscathed.

Griffins deterrence forces everyone in the Qur'an God Republic to be cautious. Once Chen Feng or Hongshuibin fails to support, Griffin will definitely not miss the opportunity. Commander Ma does not want to see that his side has the most The prospective pilot encountered danger, and he especially reminded him first.

Chen Feng and Hong Hung Bin did not intend to move forward, so they stopped the other side's return route and carried out a long-range attack. The beam rifle, floating cannon, and beam cannon went into battle together, which still caused a lot of trouble to Robertson and his party, and lost again. A batch of mechas.

The road back was extremely difficult, and Roberson had to be at the forefront. The pilots beside him could not hold the attack of the two opposing people at all. This made Roberson extremely busy and had to wield the long spear and the beam of the incoming light. Destroy to help them.

However, it is impossible for Robertson to keep dripping water. Chen Feng's floating guns can be fired from various other directions. Roberson could not take care of the front but not the rear, and many mechas could not bear the blow and were knocked to the ground.

As for Hongbins beam cannon, Robertson is even more helpless. Even he himself has to retreat from the attack. How dare he stop it. Every time he is the first one to avoid and then remind other pilots to dodge together, the formation is invisible again. Disrupted, the retreat process was very unsuccessful.

Griffin stunned all the enemies who wanted to pursue, but when he looked back, he found that Robertson could not lead his troops away. They were so stricken by Chen Feng and Hongshuibin that they didn't leave as far as he imagined. The difference is huge.

It seems that there is no hope of leaving these mechas without themselves, Griffin shook his head very tired, it was really difficult.

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