Meeting A Demonic Cultivator, Even God Cries

Chapter 108: Isn’t it good to live well?

Chapter 108: Isn’t it good to live well?

Gu Ge, do you suspect the deceaseds wife He Yunyun? Fang Zhi furrowed his eyebrows, a trace of shock flashing through his eyes. He hesitated for a moment before he said, But weve already investigated He Yunyuns bank account and there was no problem.

Its only a guess. Lets let Liao Shuang use Liao Juns identity to take us back to his and He Yununs home first. Maybe well find something, Gu Xizhou said as he nodded his head slightly, Yan Lichuns transfer needs to be followed up on. If we cant find clues at He Yunyuns, we can only monitor their bank accounts.

Okay, got it, Feng Zhi said, nodding.

Gu Xizhou started the car and went straight to the police station where Liao Shuang was currently being detained. When Liao Shuang saw Gu Xizhou returned so soon, he tensed, following his movements closely through the bars.

Was it him? Liao Shuang asked after a while.

Gu Xizhou didnt directly tell Liao Shuang what had happened, We still need to investigate. Oh right, after the accident did you go back to your Ges house?

Hearing Gu Xizhous question, Liao Shuang shook his head, No, I didnt go back. I went straight back to my parents home to be with them.

Do you have the key to your Ges house on you? Gu Xizhou asked.

I have it.

Good, take us to your Ges house, Gu Xizhou said straightforwardly.

At this, Liao Shuang looked shocked. He didnt say much and nodded.

Gu Xizhou and Fang Zhi took Liao Shuang to Liao Juns home. At this time it was already eight in the evening and there was a light on in Liao Juns home.

With practiced motions, Liao Shuang went up stairs and took a key from his pocket opening the door.

Whos there?

Hearing the sound of the door opening, He Yunyun hurried out. When she saw who it was, she breathed out a sigh of relief. So its you. You scared me.

At the moment, Liao Shuang wasnt handcuffed. Following Gu Xizhous plan to have him pretend to be Liao Jun he said, Its the two officers who asked me to come over. They think the hitman might have gotten the wrong person. Originally they wanted to kill me, but they werent careful and got my Didi, so they wanted to come here to see if there were any clues.

He Yunyun nodded slightly and said, Oh, but what clues could you possibly look for here nevermind. Look around as you like, Ill continue tidying up.

Liao Juns home was a high end apartment that should be for the convenience of working. Instead of choosing a Villa in the suburbs they chose a high end apartment in an urban area. Almost all homes used SmartHome, and it was clear that the couple knew how to enjoy it.

The kitchen trash was filled with plastic take-out boxes. Apparently He Yunyun had take-out today. It didnt seem like anything important, and Gu Xizhou didnt expect to find any evidence in the kitchen.

In the master bedroom there was a laptop and Gu Xizhou asked, Whos laptop is this?

Liao Shuang glanced at He Yunyun who was tidying up and said, Its mine.

Gu Xizhou asked, Can I open it?

You can, but theres a password.

Liao Shaung said in his heart: What am I gonna say, no? What a waste of time.

At this time He Yunyun came over and furrowed her brows saying, Why do you care about this computer, its for the office.

Were sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so were going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Can a regular person tell the difference between twins?

When Liao Shuang saw this search record, his heart began to pound. He seemed to realize something and subconsciously glanced towards Gu Xizhou and Fang Zhi.

He quickly explained to Gu Xizhou and Fang Zhi, This really isnt my search! It really wasnt me!

Off to the side, He Yunyun saw this search record, her expression becoming rather strange as she opened her mouth to speak, Youre the only one that knows the password to this computer

Liao Shuang felt there was nothing he could say to argue. He was so anxious that he was on the verge of tears. Its really not mine! Please believe me!

At that moment He Yunyun walked up to Gu Xizhou glancing at Liao Shuang who was currently defending himself warily. Officer, I have something to tell you!

What is it?

He Yunyun didnt respond right away. She pulled Gu Xizhou to a corner of the room and lowered her voice, Remember when I told you that my husband and I were talking about getting a divorce?

Gu Xizhou nodded, his nerves stretched thin. He figured that He Yunyun should have realized something was wrong while they were discussing the details of the divorce.

When Liao Shuang had his accident a few days ago, Liao Jun and I still hadnt finalized the divorce. When we were breaking up the assets, I discovered that Lao Liao seemed a little unclear about our assets. Everytime I said something to him, he was in a daze. In addition to that, he didnt know what we had invested in. Obviously there were some properties that had already been sold off, but he didnt seem to know about it

As I asked those questions, I- I had an unexpected thought: what if this Liao Jun is fake? Hes probably Liao Shaung, ba? Is the one who died then the real Liao Jun? He Yunyun spoke with a deathly pale complexion, biting her lip as a shiver raced up her spine, seemingly very afraid.

Gu Xizhou pretended to be astonished, lowering his voice to ask, Then why do you think he was killed?

He Yunyun said heavily, Maybe for his money?

Over the years after my husband and I had made some money we started to invest. Under his name he has about 40 million yuanworth of assets and under my name I had an additional 10 millionin real estate. Together we had 50 million or more in assets. We were still breaking up the assets when he died, and the two brothers had a very good relationship so I think it might be like this

Liao Shuang had been listening to Gu Xizhou and He Yunyuns conversation the whole time and spoke up anxiously, Saozi, I admit it, Im Liao Shuang, but I didnt commit murder! This isnt my search! Its not mine!

Hearing this He Yunyun looked at Liao Shuang blankly, What did you say? Youre- youre really Liao Shuang?

But only Lao Liao knows the passcode to this laptop. How do you know it? How can you pretend to be him? No, ah that day you and I talked about the details of the divorce

He Yunyuns face paled, as if shed been bewitched. She couldnt clear her head and shook it hard.

Gu Xizhou asked He Yunyun to come to the police station to make a testimony. He Yunyun directly agreed to Gu Xizhous request bringing along Liao Shuang who kept explaining himself incessantly.

Gu Xizhou asked Fang Zhi to put the laptop in an evidence bag and bring it back to the station. Fang Zhi sat in the back quieting down the incessantly complaining Liao Shuang while He Yunyun sat in the passengers seat.

Gu Xizhou had started the car when he suddenly slammed on the brakes. He Yunyun looked at him strangely and asked, Arent we going to the police station? Why did you stop?

Why didnt you tell us your guess before? Gu Xizhou asked seemingly thoughtlessly.

Ah? He Yunyun said in surprise before she continued, At the time I didnt think much of it. It only crossed my mind when Lao Liao forgot his families assets and today when I saw the search history. I didnt expect that hed admit it right away.


He Yunyun urged him, Lets go then, ba.

Its not urgent. I want to know whos been following me.

What? He Yunyun looked shocked.

Theres a taxi behind us. Its been following us since we left the police station, Gu Xizhou said.


Tension in the car was high. He Yunyun and Liao Shuang both tensed at the same time and showed frightened expressions. The cause of the alarm however was different.

Gu Xizhou pushed open the door of the car directly and locked the door before heading straight for the taxi, blocking its path. Inside the taxi sat a man dressed in dark clothes, a black cap, and a mask. This person was dressed exactly like the person in the security footage.

Whats the matter? The man in the taxi lowered his voice.

Why are you following me?

Realizing hed been exposed, the man in the taxi looked up at Gu Xizhou, only his eyes exposed and for a second he subconsciously tried to evade him, I wasnt following you, who even are you, ah? I dont know you!

However he didnt expect the man in front of him to pull him right out of the car and handcuff him.

What are you doing? Can the police just arrest anyone on a whim?

Gu Xizhou looked him in the eyes and said, I dont think I ever told you I was a police officer, ba? How did you know?

I- I The man realized hed said something wrong and stared at him blankly, his face turning pale.

At this time Gu Xizhou took out his phone and called the other officers for back up. Smoothly taking He Yunyun, Liao Shuang and the strange man into the police station.

Jin Luo Police Station

Gu Xizhou walked inside the interogation room watching the suspected murder intently and said, Speak, ba. Why were you following me?

I already said, I was just passing through. I wasnt following you! The man explained emphatically.

Gu Xizhou put down the taxi drivers transcript in front of the man, I think you dont see the coffin and that you dont shed tears. The taxi driver told me that you told them to follow my car.

With no other option the man said, Fine, ba, I admit it. I was following you.

Why? Gu Xizhou asked.

Cant I follow you because youre handsome? Suddenly the man placed both of his hands on the table, leaning in towards Gu Xizhous face. If Gu Xizhou hadnt reacted in time, he would have kissed him!

You! You fucking

Gu Xizhou had plenty of experience with heavy rain, but hed never encountered such a guy before. If it werent for the cameras in the interrogation room he really would have beaten this bastard to death.

Officer, you swore, the man smiled sweetly.

Gu Xizhou didnt say much. He just asked one of his officers directly to investigate the mans ID card and confirm that it was false. When Gu Xizhou reentered the interrogation room he looked at the man who was relaxing with his eyes closed.

The man saw Gu Xizhou and shouted, Little Officer, you came back? Youre not afraid of this rogue?

Dont talk nonsense with me. Your ID card is fake. Needless to say, your identity has been called into question. What ordinary person would carry a fake ID on them? Gu Xizhou said, raising his eyebrows, Your DNA is being tested, so long as youve committed a crime before, we can verify your identity immediately.

The man heard what Gu Xizhou said and was all smiles as he spoke, How can you be so sure that Ive committed a crime before? What if I dont have a criminal record?

Because you seem like youre no good.

Just because of this?

Is that not enough? Dont worry, if you dont want to admit it, we can wait until your DNA test comes out. Then youll have to answer.

The man fell silent for a moment before saying dejectedly, Okay, ba, you dont have to check. I do indeed have a homicide on my record.

You killed Liao Jun? Gu Xizhou immediately pursued the matter.

The man generously admitted, Right, only my original target was his Didi Liao Shuang. This woman really is ill, shed kill her husband and her little Shuzi.

Why did you show up again after the murder? Gu Xizhou asked.

My employer told me because I got the wrong person, she wouldnt pay my fee until three years later. I wanted to find a chance to kill Liao Shuang and demand payment.

Who is your employer?

The very same woman you brought into the police station today, The man said resolutely, concealing nothing, Its all her fault for not giving me the money. If she wasnt going to wait three years I wouldnt have been caught!

After interogating the murderer Zheng Yuan, Gu Xizhou went to see He Yunyun saying, The murderer has already confessed. You dont need to hold out. Just confess, ba.

He Yunyun stared at Gu Xizhou, watching him intently for a moment before she suddenly began to cry, wiping away her tears with her hand as if admitting defeat. In a shaky voice she said, I made thousands of calculations, but I never expected he would be caught.

After He Yunyun admitted to hiring a hitman, Gu Xizhou asked her for a few details, Im certain that you wanted to kill Liao Jun, so why did you ask Zheng Yuan to kill Liao Shuang? How did you ensure that they wouldnt switch on that day?

He Yunyun fell silent for a moment, The day before we discussed our divorce we were both at home. I deliberately left my phone out when I went to take a shower to let Liao Jun see the contents of my purchase of the hitman. At that time I had told the hitman I wanted him to kill my husband.

Gu Xizhou raised an eyebrow. In his heart he wondered why Liao Jun didnt call the police. He Yunyun gave him a reasonable explanation.

Actually at the time we were in the middle of an argument over property division. He actually didnt want to get divorced, but it wasnt because he loved me, it was because he hated to part with his money. To tell you the truth, over the years Ive been with him, he really did make more money than me. Not only that, but he had a good foresight when it came to investments. In our household, he brought in the most money. Naturally he didnt want to give it to me.

When he saw the message, he didnt call the police. As I guessed, he asked his Didi to change places with him in the divorce agreement. After that I notified the murder to change the target to Liao Shuang.

During the divorce I deliberately asked him questions about our assets. As expected he really did replace his Gege and I waited for the police investigation. According to my calculations Ill explain my reasoning to you later, Liao Shuang would be the one suspected.

But I didnt expect to be defeated by Xiao He. This hitman really is too stupid. My request to pay him in three years was only an excuse. I was worried that the police would notice the transfer of funds. I wanted to wait three years for everything to settle down before I paid him.

Gu Xizhou continued to ask, What is with the computer search? Weve already tested for fingerprints, and yours arent on it. Only Liao Shuang and Liao Juns. You shouldnt know the computers passcode.

Recently when Liao Jun came home from work I intentionally expressed doubt in front of him. Worried, he secretly researched it. I had installed a camera in the flower pot next to him, so I knew Actually, I had previously installed lots of cameras around the house, but the two of them never found any of them

Gu Xizhou fell silent before asking, When did you figure out that they were trading places?

They thought they were seamless. I really couldnt tell them apart, but their parents could. At first I merely felt something was off. Later I caught sight of Liao Shuang playing Mahjong on his tablet. Not only did I know Liao Jun didnt know how to play this, I also knew he had no interest in it and I began to doubt him at once.

Gu Xizhou raised his eyebrows, There must be something else that led you to this conclusion.

Hearing this, He Yunyuns face paled and she hesitated for a moment before saying, Married couples always have to live a married life, ba? One time I deliberately scratched one of their backs up a little, but there was not one trace of them on the person who came the next day In fact, they arent flawless. So long as there is a seed of doubt, you can quickly follow the vine to get the melon.

They thought they were so smart fooling all those people, so I immediately thought to play with them as well. Actually, if Liao Jun hadnt traded places with Liao Shuang he probably wouldnt have died. He was too greedy. He thought I would kill his Didi and then he could report me to the police.

Gu Xizhou fell silent. This Liao Jun really dug his own grave and He Yunyun could be considered as putting the final nail in the coffin. These two brothers thought they were seamless, but in reality they had already long since been seen through. Not only did their opponent see through them, but she also thought up a plan to kill two birds with one stone!

If it werent for this pig Zheng Yuan, He Yunyun could have gotten most of his marital property without retribution.

As Gu Xizhou thought, his scalp suddenly went numb.

After marriage a man shouldnt cheat and be good, okay?

Dont you know a woman is Sherlock Holmes?

The author has something to say: Good night~~ The next chapter is the new mission world~

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